How come this book was intended to be a dystopia?

How come this book was intended to be a dystopia?

It seems to describe the perfect society. Everybody has access to food and entertainment. More than that, everybody learns since the beginning what their purpose in life is. Even if somebody is a dissident, the social structure is so marvelous that they will allow the person to live a peaceful life along with other dissidents, as long as they don’t try to mess up with everything.

Why don’t we follow Brave New World’s society as a whole model for our societies?

Being forcefully handicapped for "a more perfect society seems morally questionable. People shouldn't be treated like dogs.

Cuz Jews can't make shekels in a peaceful world

Would you like to be an epsilon? Really?

Also it's creepy the way they just bury unpleasant feelings under soma. Life is meant to have some minor difficulties so you can grow and shit.

No real personal expression, challenge, growth, room for change.

Nobody was forcefully handicapped. They were incubated according to their caste. After they were born, nobody messed with their physical and mental capabilities. Every single person could be completely productive within his or her caste's attributions. Nobody was even forced to work. Nobody was even forced to accept the models of that society, for there was an island where dissidents could live a peaceful life along with other dissidents.

Yes, I would. I would be taught since the beginning on how to behave and on my purpose in life. I would be physically weak, but it would be just perfect for my role in the society. I would have a functional job. I would have Soma, I would have a place to live, I would participate in public orgies.

A society that limits your IQ by starving your brain before birth in an artificial chamber is far from utopic

Because everyone realises he's useless and needs to bury that with drugs and sex.

And then you are born, your body works just as it is supposed to work, you learn your caste's attributions, you have music to listen to, you have games to play, you have orgies to go and, most important, the world makes complete sense inside the framework you compulsively learnt since you were a little baby. It doesn't matter whether your IQ is high or low. All that matters is that you have a stable and meaningful life. That society provides this.

I don't want to live in the matrix, I want to be free

They are not useless. They have clear roles whthin the society. They learn their roles since they are born. They learn to accept it and even love it. What's the matter if they need to take SOma every now and then in order to reinforce the greatness of that society?

What's the purpose of freedom?

I don't understand your question. Freedom means being able to do what you wish without having any restrictions imposed on you, it's just not good to be not free.

thus speaks a millennial.

generation soulless

To create change? Growth? Innovation? I don't know but we've been doing really well since we have it and we've done a shitty job without it.

Are you able to do whathever you wish without having any restrictions? If you wish you had a private jet, will you have it? If you you wish you were an astronaut, will you be an astronaut?

The restrictions will ever exist. The secrect is managing what you wish, so you wish only the things that reside within the range of your restrictions. I agree with you when you say that Brave New World's society limits people. But it doesn't matter, fot the society also restrics what you wish. They do everything they wish, once they wish only what they learn to wish. In the end, they are much freer than you are.

>How come this book was intended to be a dystopia?
You're thinking of 1984. Brave New World was an attempt to romanticize the elevation of society from what Huxley perceived as savagrery. Hence the drastic contrast between cultures and the eventual acceptance of heir utopia by the book's protag.

Dud you even read it?

Freedom means doing what you wish (within reason i.e. respecting the rights of other people, and so that I do not have unlimited wealth and supernatural powers etc.)

They do everything they wish because their minds have been imprisoned since before they were born (if you can call it that). They are no different to artificial intelligence - their creator dictates how much freedom they have to think and act. This is not freedom.

Huxley himself referred to the book as a dystopia.

You even read Brave New World Revisited?

Lol this is completely wrong, have you even read the fucking book?


What's the matter of having the mind imprisioned, as long as you accept it? They learn to accept it and to live their lives according to what's expected from them. Everything is clear. It's is much better than any society that sells wide range of possibilities, even though the great majority of people won't be achieve even half of what was sold.

Sure their social structure was pretty on point.
You could argue the moral implications of it. You're just gonna end up in camp Dystopia or camp Freedom.
But from a practical standpoint, without mistakes or stresses they become vulnerable to major shifts like Natural Disasters or Diseases. If you're not falling on your face and picking yourself up periodically (as an individual or society) you can't really adapt and overcome.
Anti-fragile and shit.

I've been enticed to participate in private hot tub orgies. I declined, however. The orgies in Ohio always have a bad ratio of male to female.

This right here. Greed is the problem. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Have you ever read OJ Simpson's IF I DID IT?

>Why don’t we follow Brave New World’s society as a whole model for our societies?

Life in the US of A, we are pretty much living in the beginning age of a cross between brave new world and 1984. Enjoy the bread and circuses. Or else.

>What's the matter of having the mind imprisioned
What's not wrong? I would like my intelligence and scope of consciousness to remain intact and not limited against my will. It's completely immoral.

>They learn to accept it and to live their lives according to what's expected from them

They are being undermined by their leaders

>It's is much better than any society that sells wide range of possibilities, even though the great majority of people won't be achieve even half of what was sold.

We can't achieve any unrealistic desires, but that's a lot better than living in the society where your desires are actively limited and are obscured by the use of starving an unborn child of oxygen, and the use of drugs in order to restrict any natural sense of freedom and emotions

Nice point. I had never thought about the book though this point of view. However, I think their society is not static. They are technologically advanced and shit. I think they would be able to overcome such problem without harming the caste structure. Even when you analyse the social structure itself, it is not absolutely static. For instance, they allowed Bernard to exile on the islands.

That filthy fucking ape DID DO IT.

Can't you see how grossly unhappy
Bernard and his bitch are?

Also, read Brave New World Revisited
Not a sequel. It's non fiction that sheds a lot of light on the 20th century using Brave New World comparisons. Huxley at his best if you ask me.
Good short read. Only around 100 some odd pages. You will wish it was longer.

I read it. He concludes that societies were to become Brave New World-like faster than he expected. He seems quite sad and worried about that. I can't see why.


Also, Bernard is quite unhappy because they didn't incubate him properly in order to be an Alpha. Everything he learnt wasn't fit for his mind and body. His position wasn't fit for his mind and body. His unhappiness was the consequence of an unfortunate ponctual error. Shit happens, but he was an outlier. His bitch seemed to get unhappy sometimes, but she had soma and orgies to forget about it.

Because taking away negativity and strife from the lives.of people keeps them naive and doesn't allow for maturing or any intellectual gain. You don't learn or survive or do anything of any value, you just continue to exist and thrive on primal needs. Its basically being a welfare queen all your life because no one will teach you different.

>but she had soma and orgies to forget about it

Uh if never confronting what makes you unhappy doesn't seem soulless to you you should probably move to Hollywood. Lot's of burying pain with orgies and soma in that town

Of course they do things of value. They learn and perform what a great society expects of them, while the society provides them with entertainment, food and a purpose in life.