What are your thoughts on this faggot, faggots?

What are your thoughts on this faggot, faggots?

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Pretty based. The world would be better if more people were like him.

He's an edgy try hard

He actually encourages young conservatives to be proud of being conservative.
He's fine

ABC tried to smear him but he just came out looking smarter than the guy interviewing him


Not bad, has some weird contradicting opinions. But I can't tell if they're real or just to create his image/bought.

Smart dude

If I were gay, I would fuck him
plus to hell with blm


Definition of a tryhard faggot, which is only exacerbated by the fact that he's a literal faggot

This, he has done more to bring the Republicans in to relevance than just about any other mainstream figure.


the biggest tryhard. Has major flaws that people don't see. Life is full of flaws especially fags like him.

He's sinngle handedly pulled off more internet subversion and controversy by himself than Sup Forums has in years. Sup Forumstards use to pull the kind of shit he does all the time before everyone here starting beating off to trannys and rating each others dicks 24/7.

He seems articulate, well spoken and charming. I'd do him

A valuable asset in the important fight against SJW mind-cancer.

He just wants his father's acceptance so he acts out. He will die young and tragically and the world will not even notice.

>has some weird contradicting opinions.
such as?

Seriously, when are we going to join in him in doing something about SJWs Sup Forums?

being christian and a faggot

>What are your thoughts on this faggot, faggots?

He's a faggot.


Jewish shill, mud-lover. Congratulations user.

>News just in, New Fox News, now promoting Truvada

I enjoy his opinions.

Hes awesome.

Yeah he's fairly grounded within reality. Calls out the bottom line with ease. Doesn't "try" to be gay for attention and when he does, he does so provocatively to prove a point.

He's an egalitarian by all accounts. He understands that we have an internet generation that do not understand the consequence of twisting narratives and crying racism, sexism, homophobia at the slightest of indirect slights. He shuts them down knowing that they're a tremendous help to the very people they say they hate.

Even when he makes someone sit down and shut the fuck up, he's helping them. They just don't know it.

Based on feminism. Kind of retarded on other topics.

he believes in christianity

his opinion on anything is disregarded

>Implying this is not paid shilling by the left to further fracture opposition against Hillary.

I don't agree with his polotics but he is based

He can take a Hugh mungus joke so he's alright

Amy Schumer is an A-list star?!?!

Same poster. His attitude toward videogames and the people who played them seemed uncharacteristically close-minded however. He was a snob who took the time to change immerse himself and change his mind after roasting the community out of nowhere. Though that doesn't mean he can't very well repeat the same toward another community.

He had a fair stance on gamergate despite that, caring more for journalistic integrity rather than the games scene itself.

Just another tag nugget who makes a buck following popular social topics

People eat it up

a whiney figue head for the alt. right and just as self-righteous and unwilling to have a reasonable conversation as the sjw's.

Of course, Amy Schumer is an A lister.

Granted, the Muppets latest TV series may have flopped; but she'll bounce back. Success is guaranteed when your daddy is a Democratic Senator no matter how unfit, unattractive, unfunny, or untalented you may be.

You don't think there's any value to his criticism of the regressive left?

Overrated tryhard faggot. I know everyone else says "tryhard", but it's definitely the most fitting descriptive for him.

He has barely any solid opinions with any depth or thought put behind them, so most people just make up shit about what he stands for or believes.

He really crumbles under scrutiny.

It's ok though, since he's opportunistically swindling conservatives into liking him.

He's actually pretty funny when he insults people, dont take him too seriously though. He's just a troll, he just says controversial things to get attention and money.

Less of a faggot than most of the straight dudes out there, and he's a certified faggot.

He's a fraud.


How have so many of you faggots fallen for this Jew in Catholic clothing?!

Who cares if he's religious, it isn't really part of his platform. The guy is sticking it to SJWs and standing up for people that want to talk shit on the internet.

cool guy

>The guy is sticking it to SJWs and standing up for people that want to talk shit on the internet.

>sticking it to SJWs
How? All I ever see him do is post shitty opinions on Twitter, and go back and forth with literally who tumblristas. What the fuck has he done to cut the pseudo-liberal SJW cancer from the left?

>standing up for people that want to talk shit on the internet
By dick sucking and being a shill for the most pussy, whiny hissyfit candidate?

I'm straight as a nail and I'd do 'em if I had to. He speaks with much conviction and determination. He's the type I'd imagine being as well spoken off camera as well as off.

i think i shat myself

Have you seen the hordes of angry blue haired fat women he's had on the verge of spontaneously combusting during his Dangerous Faggot lectures?

Watch the Triggering.

>Milo, as everyone calls him

well, you know, it's his first name and shit

Of jewish descent. Enough said.

What the fuck is that supposed to prove?

I could literally do the same by going to those colleges and telling them how they're full of shit and are ruining the left and trigger them just as much.

How is he actually "sticking it" to the SJWs? Or is being a mediocre troll really the extent of his activities?

This guy is basically Sup Forums personified, except he's open about his faggotry.

*Sup Forums

Then go do it, stop acting like a faggot and start acting like this faggot, you goddamn faggot.