Im currently in a group of friends who take a shit tonne of psychedelics and i realised this is all i want to do...

im currently in a group of friends who take a shit tonne of psychedelics and i realised this is all i want to do, i dont want to be a cog in the machine. what do i do

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Welcome to the acid cult

do it then why are you asking us

watch the movie trainspotting

Been there, done that, life is set of cycles, the longer you stay in a part of the cycle the less you will pass through that cycle again, i did psychedelic drugs for 7 years of my life but now i dont want, i think i learned everything i had to learn from psychedelics, but like a friend of mine said "I’m glad I did it all now I know what I ain’t missing", so do it.

Im very poor so it's gonna be difficult, any idea what i can do to get around the financial issue

suck a rich D

>doesnt wanna cog
>pursues dumber cog
Drugs are great and all but dont be a retard about it. Get a nice job and a significant other and a nice home then do fun drugs.

Cheap and easy Extraction methods. (Like LSA)Also pick shrooms and grow your own.

user knows best

Start selling

no no being a cog in the machine is wonderful, that sense of completion and pride in the fact that you are progressing something greater than ones self.

Become an anarchist
We have t-shirts

eh, kind of this. when you do them you feel like you discovered this big secret and that you're vibrations have increased. then years later you realize it's all just a fun mindfuck. not saying you shouldn't do them, just don't become one of those people that thinks they're the answer to life, the universe and everything.

but if you do gain some sort of insight into your own life that helps you get through some shit that's always cool. just don't get preachy.

That's it man!

Ur edgy

You're just a cog in a different machine now. Congrats

Not rly

ya ryl



Mmmm nay really

Humm yes totally

Oooooh I don't think so

So this little tet-a-tet isn't teaching you anything about cogs and machines eh?


If you are referring to the fact that you have to buy drugs from gangs, then it's not really since you aren't being exploited.

i just wanna chill with friends and get fucking OUT OF IT. im not a bad person i just dont want to be part of 'that world' if that makes sense

i really wanna hear your experiences and how you managed to keep doing it, etc.

Um...that's what people du

It sucks that the drug market is run by violent gangs and are at the same time the state uses a monopoly on the use of violence to jail non violent drug offenders to rake up the profits of the prison industrial complex.
In a perfect world everyone will be able to do what they wish at their own free will without anyone manipulating them for their own goals

I was once like this in a way- all i wanted 2 du wuz read. I got over it after i read everything worth reading

Your a neive 17 year old, and if your over 24 your a failure in life. Owning a house, having a foreign gf, eating her ass every night and rubbing your dick between her fat bum while sleeping is the best thing since sliced bread.

Then all i wanted to du wuz Sup Forums but i realized if i didn become a productive person i was a leech

I'm referring to the fact that your very existence is based on call and repeat functions like our "yes" "no" conversation.

Keep taking in oxygen and letting out carbon dioxide and telling yourself you're not a cog dumbass.

You'll get disillusioned from drugs eventually. Just skip them and don't learn the lesson the hard way.

mid kek

Why though? It's about narcotics, not psychedelics..

OP should watch some nature documentary or something while tripping. Or better yet, go out into nature.

Lol wut?
Being a cog in a machine means you are being exploited.
In this case OP was referring to the worker under the capitalist system

Do exactly that for a long while. Let your apathy take over, act like you're some enlightened fuck for taking psychedelics, work at a gas station or some retail store, be convinced people actually give a shit when you tell stories about your last trip, get old and still go to house parties so you can hit up teenagers for drugs.

You've got a bright future ahead of you, OP.

No shit. And what OP in his teenage wisdom has yet to figure out is that he's just replacing one machine with another. Maybe he's no longer working at walmart, but he's still got to do some work to eat. 02 in C02 out.

Work where though? In another capitalist institution?
That's not a different machine he's a cog in.
Also humans have breathed in oxygen and exhaled co2 long before capitalism. Even in a communist utopia we humans still have to respirate to survive more than four minutes.

Psychedelics are amazing and I think everyone at some point in there life should have a psychedelic experience. I feel like I have learned more from psychedelics than I have at school for the 11 years. I feel like I have such a deeper understanding of the universe and feel much more connected with everything. However, at the same time, its all about how you take it and what your intentions are going into the trip. Ive seen too many people fall down a deep dark hole treating psychedelics more like a drug and less like a tool of learning.


>take a shit tonne of psychedelics

Work the land, in a commune, whatever kind of bullshit anti-capitalist ideal.

The way to beat capitalism - Find your passion. Figure out how to make someone else pay for it. It's not hard, everyone is willing to pay for something they can't do themselves. It's all about connecting people to product.

Stop trying to fix the machine when the machine will just be swapped for another one. You are a machine. The universe is a machine.

steve jobs created facebook because he did acid so go for it lad

Sorry dude, but every single person I've met that has done psychedelics has said they've gotten some deeper understanding of the universe and a newfound sense of connection with the world around them but I ask them to explain and I get a bunch of "You just have to do it" and "It can't be described"

I think you had a good time and you're just repeating what you've heard everyone else say. Nothing profound about it.

