Need a quote for class, can be offensive but don't get me suspended

Need a quote for class, can be offensive but don't get me suspended.

Bomb in bathroom

Needs to be something somebody at least sorta famous said

Life is pain.

"bomb in bathroom"
niel degrass tyrone

Use some Goebbels quote about the Jews.

Anything from Lil B.

"Gas the bikes, race war now"
-Lance Armstrong

The years teach things the days will never know.


"Someone needs to kill off the Jews sooner or later" -Benjamin Franklin 1765

"I heard this play is to die for."
Abraham Lincoln

"The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the jew."

Nelson Mandela

The main fighter for the DSP [Deutsch-Sozialistische Partei or German Socialist Party], as I have said, was Julius Streicher, then a teacher in Nuremberg. At first he, too, had a holy conviction of the mission and the future of his movement.

Adolf Hitler

“A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.”


gandhi calling blacks inferior, kafir is pretty much nigger.

science flew to the moon, religion into skyscrapers

Without teachers there could be no successful dictatorships. Hitler, Stalin, the Kims, all of them needed teachers to brainwash their populations. A task teachers jumped to as it increased their social status and authority. teachers are the backbone of deranged authoritarianism . teachers seem to enjoy the opportunity to teach children to worship dictators and flags.


"I have resolved never to start an unjust war, but never to end a legitimate one except by defeating my enemies."

Charles XII, or Carolus Rex.

"Who cares tomorrow i will shoot u all"

"•“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”"


"If you kill one, it's a tragedy. If you kill one million, it's a statistic"
-Joseph Stalin

Hate is more lasting than dislike



My life is in Sup Forums


Our contry is the most powerfull

Obesse guy

I'm wearing a diaper. Right now.

-Jerry Stahl

come to and talk about kinks

Tyrone give me back my phone

Life is like a dream. A dream where your past is always catching up to you.

give me a credible source for that and i will use that quote for grad

>Need a quote for class
I think it can get to $60 on ebay


- albert einstein

Do you guys like memes?

We like dubs

« Chie-moi dessus ! », cria Mony à Alexine en s’étendant par terre. Elle s’accroupit sur lui, mais pas complètement. Il pouvait jouir du spectacle offert par son trou du cul. Les premiers efforts eurent pour résultat de faire sortir un peu du foutre que Mony y avait mis ; ensuite vint la merde, jaune et molle, qui tomba en plusieurs fois et, comme elle riait et se remuait, la merde tombait de côté et d’autre sur le corps de Mony qui eut bientôt le ventre orné de plusieurs de ces limaces odoriférantes.

Alexine avait pissé en même temps et le jet tout chaud, tombant sur la pine de Mony, avait réveillé ses esprits animaux. La quille commença à se soulever petit à petit en enflant jusqu’au moment où, arrivée à sa grosseur normale, le gland se tenait, rouge comme une grosse prune, sous les yeux de la jeune femme qui, s’en rapprochant, s’accroupit de plus en plus, faisant pénétrer la pine en érection entre les bords velus du con large ouvert.

Quoting, like smoking, is a dirty habit to which I am devoted.
Carolyn Gold Heilbrun

''Life is like animal porn, it's not for everyone.''


>Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire.
=> A fool always finds one still more foolish to admire him.
- Canto I, The Art of Poetry (1674), Boileau

"That which is is at least possible" —Spinoza.

I wrote this down at the first class as a known true statement for epistemology (without attribution to its author) and the instructor freaked out. He was hostile for the rest of the term every time we had to deal with each other. Up yours, Professor Hall.

>Expedit esse deos, et, ut expedit, esse putemus.
'It is convenient that there be gods, and, as it is convenient, let us believe that there are. '
Ars Amatoria, Ovid

The struggle is consistent.

why not this:

>Need a quote for class, can be offensive but don't get me suspended.