Anyone has experience with smart drugs?

Anyone has experience with smart drugs?

I recently got my hands on a prescription for Ritalin 40mg (I wanted adderall but it's illegal in my country).
So, what do you take user? How'd you like it?

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Used to take adderall as a kid, shit makes you SUPER focused.

Adderall isn't a smart drug

My fault man, so far I only tried the illegal kind. Thought all legal mood, focus, concentration enhancers, etc. were called smart drugs.

Cont. But its fun as fuck, ritalin is nice but its too short

I've got some rit at the moment as well. My one buddy likes to crush it up and snort it, for a faster, almost coke like experience that lasts quite a while. You can take it orally as well, takes longer to kick in, but lasts quite a while longer too. I'm thinking of taking some later and getting all my housework done tonight haha


Adderall killed my appetite entirely. I had to make sure I ate a large meal before taking it because I wouldn't eat for the next 8 hours. Made me extremely focused. Muscles were sore at the end of the day. They always hurt when taking stimulants for some reason.

If I'm off work and don't have shit to do for the day, I don't take it. Otherwise I'll be cleaning the house repeatedly or insanely irritable.

Had a scrip for adderall and the first three days I was taking it I think I slept like 4 hours.

I'm taking 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the afternoon, snorting a couple of lines in between.
Does wonders for me, I finished all my chores (cleaning, ironing clothes, etc.) in an hour. Usually takes me around 3.

Na smart drugs are are nootropics, which i haven't tried and have mixed reports. What country are you in? Ritalin is legal with no scipt?

I'm in Argentina. I got a script from a friend of my dentist who's a psychiatrist. Cool guy, didn't asked me anything about me, just asked me how much I wanted and wrote the script right away.

Edit saw you said you got a prescription. N

Stimulants are for losers who wear adidas clothes

mixing Alprazolam and beer every night is the shit, my personal anxiety free Russian roulette, because why not.

damint nigga forgot my shit

Where do you live user. I need bars. I can't refill my script for another month. And even then I only have footballs.

That's one nice looking stash!
I've tried xanax but just makes me sleepy as fuck. Valium did the same to me.
I'm currently thinking about getting an oxycodone script. Heard good comments about those.

ritalin/concerta is still fun. Still an amphetamine. But the comedown suuuuuucckks. Worse than MDMA and Methamphetamine combined.

Kinda hard to OD on amphetamines, so take as many as you like. Start with just a few, give it an hour and a half, and take more at your own discretion.

Niceland, as my 'Gull' bjór/beer indicates

We always solely used to have the Tafil version of Alprazolam here but this summer some faggot started bringing in xanax bars by the trillionz, i buy 100x 2mg a month or so and im more addicted to it than oxygen

get some tolerance my man, mix it with weed/beer and you'll feel more comfortable with life than a GTA character


> this summer

last summer*'** whatever im drunk big whoop wanna fight about it ?

anyway, heres my old bong that i smashed to fuck the first time i tried a more than i should doze of Clonazepam (kpins), that shit sure brings out the zombie in you


Here in the states fake bars are running amuck. They're even pressed with fentanyl. A bunch of people have died already because they didn't know fentanyl was in it.

I have several legit dealers I've gotten bars from since 2010, and just the other week one said his supplier tried to give him fakes. He's pretty sure they're the fentanyl ones.

I'm having a hard time trusting ones I buy out here right now. That's why I'm relying souly on my script but I keep running out.

Yeah, the comedown suck balls. I had a better time when I went cold turkey on blow. Getting some sleep got a lot harder too since I'm taking it.
It also kills my sex drive, which is a fucking blessing so far.


holy shit thats psychotic..,.,

here in iceland we virtually never have any overdozes. But just approximately two weeks ago 2 guys passed out at the same festival and one of them died due to snorting fenta, guess they never snorted anything more potent than oxy..

