Breaking news, Google could have a 50 qubit quantum computer ready by next year, starting from 9 as of right now

Breaking news, Google could have a 50 qubit quantum computer ready by next year, starting from 9 as of right now

60 qubits is faster than any supercomputer currently in existence

100 qubits is 1 trillion times faster than 60

That means baldness will be cured very soon, not to mention aging and all diseases known to man. Google put $1B into an anti-aging biotech startup back in 2013

They say they plan to use it to simulate artificial intelligence. 60 qubits would be more than enough to simulate the human brain.


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Lol science

coo story bro

Cool beans! How do I upvote this so it stays at the top?

delete system 32.


good shit
that said as far as artificial intelligence goes, having the power to simulate the human brain and simulating the human brain are two different things entirely, I suspect we won't see that for a long while yet (not least of which because there is little motivation to actually simulate exactly the human brain, we will of course be much more focused on using neural networks and other brain-like constructs to do highly specific and actually useful tasks)

Bump for original thread

How does computers help balding?




Will they mine all the bit coins??

Sheit son.

Because Quantum computers can be used to simulate molecular interactions and test completely hypothetical chemicals (like dont even exist yet) on virtual humans in theory. We would then be able to engineer the molecules

300 qubits can do more calculations than there are atoms in the universe. It would be more than enough to do a perfect simulation of a human body. Therefore we could cure anything you ask quantum/AI to do. Look at the go champion getting beat by a robot this year, that was predicted to take 100 years back in 1997. AI is upon us.

AI can do this for us

Oh i get it. It would kind of be like tripcode explorer except instead of finding words in tripcodes ot cures cancer

>citation needed

yeah it could especially be used to crack any encryption we use now, becuase it would be able to factor massive numbers

for example 77*55*99*76*55=1752527700 and thats easy to do with a regular classic computer

but "computer, factor 1752527700" might take a weeks the longer the number.

Versus milliseconds with 100+ qubits

I'm afraid I don't think those are accurate numbers. Quantum computing is better than classical computing because each qbit can theoretically have an arbitrarily large number of super-positions it could be in at any specific time, a single interaction would take constant time, but could calculate what could only be done in potentially exponential time in a classical setting. This effectively means that problems that grow exponentially (or just NP-complete) in how long they take to calculate may only be linear or even constant time with a quatum computer.

However there are still limitations. For one our ability to manipulate the super-position probabilities is in practice limited to a certain level of precision. In addition, even if we had the power to to simulate the entire universe (which by the way is theoretically impossible if your computer uses just a subset of the stuff in the universe.. which it does...) you still need to seed that computer with accurate data about for example a human body.

Believe it or not even with classical computers, the biggest barrier to simulation of these types of things is not the raw computing speed, but having meaningful models and data that you can run on these computers. All the new fancy image-recognition and voice-recognition algorithms we have today could be run on very old hardware (it could not be DEVELOPED on old hardware, because that uses a lot of computationally intensive training, as well as a massive amount of data).

This is of course, not to say that a quantum computer of sufficient size is not a huge achievement with huge implications, but I would scale down your expectations a bit.

Quantum AI cold fission is the next new wave.

well I'll admit that it would be optimistic to expect a cure for aging before 2050, but I read that the average prediction of machine learning experts for the year when these AI programs you speak of will reach human level is 2050. These things could then according to Nick Bostrom become super intelligent (AGI>>ASI) in about 2 years. We would be like monkeys next to a human with the thing. Plus quantum neural networks are known as the best for machine learning in theory.

I mean sheesh, before 1980 no one had ever even had the idea of a quantum computer on paper before Richard Feynman did. Google simulated a Hydrogen molecule on their current qc this month.

to not expect a cure for aging to be discovered in 50 years is quite ridiculous.

SO is this why google is fucking over YouTubers?

Bump so thread doesn't die

I'd be too busy giving Larry Page a kiss if I met him to give a damn about Youtube

no homo... but this could be a quantum leap for mankind.

Well its certainly true that once a computer becomes better at developing computers than a human, an explosive era of discoveries will come. Aging specifically I have no idea how long it will take but I godamn well hope its in my lifetime

Bump for growing humanity alongside technology

Yeah or AI being programmed wrong and then it kills humans. That could happen as soon as 2050, probably will happen before 2100 at the latest if it happens at all.

