Ask a licensed therapist anything

Ask a licensed therapist anything

How often do you think about railing your female patients?

Where are you located and can I have like a months free session?

I want a gf that is blond, thin, and white because I want to dress her up as SPider-Gwen so I can fuck her.

Is this normal?

I also want to rape Emma Stone and force her to dress as spider-gwen

There's always the urge, I see some attractive women, but I could lose my license. I've had women come onto me before though, it's normal.

Do you ever give blunt advice to a patient that could get you in trouble if it got out, but genuinely came from a place of helping them? do tell

is it hard to pass the eppp exam?

California, if you have a job with good medical they should cover the costs of therapy if you really need it.

What's the most difficult question from a client you've had to answer?

Can you help or guide someone to figure out things they would like to pursue

What are some strategies to overcome laziness and self pity

why the fuck are you here

Is your boner purple?

Are you a doctor or just a psychologist?

Hey doc. How do I ego death without psychedelics.

Which is a better flavor?
Semen or poop?

what school of psychotherapy reigns supreme in the academic field? Foucault?

Thoughts on America's general mental-health?

I like to shave my asshole?

Hey doc, I have generalized anxiety, schitzotypal personality disorder, panic attacks, ibs, diabetes, and manic depressive. Any suggestions? Yes I'm serious. (Also: Can I get on disability?)

You always have to be careful with your words because people in therapy usually are in a vulnerable spot and take everything you say like the word of God. In saying that I don't always have an answer immediately so I try to give vague but inspirational words of wisdom.
It is difficult but I love what I do and I put in the work to get me here. Passion is the #1 motivator.

Hey OP, How hard is it to get a dope prescription?

A girl I know said she's greedy andna shitty person. Shes a compulsive liar. She told me she loved me and slept with her boss. Is this something therapy can help with?

What is your job?

Do cats like anal?

wut percent of women fuck dogs

Fry cook

Well clients come in with all their baggage so I have to deal with a lot of hard questions. But I'd say dealing with suicides in the family or with friends are my most difficult.
You're not going to fix everything in a day. Take baby steps into bettering your self and always have a goal in mind. And in the words of Shia Labeouf, "JUST DO IT".

How do I get tested for a personality disorder?

Fellow future therapist here, how long did it take you to finish your degree and start your practice?

I think about killing myself several times a day and I've been fixated on a nuclear Armageddon that's been leaving me very depressed and unable to leave my house. i drink roughly a bottle to a bottle and a half of whiskey a night to sleep through the night, if i don't I have nightmares about the bombs dropping and can't sleep for days at a time.If I don't seek treatment what are the odds that it'll just work out?

This may sound sarcastic, I honestly can tell, but this is an honest question - I'm kind of scared of myself.

Not OP. But probably, depending on where you live it's probably only 500 a month and you can't work.

is there any difference between self diagnosis and a real one considering most of the job is guess work

General boredom, I get on Sup Forums every once in a while and decided to start a thread.
Psychologist, I graduated with a PsyD
There are many great psychotherapy schools, it just depends on you really. America's mental health in general is poor to say the least. We are going down a narcissistic path that doesn't seem to be slowing down. As for actual mental health huge rates of anxiety and depression (most of what I deal with)

Which odds? Odds you won't kill yourself? Odds you'll get better? Answer to both is the odds aren't good enough, go get help.

What traits do successful people carry?

Why do you log onto Sup Forums?

Should I get this extra tooth looked at?


What percent of your patients do you perscribe any drug for?

Not that user, but JUST DO IT was my therapist's advice and it was piss-poor. That doesn't close the gap between thought and action. I WANT to do stuff, but I self-sabotage. Like right now I want to sleep, but I can't. How do I go from doing fuck-all into the doing shit mindset? It's like there's steps to it that normal people don't see that i get stuck doing.

same dude: does homosexuality seem linked with narcissism in any way? As in do any homosexual patients display signs of narcissistic personality disorder?

why do I hate myself and want to die?

how do the rapists get licensed?

