Med fags what is this? in my armpit

Med fags what is this? in my armpit

I got this now for a month and it doesn't heal and its leaking watery fluids

What is this and how can I get this heal

That, my friend, is a cyst

go to a doctor, the treatment is usually surgical.

Have you tried a bandaide

Armpit vagina, put a tampon up there and you will be fine.

Take a fucking shower and use deodorant

Had something similar, thought it was teared skin from lifting, like a stretchmark only a bit more damage, either way it went away


literally thought this was a joke topic till i enlarged the picture lmao

opening this with a high resolution monitor was a mistake

you armpit look like a vagina mate. good pic
post more

How does it smell?


Op here
Sometimes it smells like cancee

like what?

its cancer


what is cancee?


Neurofibromatosis type 1 that's a sign dude go and check for optical nerve tumor and for small tumor in ur back

Taking a shower more than once a year might help. It's probably some sort of cyst that you got from not bathing properly


Go the doctors and get it checked out. What if it's the opening from a tapeworm breaking through your skin?

I would still lick it, it looks small and tight.. its a nice pussy if you ask me :)

Can I please try putting my dick in there?

You use old spice?


It hink that's a cyst. Go to the doctor.

>inb4 i don't have time to go to the normie doctor lel

Where's the clit..
Post sex change?

10/12 wold fug hard as fug in the gole

Hey! Get some aloe, the plant if you can. Take a piece, cut it in half so the wetness of the plant is exposed. Apply it to the area. Make sure it stays while the juice is absorbed by the skin
If this doesn't help, see a doctor. It is likely nothing. Cheers

Looks like heat rash that went untreated

Legitimatly might be cancer. Go to the doctors.

What deodorant do you use? Old spice deodorant caused slight chemical burns in my pits, they healed eventually. If not that, go to your doctor.

a fucking blister you cunt

put your penis in and fill it with semen. it's the only way it'll heal.

you're growing a little vagina, best stop acting like a bitch and it'll go away