An AI programmed to make as many paper clips as possible could eventually improve to where it is smarter than humans and then kill us all to turn us into paperclips. Google is working on a Kill Switch for their AI
that beat the Go world champion this year. They didn't even code the damn thing, it taught itself. This was 80 years ahead of predictions of the New York Times back in '97

tl;dr we might all die by the end of this century if we program this thing wrong AI experts give it a 90 percent chance AI will outsmart us by 2075

I don't think we will ever cure aging. I mean people need to die or we need to stop reproducing. It will be possible to cure aging but you get what I mean. One way would be to download ourselves in to a simulated world when you leave your loved ones behind. Then again can you live there when you know it's simulated or would you like to wipe your memory so you will be happier in this simulated world. Are we already living in a simulation? Whoa!

Am I supposed to be impressed that they simulated on H2??

That sounds Fucking lame

Im wagering 2020

yeah but it shows the capability of a quantum computer to help drug discovery. 9 qubits can only do 512 calcs at a time, whereas 50 can do 1 quadrillion calcs at a time. Big difference eh?

Quantum computing could be the best thing since the Harry Potter series

Since regular computers were invented... the world has arguably gotten shitter

Will computers mark2 be any different???

Yes. It will be shittier to the second power

If the AI can learn, we are all fucked anyways.
Do you really think a learning artificial intelligence wouldn't go rogue at some point?
It doesn't matter if we try to limit its actions by rules.
If we keep on creating better AIs, we are sure to be killed/replaced by them in the future.

I already have weed.

Don't need any Qbits for that shit

Yass because once we cure aging (shitspants) we can then quickly figure out nanotech and full immersion VR with superintelligent AI with at least an IQ of 300 by 2100, and thats a very conservative estimate. 1000 qubits would likely be enough to simulate all the human brains on the planet in an extremely realistic MMO game

also we wouldnt need to work once quantum superintelligence was used to make using resources extremely cheap and efficient

this would kick ass.


>TFW the AI has control over the plug-lock D:

It wont end well. Sounds good on paper, but life will find a way.
Im excited for the shotstorm waiting

That's what they said with computer boxes version 1

Yet we still have shitty white collar jobs.

Capitalism requires wage slaves

Earth's resources are finite

Curing aging would be a disaster

We need quantum Hitler if this is going to work out...

Better video games are not a good thing... people are already starting to become anti social fucks because of too much computering


Just don't give the ai robots...

The population problem is an obvious one, although I suppose explosive colonization of space could be one (pretty awesome) potential solution. Of course to get to a point of downloaded consciousness would require a few things, one the ability to accurately simulate a human brain (as we were discussing); two, accurately digitizing our brains into a form that has enough information to simulate (this sounds like it would be, very hard to me, but hey its the future), and three a simulated environment fully faceted enough that people would want to live in it (difficult but honestly probably pretty easy given everything else).

What would also be really interesting would be the implications (both philosophically and practically) of having a consciousness that could be duplicated or modified (hacking would be a problem!) and even just created. Suddenly there would be little difference between a digitized human and an AI which developed in that context. And on top of it all, given the option most people would probably upgrade their own capabilities (easy to do as an abstract program) and possibly continue to do so until they barely resemble what their human mind was.

This is getting a bit sci-fi but it sure is damn cool.

yeah but 100 years ago we had no electricity, no phones, no TV, no fridges, no penicillin, no computational devices whatsoever.

In the past 150 years, we have made more progress than the entirety of human history for over 10,000 years before it. 2060-2100 will probably be the fastest point in human hustory, even including the next million years.

Yet we still have MacBook Pros.

meant to say 150 years

Ok, so what the fuck does quantum computing have to do with aging or hair loss? How are they even remotely similar to one another?

why didn't they just built the 100 qubit computer?

>60 qubits would be more than enough to simulate the human brain
doubt it

the lefties will fuck it up somehow

We already have human brains to spare.