I would suggest a psychiatrist along with a therapist. If you're serious you need to see someone, that is not healthy.
Therapy would be a great help for you. Look into psychotherapy (talk therapy) could be very beneficial for you.

Indiana and I haven't completed 60 days yet so no benefits yet. Though I do feel the need to get shit off my chest.

I went to jail for wanting to do some pedo shit with her when she was 12.
Living with her now, any advice?
What can I do to earn her trust or have a better relationship in general?
Things are slowly improving.

>perscribe drugs

Are you an idiot?

im quite good at breaking down situations and emotions and rationalising it so that it doesnt affect me for too long.
but my whole life is a web of intricate and minute lies that i cant help but keep up, to the point that i would be wasting my money telling the therapist this absolute bullshit life that is a little more 'based on true story' type deal.

Licensed therapy huh? Should we massagers of physical tools of physical therapy required to be made by licensed therapists?

This license sounds like capitalized fee (corporate or government) to make something seems official or professional compared to people who could do the same thing if a business makes a profit in doing so. So long as the patient feels it's cathartic for them, then customer satisfied.

Just look at rehab centers and psychological foolproof they are at getting addicts off their addiction. It's entirely premised on the idea of getting the consumer/patient (same thing) into believing it works so they stop doing it, no real psychological evidence is needed so long as people believe it works.

have you ever fucked one of your patients? or wanted to fuck one of your patients?

how fucked is your most fucked up patient? whats the nastiest thing you've heard from one of your patients?

Are you the user with the epic greentext

Mad man a great show


My bachelors took a while to complete 6 years, switching schools, majors etc. My masters took me 2 years to complete and I finally opened up my practice 3 years after that.
This is very serious, I don't want to diagnose over the internet but that shows signs of some paranoid schizophrenia. Seek help as soon as possible.
It is "guess" work but they are very educated and thought out. We also follow the DSM so its not just random.
One trait that goes far in a person is social intelligence. After a day of dealing with clients I like to log into Sup Forums to unwind a bit I guess. If its a wisdom tooth go get that yanked out, those can hurt!

why do I become so depressed everytime my birthday comes closer?

and why do I always get so fucking mad/depressed when I see girls I'm attracted to?
I don't even fap anymore because of that

thank you based therapist

it doesn't seem random it just seems like if you check enough boxes you get the diagnosis

have done it with
>adult ADHD

How do I break from a child porn addiction

you kill yourself,scientifically proven

Stop watching it

Therapists aren't allowed to prescribe drugs except for in a select few states.
It is very cliche but its a mindset you have to get in to. You have to realize that you're the only one who has the power to change yourself and living in a vicious cycle is not only unhealthy mentally but detrimental to your future self. Think about future you and take it one step at a time. Its a process not a magical cure, its up to you to decide if you want to change your life.
Reach out to loved ones, write in a journal, type up your thoughts and feelings in a word document. But reaching out to family and close friends would be best.

That doesn't break the addition, silly.
He's just a ghost pedo. And, he can spy on lolis in states of undress. Not good.

Oh I meant for her. Shes kinda out there. Schizophrenia effective I think it was depression, anxiety. Also she's dying.

is there any other drug like olanzapine that doesnt make you sleepy ?
I stopped taking this shit because I had to sleep for over 11 hours a day.
But now I'm seeing stuff again :(

I have apprehension and fear of making choices. Indecision is a big issue I have. Why? Any idea on how to fix? Help?

Very illegal, I could lose my license. Although patients have come on to me, mostly through transference though. Not heard but once went to a prison during school and saw a bigger man furiously masturbating with knuckle deep in his ass. Safe to say thats stuck in my head forever.

So I called a therapists office at like 3 in the morning expecting just to leave a voice mail with my name and number and to my surprise a lady actually answered.
IT was her cell phone number I told her sorry and that I'd call back in the morning.
I get a call from her assistant in the morning and I told her I wanted to schedule a first time appointment.

