I need some help Sup Forums

I need some help Sup Forums
I'm looking for a 10 seconds long music used for what I could describe as "compilations" of images. These compilations have their own style. Images always change to the tune of this particular music. First 4 go sideways to the music that goes somewhat like "wow, wow, wow, wow" then 8 next flash faster without transition, then the first part of music is repeated and another 4 images fly sideways, then a very fast part of this music comes up and images flash with rapid succession, I can't even tell how many. It all takes 10 seconds.

I remember this music was used in a video making fun of some company's shares going down along with some headlines or something like that. But I've heard this music on many other occasions. I just can't find now.

I'm gonna post some tits in return.























anyone lurking at least?

















