Okay Sup Forums this is ridiculous

Okay Sup Forums this is ridiculous.

I played ranked for the first time and in every placement game i got either 2-3 shit players an afk or a troll. I do okay in the game even though everyone is feeding like the red cross and i manage to get like 3/2 one game we had an enemy katarina that was 9/0 at 11 min and i went 2/6. i lost 8 games through bull shit and won 2 through the hardest carries you can imagine. literally some of my teammates didnt take Masteries or runes because they only just hit lv 30 and had no ip for runes because " they dont help " i got my main yasuo 6 of the games and when i get him i can usually (with a team of non retards get like 250 cs and a positive k/d. How do you escape this hell im downloading dota 2 right now is that any better? its on 5.2 gb and any starter tips would be good.

also post your worst league of legends triggers

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yasuo mains, kys

>yasuo main
just stop right there honey

listen please im actually being serious here what the fuck is wrong with the lol community Sup Forumsro to Sup Forumsro give me advice

he has a lot of outplay potential, i dont build that broken tank yasuo because its its pretty much cheating. look at mid lane yasuo win rates some of th elowest in all of lol.

I legit can't tell if this is bait or not. If it is I'm biting I don't give a fuck.

You're in bronze. You can get out of bronze literally just by split pushing. You don't need a team in bronze, the enemy team is literally just as bad as your team is. You're obviously doing something wrong.

Are you warding?
Are you farming well?
Are you avoiding early game trades vs champions with a strong early game?
Are you doing literally anything other than feeding?

Then you should be able to get out of bronze. Dead serious, if you can't even get into gold let alone platinum without help you should uninstall the game and give up on MOBAs in general.

DOTA isn't going to change this about you at all. It sounds and looks like your decision making skills are fucking trash.

"Oh that vlad might have pool up but he's only half HP and there's no minions near his tower but surely I can dive and kill him while 0/2!"

Have you done anything even remotely similar to that? Then you're probably going to be stuck in bronze until you realize you suck and make an effort to get better.


and im part of the alpha so when i first saw the build i actually gave feedback to riot explaining it was broken and theyre changing it in the next patch. taking away his crit from his ult and ruining just tank yasuo.

i know what my good and bad matchups are and in every ranked game i win my lane or i play safe and never give free kills. i ward the river and local bushes and even the enemy blue so i know where the jungler is. i dont understand how someone can give 9 kills in 11 mins how tf

>incognito Sup Forums
>shitty grammar
>bad at the easiest game ever

This board is for people who are above 18 boi.

Dota is harder and the community is pretty much the same shit so you're fucked either way.

I got to gold by playing jungle. My strategy is to gank every time I get near a lane. If there is not an opportunity, I just attack their lane opponent and put them behind in CS, force them out of lane, or take their sums. Getting a kill is so much easier when opponent doesnt have sums.

incognito bc watching porn in a sec and i usually get my sauce from b.

yeah but did i do something wrong is there like a queue for people rito wants to tilt because having no runes and masteries and playing ranked is just plain trolling.

4 months with no league ;_;
My computer been broken for so long


laning phase doesnt mean shit in bronze. you can feed 0/11 and still win.
Dont blame others and look at your own mistakes, you will only be able to improve those.
Also get objectives and look at the minimap every 5 seconds.

Currently Gold 3 after 3 years of League, was Gold 1, now im hovering. You're being retarded sitting here complainig about your team when I know for a fucking fact that you made mistakes in those games that could have led to a win, stop judging others and start to improve yourself. Cant control what team you get, so dont be a stereotypical "muh team" kid.

Search friends for play ranked bruh, the solo q its a cancer

incognito mode, fuck OP is a weak-ass faggot

If you will get afk/leaver in DOTA2 don't get mad, because you will get + % more XP gain and gold I believe (not sure about gold, didn't play dota for long tiem) so you can make up in a way for that afk cunt(s) if you get 'em.

I remember year ago or so; once enemy team had 3 afker's on doto, we ended up loosing 5v2 because one (maybe 2 idk, dont really remember) retard(s) on my team fed their shadow fiend pretty hard, and on top of that he was shitton of levels ahead of us all because of the +% XP he got for their afk's.

btw. Dota is harder to learn and harder to play, I'm telling you this as a fellow league of retards player, lol compared to dota is super easy.

After a month of playing Dota i still didn't know at least 50% of the shit about game, well... maybe because I'm shit learner, but it's a lot more complex than lol.

Speaking of retards that you get in teams, there's absolutely nothing you can do (well... except for trying do hard carry) LOL is a game where if one guy fucks up and you don't have really good players on your team (or enemy team is retarded) you're basically fucked.

I mean there's really nothing you can do about shitty players on your team, the best way to ensure you will have 1 less retard is to duoQ.

Tip; if you end up playing jungle, do ganks often the best one is to do (if you start at bottom part of the map) right after you finish clearing first jungle so when you hit level 2/3 just go instantly mid, you might end up getting a kill (I usually did, used to play Kindred juggle months ago) if not then your mid (if he will still be alive...) will get some advantage, then proceed to farm your top part of the juggle and gank top, well... in general the job of a jungler is to make a life of X/Y in lane X/Y literally a hell so he gets mad.

Also drop wards for those retards because a lot of them doesn't even ward their fucking lane entrances and cry they get camp'd 24/7 "useless jungler" etc.

Look to your own gameplay more than teammates, start recording or writing down your score/ things you could do better or things you did well. The best way to get better is for sure to watch your own games, notice all the mistakes you yourself made and correct those mistakes. Also good macros and shit goes a looong ass way to improving your overall ability.

Also do you play on locked or unlocked camera? Locked camera is literally trash unless you're roaming,

Been playing since s2 and im plat 3 atm, you can do it Sup Forumsrotha.