>She asked what was wrong with me
I told her I'm not majorly depressed or anything I just want to talk to a therapist in general.

>She hung up on me
>tru fax

So what the fuck op? This is a real story, did I really piss off this office so much by telling them I just wanted to talk to the actual therapist about my problems and not the receptionist?

>be OP
>give shitty vague advice
>type with one finger
>skip user's questions
nice thread

Why are all the sick fucks on the website into Shota and loli?
Are u one of those sick fucks?

why see a therapist?
I mean I'm pretty much ok/functional.
is there a point in seeing a therapist, for my existential (unsolvable) problems? Not for their results, alcoholism for example. For that I can go to the AAs, fuck that. Can a therapist calm my head? (note that I probably dont feel like "calming" down)

Do you think a 30 yo Jon Coltrane could knock out a 30 yo Miles Davis? Asking for a friend.

Well you could associate birthday with a lot of things. From a psychoanalytical point of view, someone could have died on your birthday or some traumatic event happened. You tell me? It might be through rejection and you have become desensitized to the thought of women causing you anger and depression.
A lot of depression and anxiety is due to external problems not internal. As far as adhd that is a checkbox diagnosis.
You have to realize the wrongness and the consequence of child porn. It is a very unhealthy problem that could mentally mess with you with your Id and Ego constantly fighting each other.

There could be a lot of underlying causes for that. I can't really say from a sentence about her. But she might be feeling like this is her last hoorah? Has she always been like this?
I don't deal with drugs. I would ask your psychiatrist about that.
Anxiety is the first thing that comes to mind. Fear of making the right decision can be a stressful situation especially depending on the circumstances. My advice would be to take a breath and think rationally by being true to yourself.

I was smoking 3-4 times/week, but someone told my mom that, so I can't smoke now because she's going to buy tests. I'm 17. And I'm asking, what am I supposed to do? Weed was the reason of my life. Without weed I would already kill myself. Now without smoking, I want end my life, but what should I say my mom? Something like "I can't live without weed" and she will remember me like some junkie who killed himself because of drugs.

Shes been sickly since she was 15. Was told drinking woukd kill her sooner. Before that she was raped. Then lied to by someone she liked in order to have sex. I guess now she likes hurting people because it happened to her. Now she wants to go with her boss even and party followed by rehab. Maybe she wants one last hurrah. But is rehab going to help with her being a shitty person?

I'm in California, would Kaiser cover it? Please, Sup Forums has desensitized me so much. Need to speak

Get someone to pee for you.
I used to help faggots on probation. They would sneak in shit like toothpaste tubes filled with my pee into the testing place.

This is common practice, this is a preliminary screening to see if we are the best fit for you. As far as the hanging up on you that is very unprofessional and I would follow up with the office about that.
Sorry user, its late and Im trying my best to keep up with the questions. What is yours?
There is no one answer but it could be innocence, size, feeling of power over someone smaller? And no.
Weed was a major proponent in my life, until I realized what it actually does to you. Yes, at the moment it is a nice stress reliever or social aspect with friends but smoking with the purpose of getting away from problems is a major red flag. Find what makes you happy without weed because in the long run you'll be happier (and richer).

Hey Im this guy again
I understand that it's common practice but how the fuck is it okay to hang up on me because I say I'm not majorly depressed I just want to see a therapist?

It honestly drives me even furthur away from the idea which I wasn't so okay with in the first place. I did therapy as a kid but it didn't help anything, I just told them my parents gave favortism to my older brother who would routinely beat the shit out of me, shoot me with BB guns and all that jazz. Nothing ever changed in my life, it even created tension when my mother said I was lying to the therapist.

She has definitely been wronged in a lot of ways and she might have feelings of anger towards the world which would make sense. Rehab might help with a drug problem but she needs to talk to a professional and see what her needs really are. Your job user is to get her to a place where she will accept this help but that might be hard considering her current situation.
Kaiser has facilities of their own that you can look into. But be sure to get an appointment with a therapist not a psychiatrist. Also, if Sup Forums is that much of a problem for you then I would suggest to "ween" off Sup Forums and resist the temptation to get on.

