Losing faith in humanity

Losing faith in humanity.

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There's a beacon of hope in the darkness, user.


Who else read it as dubs?

No, trips.

Like you had faith in humanity before?

About 10 times outta 10, stuff like this unfortunately flops.


cute, but wasted trips.

u got me

Yeah, humanity rocks...

Here's more.

This thread is cursed

Could you please give me some examples that make you think this won't work? It's an excellent idea, I feel it absolutely will work given enough time, resources, and public interest.


Stuff where it encourages some sort of Utopia usually flop, due to our nature.

What's wrong with some people?

Long story short, it won't work because it has always been possible. That's how we know it won't work.
Let that simmer

Furries cause cancer.


This gender stuff is getting out of hand.


jewish behavior fucks everything up in the end

I don't think I understand your stance. I'm trying, but it still sounds like you're dismissing it because it's an alternative.

Could you please explain some more?

yeah its such an original idea, trying to live in harmony with no war and peace blah blah. fucking child, grow up you piece of shit.

Lol he was arrested 2 days ago

Some retard just discovered zeitgeist and thinks he's gonna change the world by spreading awareness (read: posting links from his dark room that he never leaves)

well then you should know that text is edited over the pic. the original didnt have any words

jesus christ you're a fag

Fucking fag

Project Venus is already upon us.

الله أَكْبَر

Look, I didn't mean to sound rude. I'm just asking for an argument against it that makes sense.

Some of you are citing human nature, which I believe can be overcome, or historical examples which I haven't found.

Gtfo with those doodles

Welcome to despair, you only have a little bit further to go.

Fucking fag

>I'm a Jew shill

k bud

a lot of cross dressers are like this, they go to any lengths to claim another reason they like wearing women's clothes.

1. No one cares if an edgy 16-20 year old is losing faith in humanity
2. That caption is fake newfag
3. You weren't going to do anything noteworthy anyway. Humanity will go on without you

Like I said, Project Venus is already upon us. So there is no need for another one.

الله أَكْبَر

Fucking fag


Fucking fag

allah la lala bak arf arf!!

>gender neutral
>no cis male shitlords

Because its a utopia project, those never suceed.

If the technology or pratices are actually worthwhile they will be brought to front either via revolution or economics.

durka durka hijab mohammed durka allah

Its not humanly possible. You must be in self denial that humanity is and can be a force of good and that the people who stray from the right path can be changed.

Let me put this in perspective. The venus project is unsustainable in the same way veganism is unsustainable. Sure it's a good idea but it requires change on a massive scale. Vegans are individuals and they are causing more issue than aid by being an individual.

Vegans on their own
>stop buying the animal products they used to
>leading to more supermarket waste
>min wagers do not care about composting
>unpurchased food goes to land fill

Individual venus
>your ideals oppose the current order
>you're fucking shit up
>people are gonna make you fuck off

We are not in an era where we can cause the neccessary global change for projects like this.

If you want a more proper reason why i personally dont believe in it?
Look at the bottom of the page
>social media
Liking and following doesnt make you an actual follower, it just gives you brownie points and good deed for the day points. We live in a workd where if a large scale tragedy happens, putting that countries flag over your profile is enough to help.
Thats like seeing a guy get stabbed then going to pat him on the head and say i feel you bro. Instead of calling 911

this. the only way something like the venus project could work is when society as a whole collapses and we're forced to rebuild it together

you're just trying to excuse yourself for your part in responsibilty of animal cruelty in the world, keep on being a dumb fuck

If I was a serial killer I would move to wherever "Project Venus" is located. Oh those naive childish mongrels do not know what is coming :)

This. Utopia is fantasy, human nature can be overcome on an individual basis for short term goals but not last long term or in large groups. Communism proves this very simply with the levels of corruption that come with it in every example. Also, nothing good will ever exist if we have to include niggers...

wow so much anger from this community of thirsty neckbirds lol

just ignore all of the haters OP, they are all insecure little boys that don't know how to talk to a woman.

Do me a favor and reject all of the adds that you are receiving now because honestly, it's most likely not going to end well, they will harass you and bully you but I won't let that happen.

Add me on skype (hitman90001)

you can use my shoulder to cry on or we can just talk about life heh.. :P

muah xoxoxoxo

Trying to force me on the defensive by cherrypicking a minor issue as opposed to the main argument?
While I'm aware of the animal cruelty in the meat industry it does not matter. A single individual cannot change the order of things in the world in this century.
The animal that moves against the heard will only end up staying in the same spot. You cannot progress against something that will not let you.

Thus why the venus project cannot work. Humanity is at a constant conflict, the only options for unification is total acceptance and understanding of your fellow human being.

Which is something you have failed to do, ignorant as you are you chose to attack me rather than formulate a proper counterpoint after properly acknowledging the points i made

And destruction of all opposing parties. Which is what islam is doing right now.

Post was good until blatant racism.
Gas the kikes, race war now user


There always were neutral rooms

The wheelchair ones

user btfo

Faith in other people. It's almost like you wanted to be disappointed.