Tfw when you realize there are only 11 music notes

>tfw when you realize there are only 11 music notes

Don't you mean 12?

there are 12 notes you retard

12 frets, 13 notes

>tfw you actually realize there are only 6 musical notes

the last note is just a copy of the first note except deeper pitch. That's why it's called a scale, because music loops

How's life in Java?

Nah 12 on that picture is B, not the octave C which would be 13

It doesn't repeat till note 13.
12 in a scale.

C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A, A#/Bb, B

>tfw you realize there are no notes, only sound waves
>music is just a lie invented by your brain to process the wavelength and frequency fluctuations in the air

how does it feel knowing you literally tricked yourself into believing music was real?

so deep

>tfw you realise there are an infinite number of notes
>tfw you realise the only reason we use the notes we use is because someone decided those were the right ones

Everytime time I see one of these a drone song starts in my head.

your brain tricks you into believing everything is real. that's how the brain works.

I wish I hadn't read this post, now I can't un-think this

dis nigga cant count

Isn't it weird though that there's no B# or Fb? How can nothing exist between certain notes?

> tfw you realise there are an infinte number of notes but your brain can't think on more than 11

Fb is E, B# is C. The same interval between B and C is between C and C#.

I mean, we've decided to space things that way for a reason, but it's not like there aren't plenty of other existing pitches between the ones we use in any case

The reason we use twelve notes is because the frequency ratio between C and G is 3:2. This happens all the way round the twelve tones back to C.

God damn you baited me.

Why not 24 though?

They are spaced that way to fit with the A natural minor scale ABCDEFG - tone semitine tone tone semitone tone tone

you should look into microtonal music. notes are just subdivisions. technically you can have as many as you want. im not really sure why 12 is the standard. something to do with the human voice.

It has more to do with the frequency ratios between notes.

C to G is approximately* 2:3. If you apply that same ratio to G you get D, then from D you get A, etc. Eventually you end up back at C after passing through 12 notes.

*If you apply exactly 2:3 each time, the C you end up on at the end will be slightly out of tune with the C you started on, so the ratio used in equal temperament (the name of the tuning system used in most modern music) is slightly adjusted to account for this. Just intonation is another tuning scheme that was used centuries ago which preserves the 2:3 ratio at the expense of only being able to play in certain keys.

Well I program microtonal Sega Genesis chiptune sound compositions on the original hardware using hexadecimal values for pitches which I derive from my produce department spoil numbers on items sold by weight so I don't have that problem.

damn, ringo was one ugly motherfucker.

how does it feel knowing you tricked yourself into believing real was real?

you know when you take a plastic tube and spin it around and it makes all those tones, well our music is based on that

What's the difference between a mote and the same sound at a different pitch?

>not understanding semi-tones


The difference is that they are both different sounds if they have different pitch

>tfw OP's right and you realize F#/Gb doesn't actually exist

12 tone equal temperament you fucking idiots

How Can Music Be Real If Our Notes Aren't Real?

g major btfo


OP must be a drummer

ok nerd let's hear some of it

Meaningless bullshit

explain indian micro-tuning then

I know this is probably a joke but I wanna hear it.