It is not okay. I don't know why the receptionist would do that but I would try and call in the daytime. Your story is definitely in line to see a therapist and I would advise you to see one because thats some heavy baggage that would feel good to get off your chest.

She will be seeing a psychiatrist in a month. Whether or not she tells that person everything she's done is up to her I suppose. Then rehab in January because she feels like drugs and drinking have caused stuff that should not have happened that, she later apologized to me for, happen. She Said's she loves me she cares about me and that after rehab she plans to give her and me another try since " will be a different person" . . Before anything else thank you.

>You tell me?
nah, it's more the fact that I hope that my birthday will be different this year but I know it will end up with me lurking and drinking alone until I pass out like every year.

>It might be through rejection
that's the weird part, I've never been rejected.
I just stopped approaching grills but instead I'm ignoring them and if they talk to me(what happens rarely) I'm reacting passive aggressive for some reason.

Well thats encouraging that she is self aware of a problem and she's willing to receive help, thats the first step. You are very strong to be dealing with this user, this is a tough place you're in but you seem to hold yourself well. Just be there for her and have patience. Don't be discouraged also if things don't go to "plan" per say. She is in a very rough patch and nothing is guaranteed. You're welcome user, Im glad I could help.

But what do I do bout those toss salads and scrambled eggs?

Do you actually care for your patients

I have everything I want in life, but I just feel kinda empty. What do OP?

Birthdays and holidays are usually tough for people because its a time for celebrating and being with family/friends. If you really want to change your view on your birthday, plan ahead for an outing with friends or family. Theres no shame in setting up your own party, make the difference in your birthday.

With your girl situation maybe you're looking for something more now? You've had it easy when it comes to girls, maybe you're looking to settle down with a gf/wife whichever.

Meh, I'm fine but if I went I wouldn't even know where to begin

This helps me feel better. I was so frustrated and angry. When she said she wanted to date her boss and had sex with him all the while saying she loved and missed me. It hurt. But I guess with therapy she ll realise she may have a skewed view of what she was doing and what she actually was doing. And hopefully with an psychiatrist, shell be better. For now I just have to sit back and wait for her last hurrah to end. Get it out of her system according to her and be there when she gets help.

Of course, it comes from a long history of me never having someone to talk to and being the person everyone goes to. It's as therapeutic for me as it is for my clients and I love what I do.

Well user give me a readers digest of your emptiness.

Well don't force yourself into a situation if you are not comfortable. But I would find someone to talk to (friend, family) regardless, from a therapeutic standpoint.

Do you think you actually help your patients?

Do you actually care?

I ask because I know I need to go to a shrink, but those are my main concerns.

The thing is that she might not even realize what she is doing is morally right or wrong. She seems very lost and I hope with the right help she can pursue a healthier way of thinking.

Yes I absolutely care for my clients. No one wakes up one day and decides to be a therapist, this comes from a long passion of wanting to help people. You get out of therapy from what you put in, if you withhold information then you probably would say they didn't help at all. Go in with an open mind and realize they are there to help you.

Thank you for replying.

Have a great night/day and take care.

I'll try to trust you on that, hopefully once I get a job I can afford to try to get better :)

I haven't felt this good in a about 3 months. It seems simple enough her moral compass just isn't working right. There's hope for her. And maybe hope for me in all of this with her. I appreciate it. Truly a great service you've done user.

Ok. Which sub-2lb unit has the best power output to weight ratio? A prop engine, or a jet engine?

Her face is fucking weird

have you ever thought about acting or theatre as your true calling

nah, but thanks anyways

I feel emotionally numb
I dont fully feel pleasure
Im really unproductive and lazy
I sometimes hear my name being screamed
I sometimes have delusions like, if i die ill wake up
I see patterns in everything
I see things moving around in my periferal vision
Do i have schizophrenia?

interpret this shit
wtf is wrong with me?
what do?