My cousin met boxxy at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par...

My cousin met boxxy at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.

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What the fuck is a boxy? Oldfag here.....have mercy

Whats really sad is OPs pic related to go along with the lame copypasta

>Doesn't remember Boxxy
Pick one

No it's not. Faggot.

A talentless camwhore who pays for veiled advertising on Sup Forums.

How is it "breaking news" if it happened last year?

she copied shoe0nhead

Old person, I ment. Thanks for letting me come on Sup Forums young feller

>things guys who have mistaken Hooter's waitress flirting as genuine affection say

something can happen 100 years ago, but if we just find out about it now, it's still "breaking"

found the boxxyfag

Like "breaking news-- dinosaurs were all gay"


>things guys who think vaping is a talent/skill say

>taking the bait this hard

What is vaping

Greentexting white knight from reddit

>doesn't know who boxxy is
I smell b8


literally who.

she goes by "shoe0nhead" on YouTube.



Dinosaurs were gender fluid



>Dinosaurs were gender fluid
and your dad takes it up the butt... so what?

i know some people who would pay top dollar for that experience

yeah but that's not breaking news.

I knew it.

Happened when Colombus discovered America. Vikings did it centuries ago, and the natives even longer before that. But only Colombus gets credit for it here in good ol' 'Merica.

>natives discovered America
That's technically impossible. By definition, natives were born here.

So what you're saying is, we're on the same path the dinosaurs took to extinction.

The very first ones had to come from somewhere.

Yeah, the very first ones were the discoverers, not natives.

if you were born somewhere, obviously you weren't the first one there

what does any of this have to do with gay dinosaur

Because niggers

This is sound logic.