>The best way to get better is for sure to watch your own games
wrong, thats the worst advice you can give.
watch people who can play the game and explain it.

i literally do this. how would you feel if you push your lane to inhib you get good cs dont feed but then your team has fed so hard that youll get one shotted no matter what. they go to baron for no reason get killed and lose baron or they do 101 other stupid things. the other day i got the enemy midlaner their jungler and support and their top went back. the mid turret was right there and there were four of us and our tank i ask him to peel and he goes for ocean drake 2 min later and loses it to the top laner

i make mistakes all the time but i dont complain about those games i dont afk i dont feed i actually encourage my teammates. Im not faker i do fuck up some games but im asking you how you got out of this shit. Do i need team mates that i know?

So you're saying NOT looking at your own gameplay and noticing everything you did wrong and correcting it is bad!? Nigga you must be stupid.

Of course watching pro's can help you learn THEIR way of mastering the game, but that shit doesnt carry over to yourself. You have to find what makes you a good player and improve on that, not copying some pro just cause they're a fucking pro. You fuckin cardboard 7 lookin ass nigga

okay heres a strat that will make everything easier for you up until high silver:
>play an adc. doesnt have to be bot, you can be yi, shaco, zed, fucking anyone who can solo objectives and towers.
>ping every dragon, rush any tower thats alone. grab scuttle crab on spawn, its worth it for every lane but top
>past 25min dont split at all. stay with your team and dive EVERY bronze ass motherfucker that gets caught out. even if you go down with him you turned a 5v5 into a 4v4 and your team got the drop on theirs
and stop playing yas. he practically has training wheels built in. he isnt helping your mechanics at all, hes hurting them

im bad as fuck, but still bronze was never a problem, im literally stuck in silver 2 but i can take any acount out of bronze 5, i cant understand how horrible you must be playing, this year i was drunk as fuck and play all the placement in one night , end up in bronce 4 , next day reach silver 4 izi pizi

thank you man its done downloading, any heros with good mobility like dashes that let me evade a skill shot. also low cooldowns would be cool

>stop playing champs like yasuo in bronze
>play garen
>main garen
>reach gold in no time

"b-b-but user, garen is a noob champ, i want to show my faker-skills"


try easy champs, learn them, play them in ranked, climb. its that easy.

there is more than just your lane. impact other lanes and help them out.

okay yeah that makes sense thanks man, how do i record my gameplay???

Get OBS or even overwolf with the replay hud. Replay HUD allows you to see your last life right after you died so noticing mistakes can be done in game. I recommend both but either is good.

DOTA 2 is one million times better than league

what if my team feeds severely and they dont understand "lets group up". it happens like 2/5 games where one or two people just run solo

the thing is you wont notice the mistakes unless you know how the game works. dont be a boosted animal faggot.
watch this for example youtube.com/watch?v=D-FYNHxrh3g

i play ranked like 1 time a day. i play with a friend and hes actually really really good with a massive champion pool. We still lose games to trolls and stuff i wish i could record it and show you guys how messed up it is.

no the thing is i can play yasuo really well and have more fun with him. also there are no noob champs.

>have hope im out of bronze and in silver 2
> ward more
>dont waste your time typing, arguments

i try doing this a lot. if im mid after i get my first kill i usually go bot lane and gank. when i do that in ranked bot is already 0/3.

thank you user

then you make sure your team has every chance they can to get ahead. thats all there is to it, rush objectives. thats the whole game. if your team is too stupid to get a dragon, get lifesteal and solo it while they feed. if your team wont teamfight, kite the enemy team into them and force a fight. if your team is nonstop fighting and doing bad go to top/bot and push till the fight breaks up. and afk during loading doesnt matter anymore because of remakes.

other thing to consider user is that you need a ton of games for climbing if you are good at carrying you still will need 7 wins in a row to just pass b4 to b3

im going to go jungle thats my best way to help prevent a fed enemy team. i can play reksai and yi pretty well.

i got placed bronze 1 and lost 5 in a row, two i had afk teammates and one i fucked up pretty bad and they got a drake and a kill but thats the biggest fuck up ive had.

early gankers are your best bet if you are trying to carry. shaco, eve, voli, poppy really anyone with a speedboost and solid cc/slows. yi is more mid game carry than early game so you're gonna want a good mid or top to duo with if you go that route

Smite is literally better than both in terms of autistic people. Dota is the CSGO of MOBAs. Russians everywhere. League is just too mainstream, so a bunch of kiddies play it.

Won 4 games got placed in g5

Add me on league for dem boosts. SirKickStand is my smurf.

What region do u play on?

rek sai lv 4 has a good engage and knockup


I guarantee you played badly. I'm looking at your match history and you average 11 kills on Yasuo, and similar for other champions. That means you're playing really badly. Your teammates don't matter. If you were a Gold-level player, you wouldn't have died that much and you would have won more games. Guaranteed.

Wow, even in the games you won you have awful KDAs. You need to get better, not blame your teammates. You will have an even harder time in Dota 2.

>dont pick yasuo
>dont pick support
>pick a champion thats you feel very comftorable with and is relatively easy
>crush lane
>roam and crush other lanes

I was in bronze because i liked to play for fun. then people started to say "ur bronze ur shit" so i tryharded to gold, and contrary to popular belief it wasn't even hard. it was about as hard as 1v5ing bots, and if you can't do that yet then you should probably still be bronze.

look at the individual games. i usually start with first blood and as soon as laning is over we get raped by fed enemy. the second to last ranked game we didnt even have a jungler :)

the thing is ive gotten really good with yasuo and if he dosent get banned it pretty much a lane win for me.