At what age did you completely lose interest in sex?

At what age did you completely lose interest in sex?


I never had one.


23. I havend had sex in 4 years.

46 here. haven't lost interest yet, but definitely not the horndog I used to be.

lost interest in sex

21 or 22. Why I have no idea but it sucks :(


never will be far too soon!

probobly will soon haven had sex in 3month now

18, never felt anything while having sex, kissing etc

>still have rock hard boners
>still fap like a teenager
>yfw Im 34


lvl 30 wizard here. hopefully not until ive tried it.

>mfw people die virgins every day

this is a hilf thread now


16. I still fuck, but i feel like i'm only doing it for camoflage. Does anyone have any insight as to why we're like this? (I'm 19 now btw)

Is it a loss of sexual attraction due to who you are expected to have sex with?

Well, i've tried guys. Not much going on there either. I have noticed that cumming id no where near as good for me as other people say it should be.

Maybe there is an age, a certain type of girl who isn't plentiful where you are. Maybe it's that you've come to understand the hassle of dealing with another human (irrational female) outweighs the physical pleasure from busting one in her.

15, i just don't think it worth it

I'm 28, divorced.
I didn't lose complete interest in sex, but after several relationships didn't work out after my marriage I stopped really pursuing women.
Ironically several of the women just wanted to have sex all the time and I got bored. Wanted someone to talk to.
Few of them did I introduce to my children.
My oldest is in middle school. It's a lot of work being a single father. Constant kid related activities consume most of my time.
I could fuck dumb sluts, but I don't think contracting STDs would make my life any better.

Yeah probably. Still, i'm probably gonna have to fake it to fit in. Can i ask, do you have a wife?


Maybe I mastered the art of jerking off or everyone I fucked didn't know what to do with a dick.

21yo virgin here
lost interest a few years back
never cared about getting laid tbh

No, but there's only been one girl I've wanted to marry. Not interested in most women my age at all.

Having a family is my #1 goal but can't see it happening in the current circumstances.

33 now, married 5 years.

Definitely not the same as I was in my teens/20's.

Probably has a lot to do with having a wife that has the libido of a wet noodle.

Lucky to have sex maybe twice a month... fap about 2-3 times a week. But I can see becoming no sex/no fap in the next decade or so.


do you love her

Do you at least have children?

More like you haven't had sex in your life yet. Or just you've got a small dick.

>she's getting fucked by a nigger dick while you're away



of course

nope no kids...

doubtful... shes more Sup Forums than I am
If anything shes dyking out on the side based on her internet porn history

I'm 29 and married. My wife is on birth control, which is a joke. there's no point if you don't have sex.

At first I would pursue her, then that became very frustrating. I felt as though I was doing all the work. It was like she was only attracted to me enough to reciprocate if I initiated.

So then I started holding out on her. I thought, "she'll get horny enough to initiate eventually." And she did. After two months. And all this time I'm going insane because I have needs, man. But it gave me time to think...

...She doesn't need sex. Or at least, she doesn't need it from me. Now, I'm not thinking that she's cheating on me. But I am convinced that the truth lies somewhere between "she's not attracted to me" and "she's basically asexual; frigid"

Now it's been so long that I find I can't go back. I can't effectively express this to her, I've tried. She doesn't get it. She just hears "there's something wrong with you." and gets upset. I can't go back to initiating, because quite frankly I refuse to have pity sex. If she doesn't want me, I don't want her. In that same vein, I feel like when she does initiate it's because she thinks I want sex... not because she wants me. And so if we have sex, it's not satisfying because she's just trying to do her widely duty, it doesn't make me feel needed or wanted.

After a while, that part of me just started to atrophy. If I ever get urges I just watch porn and jack it. I hate myself the whole time. I don't really feel anything anymore.

The funny part is she wants to try to get pregnant soon. It'll be duty sex on my part. I already feel like nothing more than an insemination machine. She could replace me with a turkey baster.

So, 29 I guess?

I guess I should add more details...

She grew up in a very conservative religious family. Took her V card when she was 26 on our wedding night. (I've had a few partners before her). Yes I love her enough to have been willing to date her for 2 years before we consummated the marriage.

I think she repressed sexual urges so strongly in her teens/early 20's to save herself for marriage that she is just not wired to be super sexual.

Our relationship is great, we do everything together, have similar interests, laugh and generally have fun. It just doesnt involve much sexual activity. Its like were best friends/ roomates.

you and me both Sup Forumsrother

Run as long as you can. If you impregnate her, your life is over.
If you get a divorce now, you still have a chance

user, you described my life to a T (except I'm 30) and we have a child).. I don't have any tips for you, because we seem to be at the exact same place. Just know you're not alone I guess?

The thing is, I'm not exactly unhappy. I love her, she loves me and aside from sex our relationship is excellent. I waffle back and forth on this issue, but divorce never crosses my mind.

OP I am in the same situation and I'm not even fucking married. Dating for over 3 years and we have had sex before. Our whole friendship/relationship started with sex and it's just disappeared. I've tried to talk and all it turns into is how much it pisses her off and I have to fucking be ok with everything.
I'm seriously to the point of just being done with it, my backstory is long and whatever but I can't even comprehend anymore. I see on this stupid website and online so many other women and they like sex and actually act like they are attracted to their significant other. I don't even understand anymore and it's to the point of being awkward to even initiate physical contact.

All it ever is is how I'm not romantic and I literally do everything I can to make things easier for her because of issues she is in therapy for, college, pretty much life.

It's never good enough

that sounds like a cancerous relationship...

get out now while you still can...

you guys might just need a few testosterone injection, or just by being more active like working out, exercising worked for me

Damn close myself
>fap once a day
>gave up on pursuing typical relationships
>I have a job and I spend most of my free time clearing land for a space to build my house
>maybe when I run out of important shit to do I'll chase the puss again.

I had my first time at the age of 18, and it was pretty shit. Used a rubber and didn't feel shit.

After that, i met another girl. She let me in without rubber, but the psychological stress ruined me.
"what if i impregnate her?"
"what if she has aids?"
Took me over a month to finally put it in her.
Was ok-ish, but not worth dealing with her bs and ruining my psyche.
That's pretty much the moment i gave up.
Gained 10 kilograms since then, lost all fucks to give.
>mfw the second girl called me last week, telling me she had chlamydia

>>mfw the second girl called me last week, telling me she had chlamydia
Young people and their unique baby names. Really classless.