Any hints for (almost) becoming conversationable in spanish in a year? By April-may...

Any hints for (almost) becoming conversationable in spanish in a year? By April-may. Gotta learn equivalent to three years of school by then.

Any tips appreciated.

go to your dvd collection and see which dvds have spanish audio and subtitles, hopefully you will find one movie that you know very well,watch said movie with spanish audio and subtitles, find a different movie, repeat

What about stuff like grammar?
Found an app called 'Duolingo' that helped me bingestudy for my German test, got an A, but forgot a lot. Done with German anyway.

Aprender español debe ser extremadamente difícil. Nosotros lo tenemos mucho más fácil para aprender inglés.

Only got like half of that.

El Español es un idioma mas fácil de lo que parece preocupate por hablar bien y olvida la gramática.

It's easier to learn english than spanish?

But the exam is probably a written one. Where sentence structuring is 'importante' :(

wait, idioma is masculine? but it ends with an "a"

Change language to spanish in every phone/pc you have. You already know where the menus are, so you will learn few words very fast.

Read in spanish. Beginner books and stuff.

Where do you live? Not the same if you are in China than USA.

Personal teacher? Im sure you could find someone to teach you for not so much.

Good luck, you will need it (learn a language in less than a year :O )

He he opino lo mismo aprender inglés es bajar un escalón en la dificultad de las lenguas.

be portuguese.

Here's the thing. I 'm planning on skipping two years in my education, to move on to uni asap.
In order to get a dimploma, I need a spanish grade.
I also need a GPA of 5.2, (grades go from 1-6)
Got a lot of studying to do :(

English is schizophrenic. Every rule has exceptions. Worlds like 'though,' 'tough,' comb,' 'tomb,' and 'bomb.' Some weird collective nouns 'oxen,' 'fish,' 'Moose,' 'geese.' Long and short vowels. Spanish has extremely few such complications.

That's why you have the subtitles on, you have to see how the words are written, try to focus on full phrases


Buy cookbooks and follow the instructions.

>No Spanish

Thank you guys.
Imma go watch a movie, then.

Verbs in spanish are chaotic.

Terminar en "a" no siempre lo hace femenino.

¡Buena suerte!

>extremely few exceptions


Fucking tired, damnitall.

Good luck with the "Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo" and the conjugations.

Rosetta Stone
Hands down

Mierda user me acabas de recordar mi época de instituto.

Also, quick questions... Are you trying to get the test on "American Spanish", or "Castillian Spanish"? Which level?

My education system is based around Castillian Spanish.

Tiene que ser una gran putada para alguien que no hable español aprender a conjugar los verbos. La mayoría de los españoles ni siquiera saben hacerlo.

Could you take a trip to mexico for a couple of weeks, that would ramp up your spanish real fast

¿Pero eso al final se acaba usando?

Also, level is equivalent to three years of studying spanish.

Don't have time, gotta study other shit as well...

Yes, but not in the way spaniards think it is. They think they have a complex and sophisticated languange, when in reality it's just an outdated and overcomplicated residue of a bygone era.

Funny that they say that every language is easy compared to spanish, yet everyone in spain struggles immensely to pull off some basic communication in any other lauguage apart from their own.

Igual que nosotros lo aprendemos por obligación, ellos también, y con más importancia. Y supongo luego no se pueden tomar la libertad de olvidarlo.

Ah, okay.
So, if I can ask for more, please do sum up uyour best tips for learning conversationable Spanish by April-May.

"Me lo hubiera comido", no para nada. /s

Your post reeks of badling

>They think they have a complex and sophisticated languange

Porque lo es. Tal vez demasiado.

Try learning Japanese or Cantonese, then we'll talk about Spanish being too "sophisticated"

Yes, daily. For example... "No sabía que ya hubieras llegado. could be translated like... "I did not know you had arrived."

We have 16 more ways to conjugate verbs. For example... "Cantar" or "To sing" could be conjugated like this...

