Everything about this image is true

Everything about this image is true.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not all women wear skirts.

wait, is that supposed to be a ten years old girl with a 36 y o man? i call it pedo

Jews don't exist

So if age does not matter, all that pedo shit is ok in your eyes?

Fuck off pedo, you find a 10 year old that willingly consents to anything sexual and i'll show you a 10 year old that's already been a victim of sexual abuse.

Good luck in prison, they murder chomos.


people aren't blue and pink

its to show the genders you fucking retard
lmaoing at your life

Nice thigh gaps

>10 and 36

Obvious bait

It does communicate that age does not matter

yeah i bet they have nice boipussis with a thigh gap like that

>EVERYTHING about this image is true.
>points out a fact that it's not "true"
>get angry.
>abort thread
>op is a fag.

lol not really. and the biggest problem is too many people confuse lust with love. if they didn't then the divorce and single parent rates would plummet.

Should I post this to facebook and see what happens?

do it or you're gay

Curious to see how many fbookers pick up on 10 & 36



if you posted on femblr you'd probably cause some aneurysms cause "all inclusive leftist bullshit" but also that includes the kiddie sex.

Why does love only have to incorporate 2 people tho?



looks like you need to spend the day on Sup Forums

LGBTP, standing proudly with pedophiles and lesbian pedophiles and gay pedophiles and bi pedophiles and trans pedophiles.

One world.

>implying all love is sexual
spotted the newfags

Kikes don't crossbreed.

Finally another who understands.


Can anyone explain why pedophilia is always dismissed as something unethical? Obviously the whole situation is impractical, (ie. adults are more knowledgeable and can manipulate or abuse children to get what they want) but from an ethics standpoint, what's "wrong" when both parties consent?

Remember everyone, cum is cum

Because a child has an incomplete understanding of the consequences of consent.

There isn't much argument that it fucks with a kid's head when they're exposed to sex at a young age. PTSD, suicide, and other mental disorders are directly linked with children and young teens having sexual experiences that they're not ready for.

Well damn, you got me there.


Shouldn't the graphic of the 10 year old be shorter?

no... he didn't

Sent from my Android phone


raised a good point about why it's unethical, but in terms of how it "scars" child, do you think society is partially to blame? In any pedo-related stuff, even if it isn't abusive, people treat the kid as if something really bad has happened. Most people will just dismiss it and say, "well, it IS bad though; I'm just curious as to what really damages the child more: the sex, or the reaction to the sex.

kudos for getting that far but if you can't figure it out on your own you really are as retarded as Sent from my Android phone

What about beastality?

can't like something until you try it retard


The image on the lower left side, orange guy with white woman? Is that Trump?

>implying that there are gays who aren't pedophiles when the two are mutually exclusive

lol, modafoker

Well, my theory is this.

Nothing is necessarily "wrong" with having a relationship with a 10 year old. There could be arguments presented claiming that the child doesn't truly understand "the consequences of consent", etc. At the same time, everyone is different; there are 10 year olds that are perhaps more mature and rational than 18 year olds in other countries. Laws and ethics sometimes overlap, but are not interchangeable. The arbitrary numbers chosen by your state or country doesn't really reflect ethics, but rather practicality. The possible complications of such a relationship is too high; no reasonable government would want to sort out pedo-relationships on a case by case basis. So instead, they choose a number typically between 16 - 19 and label that as the age of consent. Then you have people who can't differentiate law from "right" and "wrong" and quickly dismiss the idea of pedophilia if it breaks the arbitrary law put in place by fellow citizens X number of years ago.

In terms of whether it is ultimately the act that traumatizes the child, or society, it obviously depends on the situation. If you have some person who violently rapes a girl without consent, yeah, the act was traumatizing. If you have a 30 year old and a 10 year old who have a healthy relationship, and the child is immediately told what happened to him/her was a fate worse than death, then it is mainly society that traumatized the child.

That being said, I'm pretty retarded.