And fentanyl is a pretty big step for most drug users here as we solely have Contalgin (morphine sulfate) and oxycodone slow release opium wise, no heroin. Then fentanyl comes along and unless you have an IV morphine tolerance you're gonna fall like a rock in a pond.

Dealers who mix drugs with the most potent recreational shit possibly available are literally murderers.

>killing sex drive


I can't get it up, but I can fuck/fap for hours on end.

Nootropic is any drug that has the ability to improve cognitive functions in normal, healthy individuals. Amphetamines have the tendency to produce bias in the user. You think you are perfoming better when in fact you are performing worse. Also amphetamines are neurotoxic (range depending on the family). Also most cognitive enhancers and supplements (for example choline) are not really proven to produce statistically significant difference and can even lower the performance of high-performing individuals.

I use modafinil, but I take it to perform at my peak throughout the day and counteract the fatigue-induced cognitive inhibition, and I don't medicate daily. I also want to try bacopa monnieri. I also sometimes use creatine, but not because I want to increase my cognitive functions, but rather to rejuvenate my muscles faster after an exercise.

Also I want to add that the best cognitive enhancer is regular sleep and exercise, and a good diet.

ugh, I can't smoke and take benzos. I get the spins and end up puking and waking up with a horrible headache.

Aderral and Ritalin are good. There's some anti narcolepsy drug I forget the name, that's good for a sustained alertness


I hear it's overrated. Haven't tried it myself tho

You really shouldn't be taking modafinil constitutively for no medical reason, it can lower your seizure threshold and has potential to be neurotoxic through glutamate toxicity. You are playing with fire.

Anyone have any experience with inderal/ other beta-killers?

You're all fucking retarded and haven't got a clue about what you're on about. There's no "nootropics" that improve cognitive function in normal adults, only performance enhancers. While ritalin and other amphetamine derivatives might make you perform better with increased motivation or focus, not make you inherently smarter.

This entire fucking market is asking for your money and is happily giving you something that induces the placebo effect, not making you smarter. There is virtually no research supporting that drugs called "nootropics" are actually making you smarter, only in specific cases where they enchance performance and concentration which is related to your intelligence, but not intelligence itself.

What is smart drug ?

If you take caffine with aderal it intensifies it. Also works with vivance. Not sure about Ritalin though.

Caffeine and stimulants always gives me tachycardia.

i've got some modafinil which i take sporadically

works, makes you focused, but it's so subtle that it makes you question whether it works, but it does because at the end of the day you'll realise

lasts ages like 14 hours maybe, makes you shit a lot and not sleep so wake up 6am, take it, go to sleep for an hour (if you can) and then you're ready to go

used to take it to do essays and shit, didn't make it any easier just meant you can get more done in less time because you're not constantly distracting yourself, if you think to read a long ass piece of work, and you keep stopping reading for mini-seconds, or you check facebook every now and then, youu won't do this on modafinil. BUT make sure you don't get onto facebook or in any conversations because they can make you waste ages on those things without you realising

unless you do it for fun, in which case bon voyage

We simply don't know. Some studies claim glutamate toxicity, other studies are claiming neuroprotective effect on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. 10 year consistent use of some healthy but curiously crazy individuals didn't produce anything of note, but of course we don't know what happens in 30 years.

I am not taking modafinil daily, and the maximum dose I take is 100mg, but I prefer 50mg dose.

If you actually read my post, you would see that there is no disagreement with you, but thanks for calling me retard anyway.

> literally murderers

Pretty much. The fentanyl xanax started in Florida and killed like 12 people. Now they're finding them all the way in California. Literally across the country.

The people who made these no doubt had the intention of killing people in mind.

> “It’s also somewhat puzzling, why someone is creating a pill that contains Xanax and fentanyl,” said Gualtieri in a press conference last March, warning the public about the counterfeit pills. “Because Xanax is an inexpensive drug, it’s not an opioid, where fentanyl is a potent opioid.”

