I just deleted 1000+ pictures of hentai and traps in an effort to reverse my autism ask me anything

I just deleted 1000+ pictures of hentai and traps in an effort to reverse my autism ask me anything







It will do nothing as long as you are still here




Might I recommend listening to someone other than Radiohead?

ill keep your thread bumped.

kys autistic scum (im autistic too. gonna kms soon i think).

Free yourself. All it takes is one decision.

page 1 all day baby.

Why did you collect 1000+ pictures in the first place?

i only come here when im drunk. like now.


Slowly over time thought "wow haven't seen this one it'll be hard to find on google so I'll just save it"

your dad posted his zipped archive to a google drive

I'm too pussy, trust me I've tried, but my autism is minor I just have to work on it and I'm sure I can easily overcome it

bro, nothing will work. it's not just how we act, it's how others treat us like complete idiots that is the worst feeling.

>idk how 2 Sup Forums
The guy that made that image is probably a newfag. This place used to be like Vegas before tourists ruined it but, like Vegas, there are still a few gems. Every now and again you'll see a local but they're drowned out by fannypack faggots, like Sup Forums.

Make quality posts, ignore trash. It's not that hard.

I just hate being an outcast.

I'm not ugly I'm just socially awkward. Like girls I've known since high school have straight up said, "You look cute user so you're not weird because of how you look it's just that you are awkward"
(They aren't ugly at all too which helps me)

Only a 1000? Not that many pics, you should probably delete the rest

>delete the rest
Made me laugh but nope that's all of it