>No religion of peace?
Geez user could you be more of a fucking racist bigot?

Love is love.

Don't you agree, OP?

What makes you think those are symbols of women? Just because they were skirts!

SEXIST. Men can wear skirts too. RACIST. My grandparents were from Scottland, and I find this offensive.

You're politically incorrect. You lose at the political correctness game, you cis pig man FUCK.

You all know this image was made by Sup Forumstards who purposely included the pedo thing to try and discredit homosexuality and interracial marriages yeah?

You seem to imply there is a definitive answer though. I have chronic autism you see, so you can take my theory with a grain of salt. I believe that ethics isn't absolute; there is no true "right" or "wrong". These ideas are fabrications of the human mind. "Right" doesn't exist, "wrong" doesn't exist, "purpose" doesn't exist (although that is a different topic for another day). Everyone has their own code of ethics, and while you can use logic to point out the flaws of other codes (eg. pedophilia is unpractical to due to difference in experience), you aren't really "right".

The picture you posted illustrates lust.

What does this picture illustrate?

checked, but they could still love eachother user


It illustrates a really shitty Photoshop job. Look at Obama's knee.

Love is Love.

Except for that love. I don't get people who have that kind of love. I don't love them.

Actually, that love isn't even love. It's not-love. That's why I don't love it, and people who love not-love don't deserve to exist!

Love is Love.

I just want to hug and cuddle with her nonsexually officer, I swear.
I only wanted to give her candy laced with sedatives to make the cuddling better, I swear officer.

I think you need to go to bed bud, you've had too much to drink tonight.

You could say that love is simply a way to make our sexual desires come true in a way that fits into our society. I mean, shouldn't we as animals be fighting for the smartest and strongest mates and breeding with them to further the development of our species? Homosexuality and all that other shit doesn't fit in with nature though. I guess it's a construct of society to help keep the natural urges of humans in check.

>I just want to hug and cuddle with her nonsexually officer, I swear.
This is OK
>I only wanted to give her candy laced with sedatives to make the cuddling better, I swear officer.
This is NOT

This, plz some photoshopfag do something about it

give her a lollipop while your at it

If you think the only way you can contribute to society is through who you fuck, then you're a really simple human being and aren't contributing in your own way by being recidivist.

Anyway, the whole 'love is love' notion strikes me as reductive. Love is love, sure, but not all love is the same. I think two cultivated people have more capability to love each other in a more meaningful way. An intellectual gay couple probably has 'deeper' love than a stupid straight couple, but the same is true the other direction, a smart straight couple can have more 'thought-out' love than a dumb gay couple.

As always, this should be looked at on an individual by individual basis, but no one wants to do that.

We should fix that OP


>Homosexuality and all that other shit doesn't fit in with nature though
It's nature's reaction to overpopulation, which is what our planet is experiencing, and you're a dumb piece of shit human who doesn't deserve to pass on their genes, because you couldn't see homosexuality for what it's worth. You're a subhuman, who doesn't deserve to be loved, because your brain is dysfunctional.

Either that, or maybe we should all just go ahead and leave "what's natural" to nature, and quit telling the other guy if he deserves love or not.

Your choice, user. But you don't get to be the smart one here. You're not Mr. Biological Poindexter.


>shouldn't we as animals be fighting for the smartest and strongest mates and breeding with them to further the development of our species?
That's not even how most heterosexuals behave, though. Stupid, low-gene-pool people bang other deficient people with no regard for what it's doing to society, you have catholic spics pumping out entire litters of children they can't even afford or educate. The onus of banging for the betterment of society is not on gays, it's on straights. In a society where everyone was breeding with those who keep the pedigree of the human race, a dead end here or there wouldn't even matter.

if I hadn't just switched OS's I would do it, sadly I am shit at GIMP

Meant as a reply for

>It's nature's reaction to overpopulation
I'm gay and you're wrong. You're projecting human motivation onto nature. That's not how evolution works though. There is no intent, evolution just lets through any trait that doesn't wipe the species out. None of the species that exhibit homosexual tendencies have died out, so clearly it's not the evolutionary malfunction people make it out to be. It could be that it actually serves a beneficial purpose, but regardless that doesn't mean that it was employed with purpose or intent. It's not a 'reaction,' in fact the only 'reaction' evolution features is with those traits that are not conducive to survival, everything else is let to run its course on a trial basis.