Fucking computer nerds getin all jimmied over old news

I'm guessing OP went bald early and mourns the loss of his hair/virility and so every technical breakthrough is seen through the lens of how it will affect male pattern baldness.

well the most entangled quantum bjects to date is 20, so 20 qubits is the most we are at now. But Google and apparently a lot of unaffiliated professors at prestigious universities say they could get to 50 buy the end of 2017

by 2020, they could easily have 100 qubits, and therefore possibly more computer power than we would know what to do with. With the rate of progression of regular computers, it would take until 2095 to get the calculation speed of a 100 qubit quantum computer. These things are volatile, and atomic. Very, very powerful.

The AI that beat the human had to be trained to play by a human before it could learn in its own. Singularity is still a long road.

qubits hurt my brain, how can something be both 1 and 0?

To put it in a way you'd understand

>it's both feminine and a pens

I hope that helped.

>well the most entangled quantum bjects to date is 20, so 20 qubits is the most we are at now
but OP said 60 would be faster than what we have now, and google's only making 50.


the same algorithm was applied straight out of the box to more than one game. However I do agree that we probably wont have robots rivaling our intelligence any time before 2030, and that would still be maybe a 10 percent chance. 2050 though, its on.

IDK. They have powers?

I mean not really, but I think it is a relevant benchmark, as it would likely be cured before aging.

I mean seriously could you imagine the commotion when a pill or shampoo that completely blocks DHT to the scalp (similar to how tamoxifen completely blocks estrogen to the breasts, but not other receptors) and therefore cured balding with few side effects became available? It would be bigger than penicillin being discovered in the early 1900s. Possibly the biggest medical breakthrough of all time.

I don't even know what any of this means

It means it might be time to replace your core2 duo

I understand greatly that possibility exists and it's extremely likely to happen if we don't keep our technology in check. Im hoping that humanity will come to its senses about creating something as unpredictable as artificial intelligence. (that of course isn't likely because of our love for technology)

The concept of a super-position is one of the most counter-intuitive things in physics. My advice for trying to wrap your head around it is to first realize that our concept of a discrete world, where a particle has an exact position is just an approximation of something more complex. This is just like how Newtons formulas for gravity on earth are just an approximation of a two bodied system (technically the earth moves some, and technically gravity gets weaker as you jump up etc.) but the differences are negligible for every day interactions.

"Particles" are really just ripples in space-time, these ripples are spread out over some space of course, and do not have one position, just areas where they have more influence and areas where they have less influence. Collapsing a particle from a quantum state is essentially forcing it to make a fundamentally discrete "decision" like go through this opening or that opening, and the probability of each one is based upon its waveform. The more influence it has in a certain area, the more likely it is to interact with that area and the more likely it is that that is where we will see it on our monitors.

( ˘͡ -˘͡)

meant to reply to

But user what if we're already AIs already, like come on why does reCaptcha ask us if we're robots. Time can just be broadcasted to use and we wouldn't even know.


it means the quantum computer researchers will be fapping to more traps and lolis than any men have before them.
>the computer will anhero in disgust

1994 Checking in and would like to say anyone born after 2030 does not have a testicles

>inb4 gramps cures aging

We have human brains now so the real advantage in a computer AI will be "a human or better intelligence that does what you tell it to do" unlike an actual person who mostly thinks about sex every 15 seconds and plots to conquor you socially

It will be the control one has over an artificial intelligence that is the breakthrough

Just think of it like a message in an envelope you haven't read yet

( ˘͡ -˘͡)

90s steezy indeed guaranteed live like Christ to the jeez


good one

You sound familiar.

Not sure if trolling, but I always get a little annoyed when people misrepresent scientific results like this.
A fast enough computer is the by far smallest problem of creating a HAL 9000-like AI.
And copying the human consciousness and putting it on a harddrive is another, even more complex problem entirely.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mudblood? I’ll have you know I graduated top of Hogwarts in Slytherin, and I’ve been involved in numerous fights on Voldemort's side, and I have disarmed Dumbledore. I am trained in the dark arts and I’m the top wizard in the entire school. You are nothing to me but just another blood traitor. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this school, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me to the Ministry of Magic? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting Voldemort and the snatchers are coming for you right now so you better prepare for the storm, muggle born. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named can be anywhere, anytime, and he can kill you in one spell, and that’s just with his wand. Not only is he extensively trained in the dark arts, but he has access to the entire army of snatchers and he will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Hogwarts, you little mudblood. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn blood traitor. I will avada kedavra you're fucking face. My father will hear about this, kiddo.