>Indicativo presente: Yo canto (I sing)
>Indicativo Pret. Perfecto Compuesto: Yo he cantado (I have singed)
>Indicativo Pret. Imperfecto: Yo cantaba (I Singed - Used to sing)
>Indicativo Pret. Pluscuamperfecto: Yo había cantado (I have singed)
>Indicativo Pret. Perfecto Simple: Yo canté (I song? No real translation)
>Indicativo Pret. Anterior: Yo hube cantado (I singed... but more like "I singed a long time ago")
>Indicativo Futuro Simple: Yo cantaré (I will sing, in the future)

And the list go on... So yeah, in a kinda advanced level, u will need those... With a 3 years of study, watch some series, read some basic books or listen to music. Can give names if needed.

Back to school man, sing sang sung, or singe singed singed.

Lo digo en comparación con el inglés, evidentemente.

Where are you from ¿?
Tengo la ligera sospecha de que eres catalán.

Don't mind this guy, he's got most of them wrong

Im not used to talk english... native american level, sorry for the fails xD

Please, all information is appreciated.
Also, i don't think it's that advanced, for example, the curriculum recommends "Ser" And Estar as of right now.

You only need one word: Sangría.

Las partes en inglés seguramente si, pero las que están en castellano no pueden estar mal, creo...

No bebo alcohol.

lel seguramente xD


And "Paella"

Ser and estar are tricky for English speakers to be honest, what level do you have and what are you trying to get to? B2?

Yo canté - I sang

falta yo cantaría

Step 1
Learn the sounds, this will help you a lot since in Spanish everything is pronounced as is read.

Step 2
Start leaning words.

Step 3
Learn the grammar. This will be hardest if you wanna do it properly.

I'm assuming your mother tongue is English, so grammar will be complicated, but nothing you can't master if you apply yourself.

First off, I'm not a native english speaker. I'm from Norway.
Second, The level is here called "Spanish I - III". Spanish one, level three (three years)

No necesito decir nada mas.

You've mistranslated almost every tense, not to mention you fucked up the conjugation like somebody has already mentioned

Why would you want to go to Spain then? It's virtually just a country sized holiday resort with poor management.

Puse los indicativos, ni las formas no personales ni los condicionales, ni los subjuntivos... no jodamos xD

Creo de creer, y creó de crear?

user tienes que tener mas de 18 para estar aquí

I'm not going to Spain. I'm not learning Spanish out of curiosity or interest, but because I have to.
I'm planning on skipping to years of schoo, to be admitted into Uni, but you're not allowed to unless you have three years of a foreign language. I have none. So by April, Exam-time, I'm gonna have to :/

Rosetta Stone is ok. It helped a lot when I was learning French.
Make a friend with a Spanish speaker and only speak Spanish with them. Learn like a child learns.

Well I don't know about Norwegian, but I'm guessing you have a direct equivalent for the verb "to be" since Norwegian and English ate both germanic languages, correct?

Could you tell what do they ask of you? That would give me an idea of how far you are from your goal

Do you have any online test? That way we can see the level you need

Yo aún no entiendo que juntéis "ser" y "estar" (dos verbos muy distintos) en un solo verbo, "to be". La magia de los idiomas.

Well, all the information I can find is IN Norwegian, but I'll do my best. I need one oral and one written exam. I need at least a Grade 5.
Equal to b/b+
Oral exam is a presentation for about ten minutes, then 20 minutes examination,.
Written exam is five hours, where one task is read a spanish text, answer in norwegian, and the others are write two long texts in spanish.
More coming, just need to read a bit.

Learning spanish is hard because there is so much rules in grammar shit. Good luck, pendejo come vergas.

Lots of languages do that to be honest, actually I'd venture to say most of them do. Anyways there's always some intricacies in languages that make learning it rough. For example in Russian the word for hand and arm is the same, and they don't have problems understanding each other.

