Anyone religious or spiritual

Anyone religious or spiritual


Shulk tryhards on For Glory


>people who like to talk over others
>people who like to interrupt others
>black women in general
>gay black men
>lesbians who have kids and/or hate men
>people who spit indoors
>people who touch me or my things
>cashiers who try to make small-talk
This is why self-checkout lanes exist
>habitual liars
>people who say they're going to be somewhere at a specific time, but don't show up or show up late and don't explain why
2:00 means 2:00. It does not mean 3:15.
>people who don't use their turn-signals
>people who litter
>hard-right conservatives
>hard-left liberals
>fake-ass 'gamer/nerd girls'
>fake-ass egalitarians
>people who can't have a debate without shouting or name-calling
>single mothers who want a medal for BEING single mothers
>men/women who don't take care of their responsibilities
>English, Linguistics, and Sociology majors who have an inflated sense of self-worth and accomplishment
>small children
>couples, especially those who engage in PDA
>students who are habitually late
>people who can't decide which direction they're walking in
>people who take up the whole sidewalk by themselves with their erratic walking patterns
>cashiers with bad attitudes
>ANYONE who calls themselves a "foodie"
>black women who act like they're 'cultured' or 'educated' despite having bullshit degrees, knowing only 3 words in a foreign language, and doing shit at their jobs
>potheads who want everyone to know they smoke pot
>vaping fedora-wearing neckbeards
>Asian-Americans who give me shit for studying Asian cultures and languages
>religious zealots and hypocrites
>anti-religious zealots and hypocrites
>uncultured morons who laugh/make fun of anyone for knowing another language or caring about other cultures
>people who refer to Trump or Hillary as 'Hitler'


Attention whores. People who thrive on attention.

*tips fedora*

This one's easy.

>most niggers.
>single mothers.
>most women, especially ugly women... because being an ugly woman is just like being a man.
>literally everyone with tattoos.
>stupid fucks who hold up traffic because they're fucking texting.
>people who bring small children ANYWHERE.
>people who walk slow as fuck when you're trying to drive around in a parking lot.
>retards who think there are more than two genders.
>people who follow politics.
>anybody over the age of 60. fuck old people.
>people who write checks at the fucking grocery store.
>people who care about sports but can't play any of them because they're lazy out of shape fat fucks.
>anybody that gives a shit about "microbrewed beer".
>people who think weed is fucking awesome. it's not, you're edgelord teenagers. kill yourself.
>people still fucking playing WoW in 2016.

You are literally the biggest faggot on Sup Forums right now.

How do you even live?

Also check'd.

I don't give a fuuuuck.

Usually isolated.

Self checkout is the greatest invention ever.

I pretty much agree with everything so I'm not going to make my own list.

Only difference being I like gay black guys way more than straight black guys. They just seem a whole lot less niggerish. I feel like I can walk by them and the worst thing I'd need to worry about is them hitting on me, rather than stabbing, shooting, and robbing me.

Someone is mad they couldn't afford the new WoW expansion. kek

how can you hate faggots more than niggers. get the fuck out you fucking part-nigger lover. fuck you


But in my experience, gay black men tend to be the most self-centered, narcissistic twats around. Horrible, judgmental 'people.'



Because faggots can also be niggers, therefore niggers is technically mentioned twice.

ppl who abuse authority
anyone who thinks feelings/ safety/ you are more important than our/ MY freedom

I pretty much agree with everything you sid but weed is good
most drugs are pretty good, thats why people do them


Bro, if you're older than 14 and haven't moved on to coke or painkillers, it's time to kill yourself. Weed is for middle schoolers.

Same for pretty much everything except gay black people? Why can't blacks be gay, is there a reason?

Garbage, kills people too
Just straight up kills people

I can relate in most of the cases

I take offense when anybody refers to jigaboos as if they are people.


They can be gay (I'm black myself), but it's the attitudes and behavior that come with it.

Good, then it's not just me.

I'm an adherent of Castanedian Nagualism.

... this is now a get thread.

>people who can't have a debate without name-calling
So, Sup Forums?

