Agree? Disagree?

Agree? Disagree?

it has failed

>muh diversity
fuck off schlomo


normal black people are ok, the ones that are part of a normal society, have a normal job and are dressed like everyone else but the niggers in the hoods are primitive subhumans and I hate them

all lives matter.
racist as fuck to say just black people matter.
it only matters when a white person kills a black person.
doesn't even matter when a black cop kills a black man.
doesn't even matter when black people kill white people.
fucking black people are cancer and these cucks are going to make it worse.
yall are fucked.
trump is our king now.

also... facebook is putting a fucking sattelite into space.
you know those niggas have facial recognition for billions of people g.
welcome to the future.
we are fucked.

to bad we arent a whole

now fuck off and let me continue degeneration as i wait for the next, hopefully better life

The black hand under the white hand, WHERE IT BELONGS.

>next, hopefully better life

its black lives matter as in "black lives matter too" you inbred fuck

We aren't better as a whole. You take something shitty and add it to something good and it equals out to be OK. I'd rather be good than OK.

black kill more whites than whites kill black, DESPITE blacks only being about 13% of the population

educate yourself nigger

>> interesting valid statement
>> ruin it with blm hashtag
rancid cunt

As a black American that just worked eleven hours, slept for four hours, and just showed up for a eight hour shift, I'd say this country is a-ok fundamentally; things like leftist media, welfare state and subpar public schooling are our only real follies at the moment.

fuck up cunt!
you don't even fucking know.
fucking cuck.
go suck a black dick.
hope your nostrils fill will black musk and you are forever breathing that shit in while they leave the nuts hanging out of your mouth.

black's hand are disgusting

anyone who lives in an area that has 25% or more blacks knows what truly savage animals they are as a whole.

These dumb rich white girl celebrities who live millionaire lifestyles only are in contact with rare blacks who are civilized. They have no idea

>We are much stronger as a whole than as fragments

If you removed blacks from the US we would be better off. It's just not a realistic solution and it'll never happen but don't talk shite.

How come black people in the UK walk, talk, and act like White people? There are no black people in the UK who act like American niggers.

Prove me wrong.

you can't

the recurring theme for people who are activists about this shit is that they only know wealthy, successful blacks because of where they grew up.

it *doesn't matter* what race or religion you are, but if you're black in america you're most likely going to be a slimy asshole who won't take care of your kids. if you're a muslim you most likely hate western culture and support some brutal shit for non-believers. you can't be stronger as a whole if the neighbor you let in wants to shit on you, no matter how nice you are.

True, we're all human beings however people are entitled to their own opinions. If people don't like another race or religion for whatever reason let them, if it's what they wanna do let them. Personally I don't care what you are but if some one else wants to go around saying how much they hate niggers then I don't care either, because it's their opinion, not mine.

Chloe just wants the BBC...

Nigs hate fags though.

What else can you expect from blacked out manipulative girl?
You know what BLM can change? Nothing!
The white on black racism is no longer a threat ro blacks
Blacks are more likely to kill blacks than white people are


That's why the yell "black power" as they burn down their own neiborhoods, destroy their own businesses and kill each other.

>leftist media, welfare state and subpar public schooling are our only real follies


Nigga. Those are huge issues, threatening the country fundamentally

still a slave I see

French/bolshevik revolution all over again, now in US of A

Most Blacks hate homosexuals more then White people do. So do Hispanics, and where Blacks and Hispanics are in the same area (like LA or Huston) they often hate each other far more then they hate Whites.

Only Tumblr Liberals believe shit like the whole world is united against the White Christian Male.


you should google social cohesion

You're not anybetter than the typical nigger


I think a bunch of negros in the hood have been systemically destroyed by the gubmint. They are so dumb they don't even understand how to get out of their situation. Their schools are so bad they just stop going. When you aint got shit, committing crime seems like a decent move cause the system has shit on you your whole life this far, so fuck the system man.

I agree that we are all equal regardless of outward appearances and our beliefs. Growing in a military family and being in the military myself has exposed me to a lot of different kinds of people. Good and bad. The only thing that matters to me is if you're a pile of garbage or not. I couldn't give two shits if you were black, white, trans, straight, or whatever. If you're a contributing member of society then you're fine in my book. We might not have much in common, and I might not like the same things as you, but that doesn't mean you're a bad person.

But I don't know if things will change. It seems like it's slowly happening but I doubt we'll be able to completely eliminate racism unless some drastic brainwashing happens. And even if that happened, we'd have to re write history and remove all of the parts that included any hint of racism. Which is probably all of it.

*White atheist cis males*

They hate atheistsmore than christians, they just see christians as opresive and dumb
They see atheists as bunch of people like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pavelić, Mao Tse Tung....

>stronger as a whole
>while fighting the fragments
What whole? What fragments?

How much more stupid can you get?

agree but funny how liberals caused the racial division

Fuck BLM they r pulling us apart from each other by saying only black lives matter well fuck that shit #whitelivesmatter

grow the fuk up you dumb fucking retards

race means nothing

Lynch niggers

If this is supposed to be a picture of "working as one" or "mutual support," the message it really delivers is quite the opposite. Because of the way the fingers are interlocked, either side has to pull to hurt both.

That's a good point actually



american liberals brainwashed them into thinking it's the 50's and 60's again and all their other bullshit so they went along and started acting like their perceived stereotypes


strongly disagree
>equality = special treatment for "minorities" and women
>equality = dismantling meritocracy
>equality = redefining words so only white men can be oppressors
>equality = can't talk about problems white males face
All different, all inequal. Everyone should be judged on their own merits, not by the hierarchical victimhood of intersectional feminism. Own your own shit.

That excludes niggers and shitty politicians, sjws, feminists...

