I have learned that people in general are not really on my intelligence level...

I have learned that people in general are not really on my intelligence level. They are like sheep walking through a haze. I resent them for their folly and feel no empathy towards my fellow man. My I.Q is over 150 how could they deal with my intellect? I don't talk to farm animals either.

You see, I am a psychopath. I don't care about the conformities of the modern world or the people in it. I am dull to the pain of others and feel nothing for humankind.

My mother is worried about me sometimes, my parents tried to get me tested for autism due to my lack of responsiveness in social situations but they don't realise that they are just beneath me and that I have ascended to a higher plane of existence. My older brother just finished getting his medical degree and is getting married in the fall. My mother and father seem so happy to see him and i think they had hoped I would also enter higher education but there is no reason.

I am too smart for the system. I will make my own forge soon and become a blacksmith and make knives and swords to sell online whilst I watch this pathetic excuse of humanity from the shadows. I will laugh only at the chaos.

Other urls found in this thread:



i hope this is real.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


People with higher IQ than you are lurking this very thread. How do you deal with that peon?

i am better then u fite me

No need to be mad just cause I'm on a higher plane than you thanks to my intellect.

Why would you care about the attention of those sheep you get through posting this here?

I call copypasta/b8




More like an ego problem, I also, have a higher iq and I tend to flaunt it around because I have a hard time with people who are stupid. He probably only has an iq of 130-140 and puts it as 150 to seem better than the rest. Using his edgelord words to convey some sort of mad genius appeal

Then answer the question.

say what? you want trouble? il give you trouble and make it double!


130-140 is 8-2% of the population already. putting it at 150 is just obviously inaccurate. People who are that intelligent wouldn't be here.


Don't worry about other being mad, sadistic parasitic autistic stinky rotten landwhales are always welcome here.

This is gonna make a good copypasta

I could see why some intelligent people would be here, Sup Forums is rather anti-social and the more intelligent a person is, the more the likelyhood that they are socially awkward or sociopaths beyond reproach

From personal experience, I just can't be bothered to have the "I'm smarter than you!" discussion because people under a certain level of intelligence just get offended by it and start "reasoning"/insulting.

The best answer you could get would be a "Good for you." anyways.

lul another pathetic asian weakling x'D
And you think you are a "Psychopath"?

stale and weak

well, I'm at 136 and I'm here. I'd call myself a sociopath if I wasn't chronically depressed. I do lack empathy, which some that don't know much about the term will call a sociopath.

I think if a person is intelligent and driven then they can be successful and outgoing. which is the majority of them.

Being diagnosed a "Psychopath" isn't that hard.


You sound retarded

That's called being a sociopath dumb ass, take another IQ test.

Most people who are vastly more intelligent than average don't see the point in being "successful" in a financial sense.

lots and lots of dumb people are successful, you'd be fucking surprised. Stop thinking the world is black and white and start realizing you're just edgy af

there are points point that you failed to understand despite your 150+ IQ : 1, Being human does not mean you have to care about conformities of the modern world or being emphatic etc...
2,Your self-promotion to higher existence is nothing more than speech child pride since nobody more intelligent than you made any statement about you, that would prove your higher existence theory.
3,There is always a reason to be well-educated no matter how big is your IQ. Education and knowledge is how to rule in this world. It has always been just about knowledge and power.
4,Your dream about forge and knives and swords and blah blah just proves your naivity and your high urge to pass your childhood.


more like thirtheen year old edgy socially retarded kid who has to compensate for being socially retarded = believes he is special or gifted. let reality deal with this kid it will do him enough and then some

That's a nice fedora. I bet with a fedora like that you get a free bowl of soup.

Having money is having resources and comfortable living, count in richer more free experiences and being able to provide the best quality of life for your children

"but muh existential crisis won't be fixed by material things, material stuff is not worth shit!"

no. You're mixing intelligent people with edgy fucking emotional weak pathetic humans who has to find excuses for being pathetic. it's okay you can stop now


Yes, the homeless are incredibly intelligent. I've talked to many and only one was understandable. Money=power power=money, happiness is created by the mix of those two.

Don't h8 cause i'm edgy af m8

Money = power power = money

oh shit waddup it's ya boi psuedo intellectual coming in strong with the knawledge

will to power ftw

>psuedo intellectual

Do you even greentext newfag

But, money IS power and power IS money.

Notice how all the most powerful people on earth are stinking rich?

Refute this, please try.

You are literally retarded if you don't think money is power.

>I have ascended to a higher plane of existence.

stopped here.

Taking all bets now. Satanist or Athiest?

OMG so cool.

No one cares. Go back to the sock.

>people actually buying this bait

Good for him

Go to bed user

You haven't learned anything.


Op is a faggot

Of course, but the phrase looked so hilariously 2016 twitter hipster sjw i had to have some fun at it

edgy???? i have a katana collection dont mess with me!

nah they're optimists. "be nice to the homeless" "we can all be happy if we just accept each other"

im not 12 im 16 you fricking DIP!

Bitch niggas

Blacksmiths don't make a lot of money you know. You might actually starve and shit. You don't sound very smart.

Unless your post is a joke, then lol OP.

>I am too smart for the system

>t. every person ever

I kinda phrased this one wrong, i meant "being successful" in a way that you sell your soul so that you have more money that you can reasonably spend in the little bit of free time you have left in your life as high executive.

People of lesser intelligence just try to climb up that ladder as far as they can and those who succeed wonder where their life went.

This is where I stopped reading.

"You see, I am a psychopath"

Obvious bait is obvious

Nice. I'm going to forge my own soon and sell them online

noice generalization there m8.
Makes for a pretty good argument.

Mad your IQ is so low.

can't wait to slit my wrists with one of your hand forged daggers

>Money=power power=money
And you don't even know why that is.

You just sound like you have a 13 year olds understanding, like this is some teen kind of level understanding. It's so vague and hilariously hippie bullshitty to keep you from actually wanting to do shit in life, it's fucking poision

You can believe these executives are selling their lifes away or whatnot meanwhile they are living one of the most luxurious and incredibly rich lifestyles, add to that the things they're able to do for people around them and their community and you're pretty much set for life.


name one thing that would make you happy, then explain how money and power wouldn't help you achieve it.

not a generalization, I made it clear there were exceptions, but not many.

Bump for interest.

Here, have an edgy bait pic for your edgy bait.