Does anyone remember his name?

Does anyone remember his name?


something about cucumber sandwiches

Bernie dick, cumsabunch?

El Autismo?

Turd Ferguson

Yes, it's Alan fucking Turing you stupid cunt.


Benedict Cumberbatch

Apparently it's faggot since he likes wearing shit like that.

Andrew James Clutterbuck

Virginia Cunthorpe?

BeanerDick CucumberBatches.

Beanbag Cocoscrotch

It's markiplier the science guy

Benedict Cumonmyback

Bermuda Compensate

Bellhop Carpentry

Yeah, that's Cumberland Bickerbap

His name is "this meme is not funny anymore guy"

John Harrison, I think?

I imagine his mother would be hard-pressed to forget his name


Coodasnootch Flumbergump