Don't mind me

don't mind me

page is no more boyo, also back to page one

Not on my watch


By speaking about your oppression on your behalf I helping you be free

oh no you don't nigga






Get back here with my bag and stick, nigger!


Saving the day.

No mientras yo estw aquĆ­ negro!


Not on my watch...

not if i reply lol

No u wont

This is weirdly deep, if you think about it. By replying, you keep the nigger in captivity for a moment, but slowly add to the bump limit. Eventually, you'll have kept the nigger in captivity so long that it'll eventually be free to go, no matter what you do. Anything you do in this thread is to keep the nigger here as long as possible, but the bump limit is slowly approaching, and then all your efforts will be for nothing. So why try? Because we can. Thus, a model of human futility emerges.
