Ability to shit through mouth and eat through ass hole

Ability to shit through mouth and eat through ass hole.

Maybe I don't have any superpowers you just have a very high opinion of yourself

the ability to be brought back to life when i die but only in the middle of the sun.

The ability to know how bright a light source is. But only artificial


To breath under water but only when not wet.

To walk through walls but fall through floors.

The power to reunite the German empire under a single flag but only on Tuesdays.

The ability to hear.
>I'm deaf.

The ability to do whatever I want

Except when I want to.

>The power to reunite the German empire under a single flag but only on Tuesdays.


The power to turn Cheeto dust back into Cheetos for a few seconds.

The ability to see through walls but only at 4am

The power to shove Cheetos up your ass and fart out Cheeto dust.

The power to sense when Cheeto dust was present on a surface.

The power to turn Cheetos into Cheeto dust by focusing your mind.

The ability to taste your own butthole

The power to absorb Cheeto dust through the skin to eat.


The power to become a Cheeto, but only when being inside a small space.

The yellow and white one would be perfect for some of the autists on here

Ability to read one persons mind for a month. Completely random. You can read their mind and communicate with them, but you have no idea who it's going to be next. And this will only last for one month and you will completely lose all ability to read that persons mind ever again.

>Oooga booga booga ooga click click

That's useful if you want to rob somebody. You don't understand this game. Please make your superpower be "You can use Sup Forums whenever you want except when people are on Sup Forums" asshole.

The power to stack 500+ Cheetos into a massive Cheeto tower.

Helium makes your voice deeper

The power to talk to cats. Not Lions or tigers. Just ordinary house cats.

The power to throw Cheetos with the impact force of a ping pong ball.

can u stop

that blue on top right looks nice for me

The power to create a fireblast with your hand only underwater



The power to sense when Cheetos are stale with your mind.

The ability to lavitate 2 centimeters off the ground over flat surfaces,

turn invisible but only in a pitch-black room

The fucking nutter

The power to make Cheetos incredibly durable when held in your hand.

ability to read niggers' minds

Run backwards while looking like you're running forward.

The power to turn Cheetos green with your mind.

The ability to create a clone of yourself who lectures you about how bad your life is for an hour.

The power to make Cheetos temporarily invisible.


knowing the truth.

The power to balance Cheetos vertically on your fingertips.

The power to turn invisible but only when nobody is looking.

The ability to be a bigger faggot than OP , Altho that proves to be impossible

You could be a great detective with that ability

A stomach that never gets full.

The cheetoh guy is really unfunny

The power to summon one cheeto every hour.

The power of giving people an itch they can't scratch

So you turn invisible, and then nobody will ever look at you again, so you stay invisible forever right?

no, as soon as someone gazes towards you you turn visible

>Useless superpower
The USA.

You can turn invisible but you fart uncontrollably the entire time


The ability to predict future but totally unable to change it.


You can become a human flame but you aren't immune to fire

The ability to talk backwards, but only for 2 seconds every 100 trillion years.

Kek now thats a useless power

The ability to know everything in the world - cold fusion, absolute zero, world peace, what women want - and teach it.
But you're stuck in a world where no one will listen and nothing but you're brain works when you try to explain these things to anyone else. The only guy who can understand you is >Goodluck

Have the powers of superman, but only if you die

oht yhw tub

You can read peoples minds but you yell out what you are reading

>tips fedora
m m m m m mlady

>To walk through walls but fall through floors.

You could just jump before going through the wall...

The ability to be happy

Cum that melts things like acid

you can know what someone ate by smelling their shit

the ability to throw cheetos with 100% acuracy, but only at yourself and not in your mouth.

the ability to perceive yellow as green and green as yellow

Pretty good if you can still taste it. I mean who the fuck likes to lick cheeto dust off of their fingers

The power to fly only in the Sahara and when it is snowing

Da fuq is "lavitate" ?
The ability to use the lavatory ?

The power to smell a fart a mile away

the white/blue on top right means that if I masturbate with my eyes closed I have the best body ever, that's not so bad, also if I am fucking with a blindfolded partner after I explain the situation

sign me in

the ability to cry when you don't want to

Person, I do not know how familiar you are with the common dimesticated feline. But science as proven them to be very selfish creatures with a extremly high amount of free will. Not intelligetn, but not enough fuks to give to the human race XD

>To breath under water but only when not wet.
Tape a glass of water to your head. Congratulations, you can now breathe in space.

That's not useless. You could fuck around a lot

to ability to be annoyed when you want to have a good tme


Ability to instantly shed your finger/toe nails and never grow them back.

Literally all of India has this power

How is that bad?

The ability to make your dick growing in size but only when singing YMCA loudly

You'd be the biggest hit on gay stripper parties though.

>Face is wet
enjoy solar radiation nigga

The ability to always pee straight unless your senses are impaired.

You're smart

Ability to know if someone's called Steve in a 10 foot radius

The ability to understand what went wrong the moment after you make a mistake you can't repair

That's actually really convenient.
No more after-fap shotgun.
No more completely random dribbling and spraying

>learn from every mistake you ever make
>start making less mistakes

Just cause you can't repair it doesn't mean you can't repeat it on a different object.

>I know all about you
>who....what? I don't know you
>Listen, Steve.....
>Who told you my name? WHO TOLD YOU MY NAME?????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!


Eyes on the back of your head but they peer inside your skull. You can only do this while operateing a motor vehicle.