Then y dont they call it #blacklivesmatter2???????? U fucking retard

I more or less agree with the message, but the movements are bullshit, therefore she is retarded.

Hey, that's pretty good argument

Goddam eurofag speaks the truth on this one

>we are all human beings
>only black and white
come on now

why is it always a white girl with a black man

just wondering, real question

every "against racism" message is always a black man with a pure white woman

I know i just wanted to throw that ine out there kek

Asians are smart enough not to riot like niggers

Makes sense

We will never know world peace until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye.

>Straight in the eye
One eye
Triangular position, lazy eyes
Quite possible mate

Any pig can tell you.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal then others.

If there wasnt all the social media and political racist bullshit we would all live in some what not saying we would all be living in utopia jerk circle but it wouldent be this fucking bullshit

Makes sense why niggers voted bernie
Communism is where it's at

Doesn't work, I'm sorry.

You really think that?
On Balkan it is simple: the Croats, Serbs and Bosnians hate each others since each side slaughtered other sides' people
You either like both sides or you hate them
And that was even before the social media

>black lives matter is a religion of peace
>"He's white, fuck him up!""Burn down the suburbs""now give more moneyz for dem programs!"

Sounds fucking familiar

You want me to draw it ro ya boi?

Holy shit
Revelation is herw

"Straight in the eye" also comes with the requirement of facing the other party, as well. You can post memes to try to dismantle that previous post, but in reality, it's impossible to refute.

>facebook is putting a satellite into space

you know that exploded recently right?

No it doesn't
Straight in the eye means you litteraly just have to have a straight line from one's eye pupil to to another one's
Thats it

Fuck niggers!

>is that an answer?

That would be foolish of you to give your full attention to your boss if he was turned away from you and was covering one eye, just to similarly edgy.

you think. look at UK crime rate.

You've never been to Birmingham.

>i live in a very protected environment but my agent told me i should have an opinion. So...

coincidentally, nazifags and Sup Forumsacks are yet another group disproportionally prone to violent crimes

they even got their own special drug dealer gang within the prison system

>nigger lies matter
>all in this but white fucking males
>encourage self loathing in whites
>hate crimes against whites ignored

Fuck you liberal piece of shit, I look forward to killing you in the upcoming Second Revolution.

This is what i think as an outsider, not black nor white (I'm a semi-italian Pedro), an unbiased perspective:

You can't put SO MUCH FUCKing emphasis on race and not get shit tier race relations.

You spend one month a year MINIMUM telling blacks about how bad they were treated by white people, what the fuck did you expect?

Do you teach them that it was a minute number of whites who owned slaves? No.
Do you teach them there were black slavers? No.
Do you teach them about the white man's (England mostly) effort to eliminate slavery? No.

Should you be surprised that niggers think whitey is the bad man? fucking nope.

I live in Argentina (inb4 nigger: Meh, kinda, maybe) and it has always stunned me how much attention you guys pay to race even on everyday bullshit like movies and tv. It's such a fucking foreign concept to me, i've had black, white, native, jew, german, mediterranean and asian friends and probably more. Race only ever came into conversation if you wanted to make a cheap joke at your friend's expence. Yet you guys (and i have to point out, mostly the non-whites) use race to define yourselves like it even fucking matters, it's retarded.

Having [race] history month, having [race] quotas, and other shit like that will only ever make you more racist.

"Bunch of people who are told racial identity is super important act like a bunch of racists" what a big fucking surprise. I'm talking about BLM btw.

Wanna know how to deal with race issues? Fucking ignore race, then it's just about culture, and at that point it's integrate or gtfo.

Seriously, the more you talk about race the closer you are to someone saying "well maybe race x is more y" and then all hell breaks loose.

>what about black culture?
What you guys call black culture is known as "poor as shit culture" all around the fucking world m80s. If there are poor people, there is a generally violent, misoginistic and lazy culture, wherever you find them.

Literally ignore race, you mongoloids.

The day of reckoning is approaching, liberal piece of shit.


And that's where you're wrong. You can't take a nog out of a nig. Those black people with money simply justify the violent actions of niggers and people are stupid enough to believe them because they're """"""educated"""""""""

That's pretty good argument, you can't deny that

>white hand above black hand

It's good to have a variety of genetic material available. It's the unpopular view on this board and might not be pleasant to look at but genetic diversity trumps monoclonism

The Republicans have been trying to accomplish this for many years in this country, starting even so far back as Lincoln. Affirmative action and all that garbage is indeed just plain garbage and like you said adds fuel to the fire. But with the convenient forgetting of the Dixiecrats and history of the Democratic Party is has become a meme to project that forgotten past upon the Republicans which conveniently creates an additional voter bloc for them.

It's all a political game too.

why is it that these "we are one race" initiatives always show a tall muscular black man next to a short white lady. For example, if they were honest, why are they never a photo of a black woman with a white man? Even in the OP, the white hand is clearly a woman's and the black hand is clearly a guy.

There's less of them, and they're typically immigrants. The more blacks become populous, the more shitty they get.

Damn, that Arab family is beautiful. I honestly am not mad when I see a good Arab with a white.

White man is smart enough not to Fuck a nigger. Most black guys don't want to Fuck a nigger either.

No, you bluepilled faggot slave of Jews, they do it because they want the black race to be conquerors and agressors,and the white race to be submissive and passive and pliant to being dominated. Its subliminal brainwashing you blind idiot

>whitey needs to pull niggaz up - the image


Fuck niggers.


The world would be a better place without blacks.

Try to prove me wrong, you can't.

Black people have contributed nothing meaningful or existential to this world and their disappearance would be a huge benefit to human society.


Humans are overrated.

Do whatever the fuck you wanna do, but dont spend MY MONEY, that i gave as TAXES from MY WEALTH. I aint giving money and free stuff

Why are leftists like this?