Are you an underachiever? Why?

Are you an underachiever? Why?


Because jew.

I don't even fucking know ;_;

No, i'm just really fucking dumb.

So, you're an underachiever BECAUSE you're dumb. Dummy.

Because all this world cares about is money and getting their dicks wet.

because every time I reach a higher level, I realize that most of that group of individuals are jaded too. Keep moving up, never finding those who are the most illuminated.

no motivation ever

i always have great ideas but never finish anything.

i really dont care if you believe me but i thought of the movie warm bodies and sausage party before they where actual movies. amongst many other bullshit things.

i just dont apply myself to anything

Pain and jaded

I am basically a Spiderman villain.

nice excuse for getting nothing done.

"i learn not to enrich myself, but to hang with a group of people".

Must be drug trade. Highest level of illumination from stoner baked out of his mind at bottom of the chain.

No, its not about learning. Change in groups is a result of "promotion".

Graduating med school at 25 years old, feelsgoodman

MD or DO


Because Im not really here. I'm a living, breathing person who walks and talks but I'm pretty much dead or at least I wish I was. I don't want money, I don't want things and if it wasn't for a sense of empathy and ties to others id have checked out by now. You achieve to attain a goal, my only goal is an inevitability. So why work when it'll happen anyway.

I wouldn't say I am.

I am 27 - working on my Master's degree at Design & Engineering.
Also founded my first company 5 years ago and another one one year ago. Both digital agencies of different directions.

I wouldn't say I am an underachiever... but I often I am lazy and I get carried away with gaming.. But every now and then I have an extreme motivation period during which I get a lot of work and life stuff done.

I struggle almost every day to find motivation and to keep myself working towards advancing my newest company so it can start bringing me in passive revenue.

MD, Europe

atleast u have some motivation


Im gonna be honest here.

My motivation is very materialistic and what most might see as stupid and corporate and whatever.

My motivation is money. And stuff I can buy with it. A great car, awesome house, gadgets, computers.. whatever.

I want stuff - and that strives me.

But I struggle. I have goals. But it is so much easier to just watch Yogscast videos on youtube instead of doing work stuff.

so much easier..

So much easier to play Rimworld instead of doin workstuff.

But that very frustration is what I use to create motivation.

Yes. Horribly. so. However, it is literally a concious and deliberate choice. See, take a look at the "high achievers". Most of those fuckers are unhappy in one way or another. Why bust your balls just to end up miserable? Far better to take a step back, do the absolute bare minimum required to get by comfortably, and not end up a massive victim of your own success. Work to live, not live to work. I have a far better overall quality of life than nearly all the "high achievers" I know who do nothing but spend a huge amount of time simply working for the sake of it in some sort of rat race spiral. Fuck that shit.

Almost every person in first world nations is driven by materialism. You have your base instincts for food and safety, once that's been achieved you move on to excess. A bigger home, a nicer car, game systems, etc. Half of these objects are also attained to gain the attention of potential mates. They say "look at me I can provide the basics and then some".
When you move past materialism you reach a sketchy place that will either leads you to a higher purpose or cripple you in the game of life.