You're just simple minded. It's fine dude.

Species which evolve natural counterbalances survived over those that didn't. One of those counterbalances is a reaction to overpopulation.

Fuckin' frogs do it.

Just shut up about trying to differentiate intention vs. what happens, and look at what's happening. More people, less land, more gays.

It's a thing that is happening. "Well, nature doesn't... have like feeelings man."


Bruce Jenner thanks you for this sign.

If that were true than we'd see homosexuality to consistent ratio in any species verging on overpopulation, but notice how that doesn't happen.

And you're confusing yourself there. You're saying that more gays are showing up as natural counterbalance to 'function' somehow in overpopulation, but isn't the more simple explanation that more people = more gay people, to expected magnitudes?

I mean, me and my husband aren't going to be producing children, but your average latino catholic family has produced enough children to make up for that. Where's my part in assuaging overpopulation now?

Is the 10 year old a giant, or is the 36 year old a midget?

>being a bigot and purposefully not understanding what my dear user was trying to convey

>or is the 36 year old a midget?
it could just be 36yo tom cruise

>being so autistic than you have to drug the people you care about so you be with them

>still not understanding that it is not ok to be in love with children

>>still not understanding that it is not ok to be in love with children
>what are parents
>what are uncles
>what are grandparents
You sad loveless fuck

>but notice how that doesn't happen.

I noticed that it happens.

>implying pedos don't realize that they are mentally deranged and scum of the earth.
>implying pedos don't spend hours contemplating ending their lives on long, dark, lonely nights.
Anyone who actually thinks that sex with kids is an OK thing is left-wing liberal trash that needs to be exterminated, and that's something coming from a closet pedo.

>Agreeing with him

In one species, but that's not what I was talking about. Also, I made a point against that observation, anyway, but if your reading comprehension is a little rusty I'll repeat myself:

There are more gay people now because there are more people overall. More people overall has not willed gays into existence to somehow manage overpopulation (which we aren't, at all, it's still a problem), there are just more people in general due to overpopulation and so there are more gay people too.

Here's some classical 17~18th century high societal art.

I hope that threw a few wrenches into your cogs.

Please. Spare me your sophomoric statistics lessons.

I have noticed that overpopulation leads to higher rates of homosexuality. You can't change that.

You can tell me the locations of the places of the species where this is not true, or you can shut your mouth. Those are the options here.

Overpopulation = Gay, Infertile or Extinction. Figure it out. There aren't a lot of possibilities to pick from.

Hate is more refreshing.

Yeah, I often think about killing myself. I wish I was normal

sorry bud, I wouldn't hurt a kid just to fulfill a fantasy
And blah blah, I understand one of you guy's arguments that not all love is the same, however here I do believe we are talking about sexual love.
Damn they really need to come up with a separate term for that in English, didn't the Japs?

I see comments like this all over youtube. Is it a meme?

Don't quite understand what you were going for there, but cool, some rich guys liked little thick girls

How come pink and blue are not valid races but orange and yellow are? This upsets and confuses me.

I mean let's delve deeper, you could say, and probably would say, that the blue indicates boys and the pink indicates girls but then, does that mean that the orange and yellow and neither, and if so what are they? Aliens?

Ohhh no, they're fucking foxkin or some shit, they've got pronouns out their asses, fuck, no, we have to stop this, spread the message Sup Forums.

Love is love, and fuck tumblr.

yes and a bad one

> failed to get sixts
Everything about that image is false


bait af