>"It is really illogical,” he added.

Sorry man, I quoted the wrong post. My apologies.

I've tried Ritalin, Ritalin XR, Vyvanse, and Adderall. I notice the best difference when I take Adderall. I actually do have adhd though. I can't read without them.

I'm getting screened for ADD in a month. I used to be extremely hyperactive and had a ton of trouble learning, paying attention, and keeping up with everyone in my class when I was younger. Around age 20 I started smoking pot and calmed down, but it made me super boring, so I stopped.

I still had trouble focusing, and it's worse now at 26. I lack energy now, and I can't really read into and research things I find interesting anymore. I can barely watch full movies or TV shows, only shorter Youtube videos. I can't play video-games that much anymore either. I also stutter a lot when in conversation, change subject a lot, and have trouble finding words.

Used to, I'd have trouble with focusing, but when it came to things I was interested in I could zone out entirely and dissociate from the world around me. Now I can even do that very much. Sometimes I'm able to game out all day, and even had a few months of painting and doing sculptures, but it faded out fast and now I'm back to being foggy as fuck.

I got blood tested, and was low on vitamin D. I take 5htp and another supplement for mood. My moods never really bad. I just can't fucking focus well, to the point I twitch and shake my head at times, and driving makes me panicky.

Anyone else with similar shit have experience with adderall? I'm curious and trying to see if I can get on it, because I feel like it's probably the only thing going to help me out. I don't plan on abusing it, only using it a few times a week.

Even writing shit like this is rough. I always feel like it's scrambled and messy.

it will put you in zombie mode. then it will kill every boner you will ever have. LITERALLY.

This. :(

You mean text books, hard work and studying? Yeah I get my hands on that shit all the time. Fucking dumb ass faggot.
This is now an Ops a faggot thread

what kind of sick fuck would put fentanyl in xanax. now im paranoid of my dealer. how real do they look?

your a smart person bro. I hope you get the pills but don't rely on them completely. Go a day without every few days and after a few weeks take a 3-5 day tolerance reset break.

That's why you mix it with GHB. Get a boner AND fap for hours.

>cold turkey
Coke isnt physically addictive you cunt

This thread is fucking bananas, I got set up with Adderall and I'm much more active, get shit done and am overall a more pleasant person to be around since it also seemed to fix up my depression.

Like worst part is my mouth gets dry and I don't have much of an appetite, which is whatever since I've been losing weight and getting into shape.

People who think drugs are for the weak-willed and that you aren't your true self are fucking idiots. Like if my true self is laying in bed not doing shit then fuck my true self.

Your second and third paragraphs sound exactly like me.

I just got prescribed adderall and have been taking it for a week now and it's helped improved all of the things you mentioned.

>tfw you realize this song is about coke

Im a PhD in neuroscience and I cant say i've ever heard of glutamate being neuro-protective, for the simple factor of its inherent property in the brain. But then again ive spent years being surprised by how little I actually know about the brain, so maybe you're onto something.

I definitely plan to use it on the worse days, and on days I simply NEED to be the most productive.

Was it fairly easy to get prescribed, or did you not go seeking it? I'm going to mention it when I go and tell them how much I've been reading into it. I'm just worried they'll try to avoid giving me it, and put me on something like Zoloft, trying to say I'm just depressed or some shit lol.. I've come to realize that my possible ADD (Or whatever the fuck it is) is the root to why I've been depressed in the past. It's just weighing me down and holding me back it many ways.

I said modafinil, not glutamate. Glutamate can be neurotoxic and modafinil affects glutamate reuptake, which may spike after modafinil breaks down, but from my understanding (I am in the field myself, neurology) after a long-term use the homeostasis balance would actually lower the glutamate production and therefore lower the odds of developing ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

I don't know if you are missing the meaning in my posts just because I am not a native english speaker, or if there is other reason that is coming from my side and is fixable.

bartard giving advice