What in the actual fuck. Is she fucking mentally ill...

What in the actual fuck. Is she fucking mentally ill. I didnt think anyone could be any more retarded than trump but jesus christ.

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I bet she does!

US is fucked regardless of who wins. I tend to think Trump would do less damage than hellbeast here, but fuck. God damnit burgers you had the whole primaries to push someone halfway competent up to the nomination and instead you now have a choice between these two clowns.


tbh I think they should just vote for that bear-whatever he was for president

Yeah, she certainly has reason to be extra buttmad about cyber espionage. Muh tax evasion. Muh media collusion. Those were supposed to be secret! :^)

I voted for Bernie, and knew he had no chance. This place is fucked. Hopefully something better will rise from its ashes.

I just wish Canada would take me.

fight the power Sup Forumsrother

Kek, they're just as fucked over there, don't kid yourself you un-American idealist.

Media collision was the DNC not the Clinton campaign

Smokey? I would vote for Smokey. Or Yogi. Not Pooh, too passive.

Fucking tiny cellphone keyboards

gonna write in on the ballot

>USA uses "military response"
>China and Russia: "Ololo here we go again boi"
>USA got annihilated
>Russia: Oh my eastern friend, would you let me take all the murrican stuff?
>China: No, fuck off my goodies!
>Russia and China got annihilated
>Europe annihilated itself
>Australia fired ion hyperspace engines and get off the planet to outer space
>Muslims invaded ruined Russia and occasionally got blown up by auto-defense system
>Niggas and latinos now rule the world!

Funny how if Trump said this you'd be OK with it Fag-P

We're full, fuck off

>God damnit burgers you had the whole primaries to push someone halfway competent up to the nomination

you mean we had the whole primaries to think we had the freedom to elect our president

How is it "retarded" to recognize that cyberattacks are a threat to national security?

So if it turns out that ISIS makes the financial system crash, we SHOULDN'T respond militarily? Am I hearing this right?

Harambe for president!

when did republicans become such pussies. she wants to bomb the mother fuckers that hack us and you guys are afraid or some shit.

fucking fags, go suck trumps cock, let the democrats deal with running the country

Yeah I'm sure she had nothing to do with it.

>hackers release all the shady shit politicians do, especially hillary
>this is a matter of national security somehow

>let the democrats deal with running the country

wow you're 12

I know right? They seemed alright with her foreign policy when we went to war in Iraq.

Booooooo Wendy
Boooo Wendy Testiburger.

Bernie was 2% better than Trump who is 2% better than Shillary.

> So if it turns out that ISIS makes the financial system crash, we SHOULDN'T respond militarily? Am I hearing this right?

Having the last word and belittling their opponents always takes precedence over fighting the actual enemies that the alt-right claims is at our door. Never forget that.


It's just funny because I hear people saying "omg how could anyone vote for trump he's gonna start a nuclear war if he gets elected!!" and then Clinton comes out saying shit like this.

wow faggots everywhere

Trump will be great. I went to the rally a few days ago. Hillary is mentally and physically unfit, not to mention all the corruption and assassinations and inability to go up stairs.

Lots of back titties there.

so btfo

so 12

your a retard

>cyber attacks
>threat to national security

Ok child let me explain to you how interconnected networks work.
The game is who has the best security and best response when an attack is made.
The attack will happen, we are attempting to crack and bypass security settings for pretty much every known country on the planet.
They do the same thing.

It's the new version of The Cold War.
If you seriously believe that we have a right to apply military pressure on another country for doing this to us.
You must also believe we deserve to have every single country in the entire world having nukes aimed at us and ready to fire.

The only way to fight "cyberterrorism" is to turn off the servers.
As long as a single server is left on. Someone can break into it.

>Ok child
sure gramps


so it take it mean "no" you would be a dipshit who would not retaliate if your country were attacked

hypocrite much?

I just wish Canada would take you too, you pinko faggot.

Great argument bro, I hear ad hom is what all the cool kids use instead of arguing against a point.


>ad hom

you're no Debate Team Captain

Jesus Christ you guys.

