How do you feel about freebleerderings?

How do you feel about freebleerderings?

It's a mighty dang fast way to ruin clothes, I tell ya h'wut.

it's disgusting and unhygienic. the bottom left picture is also fake.

Fucking repulsed

Pathetic. I get that it's natural. So are pissing and shitting. We don't do that in our pants and show people.

The bottom left picture is a girl not on her period but he cut her foot and made the picture into a joke.

they better not give anyone grief for leaving the toilet seat up


I love eating bloody pussy. Tasty!

Don't really give a fuck.

A new way of attention whoring and seeming edgy at the same time

Girl on the beach is a fake, she cut her foot.



ew, but really, who the fuck cares?

I gotta say i am far more amused by people who get disgusted by women's periods than i have any feelings about periods.

Disgusting stuff. I get it, it's a normal process for girls but so is shitting and I'm not going to pull down my pants in public and take a dump .

Its disgusting and smells like shit. I would never associate myself with those filthy degenerates

Good lord I hate feminists, this is a whole new goddamn low

I feel it's a victory for Sup Forums.

It's one of the many reasons I hate women in general. The ONLY REASON they're doing it and not freeshitting is because men can shit too. They don't want to do anything that a man can do equally, they have to have something special.

this shit makes me want to slit my wrist and #freebleed

Clearly this movement is doing good in the world.

>implying blood everywhere from strangers is hygienic.

Fucking retards.

this is utterly disgusting. They need to round these females put a diaper on them and throw them back into the kitchen

10 / 10

If them bleeding everywhere is acceptable then me jizzing everywhere is too.

And me jizzing everywhere is NOT.

That it's a retarded joke made up by Sup Forums that even more retarded feminists decided was a real thing and proved that everyone on the internet is a retard.

I'm a retard for responding.

feminists: hurr durr, fuck what men find attractive. we're just going to be disgusting, because fuck men.

Meanwhile being attractive and not disgusting is how you attract a mate. It's not rules men are "imposing". It's rules of nature if you want someone to choose you. This applies to everyone...females and males. feminists are retarded.

This user gets it.

one can only hope that someday some of these people will look back on what they have done and said with an overwhelming sense of cringe

I like how the trolling has gone full circle. It has returned home once again to continue its trolly ways.

Sup Forums's best irl troll. Feminazis are so fucking retarded.

You should try it. They do it all the time in India.

That's true. India is fucking disgusting.

Stupid. Not to mention it getting on your thighs will cause chafing.

they're a fucking biohazard and should be eliminated



Go home boys, shows over

How about some dignity, OP.