>Women who try to act like men
i.e. try to be "chill" or act like a "bro"
>Guys who say shit like "lets get some bitches"
so you just want me to call my girls for you?
>skinny Black guys who think they're tough
>white kids who call black people nigger when they're trying to be funny
>Trump supporters who don't see how fucking ridiculous trump is
>anyone who's radically anti-trump
>Poor people
>rich kids

>people with bread
>people with tattos/piercings
>people that love animals
>pro-palestinian people



.... bread?

Only if people irl forget that they aren't on Sup Forums during a debate.


faggot spotted.

I thought this said guppies, couldn't have agreed more. I fucking hate guppies, those fish are the scum of the earth. Why do people even TRY?


I definitely don't despise religious people, I'm just disappointed. But when it comes to more alternative forms of spirituality, I hate their disgusting ass guts, they are pathetic people who scavenge for meaning in life, normal brainwashing religion isn't good enough for them, they have to be unique or at least niched. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I FUCKING HATE HIPPIES!

>current year
>hating fish

i feel you...

Thank you, user

I hated myself from age 15-23(ish), trust me, it gets better. I'm not saying your life gets better, mine didn't, but I feel amazing without changing myself much. But you realize most other people think they are lacking in some area of life too.

19 right now, it's not like there isn't anyone I don't like or disagree or hate, but when it comes to people I actually know (family, friends, peers, whatever) whenever I see their flaws no matter how small or large they can be, my mind pesters myself that I have no right to judge them because of how shitty and flawed I am.

fat people who are able to walk but use the disabled parking lots because they have the sticker

I felt the same way when I was younger. I would put everyone else above myself no matter their flaws, because I was flawed. Nowadays I see that my decisions led me to something I didn't like, I didn't get the things I wanted or what I valued. On the other hand, I have what some people don't have, and I feel sorry for them, even though I envy them for what they have. I don't have all of the answers, because I don't feel happy with myself, but I've finally, at 25 years of age, stopped hating myself for all the areas I didn't care about developing. There is still time, and all the the things I couldn't be bothered to do, I can still do later. I finally got my life on track when I was about 20 years old, I just hadn't sunk low enough, or hadn't matured enough to at last command my own life, until then. It's hard when you don't care and want nothing of life.

Opposite with me, I want to develop but despite all the obvious, average, and even some great successes I always tell myself "I could have done better" but not to encourage myself, but to put me down after every success I make. I have friends in college right now, but I wonder if I'm being too clingy or if I'm being too distant. Classes I'm wondering if I'm working too hard or not doing enough. I'm doing better this semester but the last one was a disaster, it didn't get so bad that I stopped caring altogether, but it felt like I was just some cave troll in my dorm wallowing in self-pity.

And it's that I want nothing with life, I'm just wondering if life wants anything to do with me at all, do I really matter?

But anyway, as long as you forecefully, and I really mean forcefully, dismiss thoughts of hopelessness and depression, you will get a good head start in life. Most people experience the same anxiety when it comes to achievements in life, at any age, but as long as you know that we all go through it, you can go though it "together" with everyone else, whether they know it or not. I don't mean that all your peers will experience the same things as you do, when you do, I mean that eventually they will be in your boat, whether they're 5 or 50 years older than when you felt that way.

Thank you user, though those thoughts still pester me, well mostly when I bring them up like right now, I've improved a lot since a year ago, when to a therapist on depressants, and overall am feeling better about myself and trying to improve myself without all the negativity. And like you said I've met this one guy who, like you described, has not gone through the same crap has me shared some of the shit he's been through in the past that's put him on the boat I was on for awhile.

I probably will never stop being my biggest critic, but I think I'm improving.

Wow, you're kind of a hateful, bitter little person aren't you?

I find many of these distasteful but not, necessarily, loathesome.

>vaping fedora-wearing neckbeards
>Asian-Americans who give me shit for studying Asian cultures and languages

Oh so you're a weeaboo in self-hating denial

I don't like people.

I'm more of a 'graduated weeaboo.'

>I'm more of a "graduated weaboo"

Ohhh, so you're a pathetic, antisocial, judgemental, bigoted weeaboo with a delusional superiority complex and an inflated opinion of your own intelligence/entitlement?