First off, fuck Hillary. But she's right in this case. And also, "military response" can include non-kinetic warfare. Like hacking their shit back. Cyber attacks are still considered military acts, and I don't think you all understand that

>a point
>durr i'ze glad cyberattacks occur because durr hurr Hitlery durr

pick one

faggots like you should be forced to do that

She will start a war we will not win. I as many other should, will take that opportunity to start cleansing the US of the Jews, Liberals, Niggers and Muslims. They should die along with the country they helped to destroy.

Way to dodge your fallacy, hotrod.

None of this stuff has been cleared with the powers at be at Sup Forums so anons really don't an opinion they can parrot
except that it's Hillary doing this and that's why it's bad

only guy with a clue in this thread. our military isn't just teen rednecks in camo.

You can also use a new network, or a new protocol/encryption regularly, or just disconnect from the network (like the military does).

The real fight isn't to crack networks, its to gain the ability to do so effectively. Quantum computers are the nukes.

your trolls are shit-tier basementlord

What are the hacks going to do on them? Show that Putin does shady shit everyone already knows about?

I think it is hilarious, hope they keep up.

not really because he doesn't have an issue with them. Hillery does because they are about the only countries that haven't donated to her "foundation" or at least not as much as she would like.

The irony is all you have been doing is dodging the original point that putting out hacks from bullshit hillary and other politicians did that were shady as fuck aren't a matter of national security. Meanwhile, if anyone else hosted their own email server with sensitive government information, they have and would be put in jail.

The master troll by calling others a troll while doing nothing to argue a point, calling names and crying that people don't agree with you. Almost sounds like something a child would do, hmmm, where have I heard that accusation before?

Oh look it's this faggot again

do you print that out and shove it up your ass until it's bloody? is that why it's red?


wow what a huge wall of text

after you've been called out as a shitty troll

what a waste

lol, thinking americans have a choice in who runs for president

Taking down their power would be fairly effective.


lol funny how it's obvious voting mattere when some Republican like Bush goes in there and fucks shit up.

lol faggot


wow faggot keeps replying

did you mom tell you to start coming upstairs to use the bathroom from now on?

is that why you're so btfo

Speaking from experience, our country is capable of some crazy shit through non-kinetic warfare

A military action could be a reason for a fucking war and is threatening not only national security, but international security with their heavy weaponry. And every country does that, I mean who got exposed for it? (USA NSA for the dumb niggs)

Sooner or later there is going to be "911" where the financial system gets hit, possibly wiped out.

Surprised it already hasn't happened.

>implying that americans voted for bush

You sound kinda mad bro.

Enough did, actually. Twice.

Honestly, so am I. I'm willing to bet that you're right and it'll happen eventually

How much do you get paid to shill here for hilalry?

You're pretty mad that the people will elect Clinton, actually.

Are you literally retarded?


Hey if the bitch is stupid enough to make statues of Trump with a secret ingredient then you know she is stupid enough to attack the world because of the internet.

>Mentality ill
Yes, it only takes a quick Google to find she locks up like Windows 95.

how was school today, champ?


Does anyone have a source on this?

>hurr durr durr correct the penis durr

nobody fucking "shills" for Clinton here, you faggot fuck.

read moar

says the faggot with a literal 12 year old brain


Woah, they must of included free hot pockets and a sign up bonus of a shit bucket.

Sorry you can't handle basic history and get so easily btfo by facts.

Bush was in office 8 years because the wrong people voted, and you were too big of a pussy dipshit to do your duty.

Don't talk shit on Hillary, and I will treat you with more respect.

Good goym, keep shitposting for hillary.

Bernie literally was ahead in the primaries when the AP declared Hilary won before they counted the ras at of the votes


Its "you're" you elementary school faggot

Found the shill.

you are retarded if you believe that the american public voted bush into office, or indeed have any say at all in the election of the president
might I direct your addled mind to the concept of the electoral college

Youre terrible at your job as shilling, you should be fired.

Sorry that basic facts bother you so much.

Bush won twice because faggots like you were too busy being pussies being above it all.

Everyone already knows the DNC rigged the vote for Hillary. Even the Hillary supporters. But they just sit and say "yeah? So fuckin what? Of course I'm still voting for her!"

oh look some 12 year old summerfag is posting a stale meme

good job skippy

Sounds like you got your history lessons from the sunday garfield.
You got any more nuggets of wisdom?

oh look 12 year olds


your a faggot too