Why do you guys think this generation has the most anxiety and has the most socially awkward people?

Why do you guys think this generation has the most anxiety and has the most socially awkward people?

Pic not related

Pussy liberals controlling the education system.

Because everybody just started at their phones all day even when they are in public.

Parents coddling their children.

For the same reason there's a large amount of other disorders, It's exposure to everything too early, due to the internet, and society's general lack of morals these days, also people keep having children who are useless at bringing them up, and raise them awfully, another thing is that the anxious pussies (like me) spend their childhood playing videogames and not socialising

God is dead.

That's a contradictory sentence

because mainstream media is selling us a skewed world view by trying to cash in on all the bad things happening. Bad things used to happen and they still do with a lower frequency, but now people are made aware of every single little incident.

Also, echo chambers. No matter how small your clique is, you will always find a place where you and people likeminded can ferment and isolate themselves from outside criticism up to the point, where even valid and factual criticism is seen as a straight on attack.

they were raised staring at various screens (tv, tablet, phone) instead of actually interacting with their parents. it's the parents fault.


Also, kids nowadays don't have anything to work/fight for anymore.

This is such a fucking retarded idea, how do you know there haven't been socially awkward autists since the dawn of time?

Because OP is a faggot

they just couldnt wine about it on the internet

As an actual answer, I think it has a lot to do with Existentialism. Society continues to progress away from easy answers to hard questions to the point of realization that maybe there is no answer for the hard questions. Upon that realization is anxiety and a variety of reactions to that anxiety. Some turn to religion, others to science, etc. I think relating to your question is people disengaging through convenient escapism and isolation via technology.

because jews and niggers

Your "Actual answer" Is a load of shit, people turn socially fucked before 14 years old, noone is asking existential questions at the age they turn that way, It's just those types of people ask those questions later as they aren't occupied with social shit, so they spend their time asking the more important questions that everyone would ask if they weren't so busy having a social life

I like what you said. It's becoming increasingly easier to live in a simulated reality where everything seems the way you want it to be. You only hear about news you want to hear.

Virtual distance due to technology (see: smartphones and social media).

Backwards-ass societal expectations, preconceived notions about education and job standards from a generation that still believes it's 1974... all pre-subscribed to them before they were even born.

Everyone thought exactly all of the current generation in it's coming of age was going to be shit, period. I'd imagine that growing up in a world that gave you ass-pats for sneezing, teaching you unrealistic expectations, not teaching you how to live life or find work, letting you figure out how to navigate the world-wide-web with wanton abandon, and then suddenly turning on you and spewing neuroses on you would probably fuck your shit up on some level.

Oh, and let's not forget all of the fun substances and situations that have been present in the lives of most of the parents that these children have. Estrogen levels in the water, cellphones next to ovaries, alcohol at the baby shower, domestic violence during their 3rd birthdays, anxiety over 9/11/school shootings, negative media press fetishes, mass divorce rate fads, homosex controversy, the fun stuff.

If you think I'm full of shit, I have two examples for you: Sup Forums, and instant gratification/substitutions for physical human interaction and social situations. You can find any kind of porn you want on the internet if you're dedicated enough, and beat it whenever you want (and the dedication stops at Google). You can watch the entire series of Friends, in your basement, for an entire week, and never go outside because you can just have food delivered to you (even "groceries").

Gosh, I don't know why we're so fucked on the whole. Just can't figure it out.

You don't have to understand/diagnose the disease without suffering from it. Think about what you just said and realize it's error.

Not the user you replied to, but this is BS.

I was extremely anxious over existential thoughts when I became 12 and 13 years old. By the time I was 14 it mostly went away when I got some pussy.

Ptsd doesn't exist my grand pappy fought in the Mexican American war and he can't out alright. Just these pussy hippies.

Every generation thinks the next generation is worse than theirs. You have all become your dads and their dads and their dads dads.
>It's the lack of morals in the younger generation! Now get off my lawn and go to church. Oh god it's 8 pm better take my meds and go to bed. Ncis was a good episode tonight

Because its cool and everybody thinks everything is art

this user gets it

Except there's a difference between stupid, willfully stupid, aware, unkept, and self-destructive.

PTSD is real.

Also, social has become economic. It's not how much you make, it's how much you spend. Reality took a vacation and it's not coming back. How fast can you adjust? Because between misdiagnoses and all the new labels your kind of fucked if you buy into psych.

The point being that the previous generation thinks the problems of the current generation. Many would argue, at the time, that even the soldiers who fought in Vietnam were not as deserving of honor as the ones who fought in the world wars.

Is there a list of mental disorders that aren't real? Because I'm diagnosed schizo and I would love to know that there's nothing actually wrong.

ur mum made a contradictory statement when u came out her pussylips at birth, m8

Google it u fucking autist

there were always socially retarded people
it's just that they just used to rot away in basements and nobody heard from them
with the internet, they have a voice
so it's not that there are more socially awkward people, it's just that it's more visible due to the internet

>Google it
>u fucking autist

What's wrong with people today: the post.

not if you believe it.

How do I know what is a trusted source? Should I Google that as well? Fucking sperg

>implying God ever existed

ur mum was wrong the day you slimed your way out her pussylips, m8

Dubs of truth

Parents pacifying/pussifying their kids and taking out any sort of competition in activities (e.g., all kids get a fucking medal now//there are no losers bullshit).

If she was wrong, I was right.

or maybe you're a dumbass


The world hasn't changed as much as older people like to think.

Nigga i ant ur slave u know how to use google right nigga. right nigga if ud did that shit my mother fucking hood id of caped ur no googlein ass bro jizz us whites niggers in 2016 dont have any brains cis kkk basterds i hope all dem niggers get mother fucking cancer


Cultural Marxism.

The internet.

Lack of personal contact and ease of contact to adverse ideals and queer persons.

>queer persons

Brain changes made by the psych drugs that millions of kids were put on for either ADD or behavioral problems.

Also, other environmental toxins.

this is what brain damage looks like

maybe there are not more socially awkward people than there were in any other previous generation.
Rather, we might be simply more aware of how many there truly are because these socially awkward people have a way to communicate that doesn't have them face-to-face socializing.
ie the internet.