Copy/Paste it, Google Translate is our friend

Sounds like a c1 exam, I don't know you Spanish level but getting there in 6 months or so would be really hard, and I really mean it, you'll need to study for hours daily and get immersed in the language if you want to make it.

En spansk skriftlig eksamen består av ulike deler:

Det er en oppgave basert på forståelse. Der skal man lese en spansk tekst og svare på spørsmålene på norsk.
Deretter er det 2-3 oppgaver der du skal skrive spansk. Disse varierer, men det pleier å være 1 eller 2 spørsmål. Dermed skal du skrive 2 lengre tekster. Her kan du selv velge hvilken tekst som skal være lengst.
Studienett tilbyr flere kvalitetssikrede, tidligere eksamensbesvarelser som du kan lese og øve deg på. Her kan du se hva du kan vente deg av oppgaver, og hva som kreves av en god besvarelse.

Forbered deg ordentlig til spansk skriftlig eksamen med oppgavene som ligger her ute, og forhold deg til gode eksamensbesvarelser for å ha et godt oppsett på din eksamen.

Skal du ha spansk muntlig eksamen er kravene annerledes fra spansk skriftlig eksamen. Da har du 24 timer til å forberede din presentasjon. 48 timer før får du vite om du blir trukket til eksamen, og 24 timer før eksamenen får du utdelt et tema eller problemstilling som du skal forberede deg på.

Sjekk ut et eksempel på en god presentasjon her!

Når du så kommer til eksamen skal du presentere din oppgave. Etterpå vil eksaminator stille deg spørsmål til din presentasjon. Det kan også bli stilt spørsmål relatert til resten av pensum. Målet med spørsmålene er å teste deg i spontan samtale.
Til spansk muntlig eksamen kreves det god grammatisk forståelse, men uttale og flyt er også viktig. Derfor er det viktig å forberede din presentasjon godt, samt tenke over hvilke spørsmål som kan komme til ditt tema.

Med vår hjelp kan du se tekster fra tidligere muntlige eksamener i spansk. I tillegg kan vi hjelpe deg med hvordan man setter opp en god presentasjon. Her gir vi tips til vanlige feil, og hva man må passe godt på.

I don't know how easy that is...

It doesn't say anything about the syllabus, not very helpful tbh

Here's the curriculum (in short)

Beskrive og vurdere innhold i tekster Se eksempel
Bruke hjelpemidler godt Se eksempel
Sammenligne kultur og språk i Spania og Norge Se eksempel
Forstår innhold og detaljer i tekster Se eksempel
Skrive med godt ordforråd og språkstruktur Se eksempel
Tilpasse språket til situasjonen (formelt og uformelt) Se eksempel
Skrive om opplevelser med spansk kultur

Sorry I'm being so messy and all..


How many years have you been studying Spanish?

"Se eksempel", thats the thing we need

Nothing really. I know a BIT, I had a test in June. About it.
Oppgave 1

Svar på spørsmålene under ved å skrive en kort, sammenhengende tekst på 3–5 setninger på spansk.

¿Cuál es el trabajo de tus sueños? ¿Crees que lo vas a conseguir? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

Oppgave 2

Les teksten i vedlegget, og svar på både a) og b).

a) Svar på norsk på disse spørsmålene, som er knyttet til teksten i vedlegget:
1. Hva sier Rubén om det han tjener på videoene sine?
2. Hva lærte Rubén i Bergen?
3. Hva tror han selv er grunnen til suksessen han har?
4. Hva gjør han i videoene sine?

b) Svar på spansk på disse spørsmålene:
Ser youtubero*: ¿Es un trabajo para toda la vida? ¿Por qué o por qué no?

* youtubero: youtuber, en som produserer videoer og legger dem ut på YouTube

Oppgave 3

Du har blitt venn med Rubén på Facebook. Nå har han invitert deg til Madrid for at du skal være med i en av videoene hans. Videoen skal handle om norske ungdommer, og Rubén vil finne ut om det er noen forskjeller mellom nordmenn og spanjoler.