Make the machine work for you.

If you aren't working to become a business owner than just shoot yourself.

Just learn to microdose.

Make it a game to be the least likely person in a group to be "that guy," while secretly using your enhanced weird thought powers to get an edge in society. Because y'know. Creativity or whatever. Be the kind of person where if anyone ever did realize you've been microdosing every day, that it would completely bend their perception of what's normal in society.

Alternately, go into the entertainment business, and let eccentricity be your hook.

You ever notice that Death Note is actually about the two sides of LSD, as portrayed if they were personalities?

I think you'll find it gets old pretty quickly. Leave yourself open to building a different life when the novelty wears off.

It can't be exactly described, it's different moment to moment. You make connections in your own thoughts that you wouldn't normally and then make even further connections until something you never understood becomes completely clear.

Completely new concepts will pop up as well and follow the same deepening links until some form of understanding even if it's just an odd or funny concept.

I have a much easier time seeing things in their "raw" form. All of my preconceived notions melt away on acid and I see things, people, situations for how they really are. I definitely feel more connected to everything in this way, in that I am engaging in its rawest form for the first time.

It's a lot harder to find work on a commune than you think, there aren't that many (for reasons mentioned in this video) and their jobs slots are in high demand.
>Everyone is willing to pay for something they can't do themselves


many successful doctors and professors of neuroscience in canada do LSD alot

Stay strong chief

Describe one profound conclusion you've come to because of psychedelics IN DETAIL or I will continue to call bullshit on your deeper understanding.

I don't think you've tapped into some deeper realm of perception. You can't claim to have some crazy understanding of the universe and then tell me you can't describe any of it at the same time. That's not understanding.

i appreciate all your comments. i really wanna get into the entertainment industry or maybe events. any ideas how i can do that???

The way you phrased that post makes it sound like you haven't actually had the experience.

Ya' ever think maybe that's problem? "What does the inside of this box look like, from the outside?" Good luck with that approach.

>Two sides of LSD
I don't know about you, but egomania and a lack of ability to empathize have never been a side to me.

Which one, is that Light?

Both characters are incredibly empathic. Are you doing that thing where you think that sociopaths don't understand other people?

I don't think it's a problem. I'm not exactly dying to figure this out, but I wouldn't mind seeing someone say something more than the usual canned responses I always hear.

Light doesn't show empathy, he just understands the way people think. There's a difference. Light is an amoral psychotic with delusions of godhood, and I don't think I've ever seen an LSD trip end that way.

Make sure to thank express your gratitude to your fans, your record label, your handler, and god every day.

Yes. Both side is equally inexplicable to the other. That is what makes them opposites.

Maybe the responses aren't canned. Maybe you're the one who is lacking the critical information to understand them.

Your first clue is when many people said many hundreds of different things, and you thought "this all sounds the same."

A colorblind person sees many different colors, and thinks "oh, these are all the same color."

Does this make the colorblind person correct? Well. It sure does from within their perspective.

yeah man you're gonna have to explain the death note parallel to me

Not the user you were talking to but I'll give it a shot then. When I first tried some good dissos, I felt like I was thinking more logically and "purely" in an information sense - similar to the way a computer would think. I don't know if I actually was or if it was the effects of the drug making me think I was, but it was during college and I felt like I got better at programming after because I could think in a more logical fashion.

I don't know if I did start thinking differently or if it was just an illusion because of the drugs, but I've always had low self-confidence and that feeling of understanding things in a different way was very helpful to my esteem and drive to work - my mindset changed from "how the fuck do I understand this" to "how do I have to approach this to understand this". Even if it's just a delusion from the drugs, it's a small, harmless delusion that makes me a slightly happier and slightly more productive person.

I hope I didn't ramble too much here and it's not quite related to what you were talking about - dissos are a very different animal compared to psychs - but they both have the potential for emotional growth from the experiences.

It's self explanatory. As in, drop acid, and go to an upper class restaurant while wearing a suit. The universe will explain it from there.

You are the kind of person I would like to force feed 5 grams of mushrooms to in order to knock you off your pompous high horse

It never gets old.

>There's nothing inside that cave. I can see it just fine from out here.
Well, you have to go inside to see what's in there.
>Prove it.
Okay. Go in the cave.
>That's not proof. You have to prove it WITHOUT me going in the cave.
The proof's in the cave.
>HA! I knew it. There is no proof.

Ever try dmt?



Look at all the cool shit people bring out of the cave.
Especially if you like art because art is fucking easymode for producing something original with aid from psychedelic experience.

Those things are all fabrications. :3

They're not real! 83

Ride it out in that lifestyle until you burn the fuck out

Fucking festival people