Thanks for clearing that one up, pal.

As someone who deals with the public on a daily basis, there's 2 types of people I despise above ALL ELSE.

Old people.
Soccer moms.

Sure niggers, beans, and pajeets are all annoying in their own way, but these people are also easily dealt with.

It's old people and soccer moms that truly test my patience and make me hate the public.

To an extent.

A 'graduated weeaboo' such as myself is one who doesn't obsess over anime, but still watches it. The anime we do watch isn't in the mainstream, and most people don't even know about it. We study Japanese on a serious level (I'm studying for the JLPT N3 right now) and actually care about Japanese culture beyond just what's popular. Also, we can be into other Asian cultures as well, such as Korean and Chinese (both of which I'm also into, and I don't even eat Western food anymore).

Don't forget: Nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor!

So a self-hating westerner? You do know there are just as many types of assholes as you describe in "superior Eastern nations" right?

I don't? Nobody is worth the obsession if it isn't positive for me.

Wow. actually exist.

You actually exist as you are and find no fault in that. I'm truly blessed on this day to encounter a creature such as you.

Continue on your journey. I could never do to you more than you've done to yourself.

I've actually lived in South Korea for years in my early-20s. While I'm sure there are people in Asia who may fit the personalities I dislike, that doesn't concern me.

Thanks, I suppose.

Honestly, it's so diffuclt for me to say whether you're clingy or not, and I really don't want to speculate and worry you even further, because we all want to be wanted/needed somehow. How clingy you are might change with time, when you have more affection than you do right now for example.
When it comes to achievements, as in "I could've done better", this is literally the way I feel after everything I do, and I'm so insecure and panicy about it that I brought it up with my employer, and I straight forward told him that there was nothing I wanted more than to do a good job, and he told me I was already doing a good job. I was just raising my own bar higher every time I could achieve my last record, and I blame that on insecurity, because I felt like nothing I ever did was good enough. I don't know how to remove insecurity, I'm halfway learning to live with it instead. I think some people worry about things more than others, and some idiots don't and can't do anyhting, but still feel like they are great at what they do.
But I feel like the most important thing I have to mention, so that you either can or can't take advice from me is that; what I expect from life is for it to be an average one. I've always wanted to just blend in and have a middle-class or middle-upper-class life. I am aiming for minimum average and whatever I can get above, I don't care if I won't be a millionnaire, or have a new lover every night, but I want to never actually worry about my economy, or my love life, just plan it.

It doesn't concern you why? Then why do you care so much about the "assholes" in the west if it doesn't matter?

I'm seeing some hypocritical thinking here

I feel that way about assholes anywhere. It's just that in the East (thanks partly to the language-barrier), I don't have to worry/care as much because I don't have to deal with them. Plus, people here seem to be assholes just for the sake of being assholes, and no other reason than "because I can."
>water came out of the faucet a little colder today
>better go off and be a prick to everyone
>western way of thinking
Not to mention people here tend to take their attitudes to work with them.

>Same for pretty much everything except gay black people? Why can't blacks be gay, is there a reason?

Imagine being around pic related for HOURS.

You know those typical center-of-attention black guys who never shut the fuck up and think they're king shit?

And you know those over-the-top gushing flamboyantly loud homos who lead the parades?

It's the worst parts of both, with the annoyance factor cranked to 11. Just super fucking obnoxious.

>A 'graduated weeaboo' such as myself is one who doesn't obsess over anime, but still watches it. The anime we do watch isn't in the mainstream, and most people don't even know about it. We study Japanese on a serious level (I'm studying for the JLPT N3 right now) and actually care about Japanese culture beyond just what's popular. Also, we can be into other Asian cultures as well, such as Korean and Chinese (both of which I'm also into, and I don't even eat Western food anymore).

That's exactly my goal in life, sure being rich sounds "fun" to an extent but really, it may sound cheesy, I really just want to be content. Have a job that I feel proud of working, I'm not expecting something easy just something at the end of the day I can feel like I'm doing something. I could be the CEO of the next company that cures cancer and I might still be miserable with that.