I videoen skal du fortelle om tre ting som er viktige for deg, og du skal forklare hvorfor disse tingene er viktige. Tror du disse tingene er viktige for Rubén også? Viser de tre tingene forskjeller mellom norske og spanske ungdommer? Hvorfor / Hvorfor ikke?

Skriv, med utgangspunkt i disse spørsmålene, presentasjonen du skal holde i videoen til Rubén, der du forteller om og forklarer hvorfor du valgte akkurat disse tre tingene.

Skriv en sammenhengende tekst på spansk.

Oppgave 4

Elige uno de los temas siguientes. Escribe un texto en español.

a) ¿Podemos todos en el mundo cumplir nuestros sueños de ser lo que queremos ser y hacer lo que queremos hacer? Compara la situación entre chicas y chicos, ricos y pobres, Noruega y países de habla hispana.
Título: Perseguir un sueño.

b) En un periódico español hay una discusión sobre jóvenes y su vida digital. Un padre preocupado escribe en un comentario:

“Ay… ¡tanto tiempo frente al ordenador! ¡Los jóvenes de hoy son tan pasivos! No puedo imaginar las consecuencias que puedan ocurrir. Espero que los jóvenes de otros países no gasten tanto tiempo en nada. Mis hijos pasan horas y horas frente a la pantalla. Tengo miedo de su salud física y mental.”

Enrique Marcos, padre de dos hijos.

Escribe una respuesta a este padre donde expreses tus pensamientos sobre el tema. Título: La vida frente a la pantalla.

c) ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas de poder utilizar todas las herramientas en el examen? ¿Cuáles de las herramientas son útiles y cuáles no? Describe las diferentes situaciones del examen basándote en las fotos de abajo. La primera es de Cuba; la segunda, de Noruega.
Título: Examen

That's example one, of the curriculum requirements.

Seems like a B2, C1 test, u gonna have a hard time, but in 7 months u can do it. Searching for some test, brb

Thank you!

Could be anything from a b1 to a c1, I'm not looking to discourage you, mate, but from almost 0 experience I'd say it's nearly impossible to make it in such a short time frame. By all means, do try, use duolingo, study every single day, watch everything in Spanish using subtitles, try to get a few podcasts you enjoy, get immersed and do the lose hope. But like I told you before, it's gonna be hard if not impossible

Fuck Spanish! Learn the language of the future, Esperanto!

Ah well, I'm going to take the exam, and I'll just have to study like a bloody dog up until then.
Thanks for all the support and help!

Anyway me and my phone are almost battery dry, so I'm hitting the sack, good luck in your endeavor matey

Thank you! Night.
Dead at the starting line.

Quick link. Search "pordede" its a website with series and movies with spanish dubs

Klingon is more useful than Esperanto

Become a Mormon. Say you want to go on mission to Spanish speaking country. They will Rosetta Stone the shit out of you for 9 months. Speak Spanish like a native. Fuck bishops wife. Get excommunicated. Profit.

Learn Toki Pona

only 120 words

Yes, hundreds of people can already speak it, it's only a matter of time before everyone else in the world does.

chinga una chica hispana

Come to "Alfaz del pi" Its a norwegian colony in Spain, we have like +10k nowegians living in there

From potato to eggplant, how retarded are you? He wants to learn spanish and you suggest a place filled with Norwegians?

Spanish has five vowels. English has two dozen or more.

Spanish grammar is regular and
Latinate. English grammar comes from contradictory grammars, primarily Old Icelandic, Frisian, and Norman French.

There are a number of free services on the internet for learning languages. That should be good for conversational Spanish. If you need to learn the literary language, go to a serious school in a Spanish-speaking country; live with an educated local family if possible. If you go to Mexico, avoid the Universidad Panamericana because their academic standards include bribery.