I just want a nice quiet life, where I can hold no regret.

That's my main goal anyway, stuff like dating, getting a family, love seem centuries away for me to plan for, but that may change I don't know.

Also what's funny is that what you described with your employer is the same with my parents, they constantly tell me how proud I am that I'm doing so great, and I basically respond with: "I could've done better" and they say how I HAVE done already so great.

>adult metalheads
>anyone that makes a career out of politics
>any billionaire that isn't Bill Gates
>alcohol users, in general
>cigarette users, in general
>prescription drugs users, in general
>obese humans
>diesel truck owners
>pedestrians that walk on the street
>cops driving debadged vehicles
>the "do you guys offer military discounts?" veteran
>veterans, in general
>military personnel, in general
>cooperate employees (suit and tie), in general
>faggots that yell "hey is that my food?" to a delivery driver from any food company.
>did I mention alcoholics

I prefer baseball caps with Korean or Chinese characters/words on them.

I think you're in denial about what people are like there because they probably give even LESS of a shit for you and probably some even hate you because of the extreme xenophobia in Eastern countries.

I'm not saying things are better here, but at least I'm not acting like a faggot thinking that Asians are magical angels that are perfect in every way.

Any one who wears gangster wear. Worst fuckers on the planet.

Sounds like someone is being a hypocrite again, being judgemental like "bigot" that you hate so much.

What's wrong with getting a discount nigga? Are students who want discounts just as bad to you?

Of course they aren't perfect, but they (as are their societies) are leagues above anyone here.
>even myself

Yes especially with that HUGE suicide rate, SO MANY LEAGUES.

Well user, you probably did good, I don't think your parents would try to "get on your good side" and suck up to you. I would imagine they want you to succeed in life, and when you do something well, they want to tell you about it. If you were a disaster, and they aren't drug addicts, they probably would want to talk to you about it, because parents who care about their children want them to have both a good present and future.


that's called self-cleaning

Enduring success comes with a price, often on a social level. Just look at what happened during the Meiji Restoration:
>rapid modernization and national transformation in a short period of time
>at the expense of social cohesion and interpersonal communication/relationships
If you want to lead the world in societal and technological development, but your country's the size of any U.S. state, you're going to have to work overtime.

It's not nearly as bad as it was in the 90s anyway, and they're killing themselves *without* shooting up a classroom full of peers.

Nigga you're either trolling or one of the most cringe-worthy cunts I've ever come across. I'm not sure which would be worse at this point.

That's because depressed spoiled white kids like you barely exist their user! You're poisoning great NIPPON!

The latter.

I'm not white. least you're self-aware.


cant argue with vast majority of these


You see it too, then?!

>People who don't realize this is copypasta

True, true my dad had a bad drinking problem in the past, but I have to say he's the strongest and most reliable person I think I ever met. He not only dug himself out of that state when he was with my mother, he refused to take money from his asshole of a rich father and took us up from poverty to middle class, from construction worker to hard working salesman. Things aren't perfect, but during one of the worst economic crisis in America my father persevered, he never succumbed to drinking, he worked his ass off, switching from sales job to sales job until he finally found something that will help the family.

I know I'm raving a bit, but I truly admire him for what he has done for me and the rest of my family. I guess that's another thing, I don't want to disappoint him, though he tells me all the time that he is already proud of me so much already.

No, it's OC. I just saved it to a notepad for future threads like this to save myself from having to re-type all of it.

All of you fat fucks. I hate all of you with everything I have.

It sound like you're on the right track, user. You have a handicap of worrying too much, but as long as you acknowledge it, you can work alongside it, instead of ignoring it or letting it cripple you. It might feel difficult from time to time, but just try to keep sane and reasonable about it, that insight turned my life from constant anxiety and stress into a more relaxed and happy life.

I love you too user!~


Thank you again, user, and I hope all will continue to go well for the future too.


>people that make their sexual identity their entire identity
>people that make their entire identity revolve around a hobby
>people that require one-upsmanship to not feel inferior in a group or social setting
>people that have zero social awareness in a group or social setting

I'm gay.

So you're a Muslim user?

anyone who has voluntarily had a penis in their mouth