So I recently inherited $250,000 what is a good low risk/return investment strategy?

So I recently inherited $250,000 what is a good low risk/return investment strategy?

I already have 45k in a tax free savings account that is maxed out for the year. I'm pretty skeptical of the stock market, particularly short term retail investing but also maintaining a diverse portfolio given the current global market instability and uncertainty.

I don't have time to invest in whores or drugs or anything illegal or highly lucrative.

Basically looking for solid 4-8% return for just warehousing my cash.

Other urls found in this thread:


buy bitcoins

flip rare pepe poster

Invest in American gun companies. Gun sales soar before an election happens especially with all this "they're gonna take ma guns" rhetoric.

>a good low risk/return investment strategy?
government bonds

>solid 4-8% return for just warehousing my cash.
a CD

Apple, ^25% return

Real estate


Bonus bonds or an isa

Investing in bonds

Buy stock in Apple now before the new iPhone comes out.

Obviously you broke ass pleb fedora baseKent dwelling niggers have no concept of finances. CD's and bonds pay jack shit. 1% OR LESS. duck you faggots are dumb. There is not any realistic place you can park your capital and expect no risk and an 8% return. At least a few anons got part of the conversation right: real estate and the stock market in healthcare and materials. You still have risk, but far likelier to get closer to your target ROI. Fuck the rest of your retards.

you will be broke by January if you are looking for $$ advise from Sup Forums

Make a fucking monster computer
Buy some Bitcoin
Get some new furniture?
I dunno buy a new car?
Look into a new home?
I mean hell you have a huge amount of money why save it all. Live your life in the present, but don't go fucking nuts and do everything I just said.

I'm kind of new to dealing with money so please take my advice with a grain of salt.

Also to add to my own comment get a Escort for one night it may clear your head and get you to a Financial Advisor

Congressman, they are pretty cheap
Get you two or three and bid on contract
any contract, bid high and win. sub it out

I don't really want to become a low-rent landlord. Seems like a lot of hassle. I've been considering REITs though.

I want consistent returns, not sitting on gold for ten years.

My 'ISA' is already maxed.
>they're known as tax free savings accounts here

These are known as GICs here and this is what I'm leaning towards, but the rates are not great unless you lock the money in for 5-10 years.

Yeah, I've also herd a good strategy is to invest in a few companies that consistently pay out dividend, but I'm still weary of the market.

That or a wetback, same deal

cant beet land land is always good people always need a spot to live and if you buy it cash never will you or your prodginy worry about where they can live is a great site

This whole thread is full of retards. Op doesn't have an inheritance and he definitely doesn't have 45k in a "tax free savings account" (what the fuck does that even mean? Is it an IRA or an hsa account?)

Ask your father for a small loan of 1 million dollars to build your empire.

Land is still pretty lucrative. Land prices can drop. An area can go to shit, or just not mature. Plus there is overhead, property taxes, upkeep, etc... Like I said, considering REITs, but I don't want to be a landlord or sit on property for 5-10 years.

Yeah, pretty much this. It's not a huge amount of money, but it's too much just to be sitting in a savings account.

Not everyone is a burger.

Live off of interest.

Well thanks for replies. Just looking for ideas. Probably will look into a splitting the money across a few companies with steady growth and dividend payouts. Will probably park the money until after the US elections though.

No one outperforms the market forever. There is only one thing that's true and has held true forever and that's that, over time, the market grows. So dump your money in an ETF and sit on it for a long fucking time. Vanguard has the lowest fees of anyone.

Also only a mongaloid looks for and expects 8% per year, you don't invest in any stocks with a short timeline because no one is good enough to consistently catch the ebbs and flows and be successful. Success is long-term. Expect bad years and good years and overall you will grow in the long term. I assume you're young so drop it and forget about it, it ETFs take care of themselves.

Become a scientist.

Put it in the bank yo, fixed term, compound the interest. Shop around for the best banks rates

Source: I'm a straight cash boss who nuts money. Vanguard ETFs, everyone on the planet who thinks they can pick stocks has their head up their ass. There's a reason hedge funds don't have bad records, and that's because if they do, they shut the fuck down. Even the guy who called the '08 collapse blew it a few years later taking a short on something that never happened. People get lucky or have insider knowledge, not much else

Buy $50K worth of gold.

What your asked is an intelligent question this calls for one book.

The intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham.

Warren Buffett has recommends his book for years

Ignore the retards telling you to buy land. You wanna manage that shit? Pay prop. taxes?

Nigga plz these same idiots would probably recommend you buy barrels of oil and store them in your basement too.

"Honey, I can't find the golf clubs, are they behind all of these pork bellies?"

Don't invest in women.
Shit returns.

Are you stupid? Look at the historical chart for gold, it essentially moves with, but underperforms the market. Oh and it doesn't pay you anything.

Fucking jackass

A short CD will give you about .25%
A fixed annuity will get you about 2%
everything else pretty much involves risk
also I'd put some in a roth even if youre young

Low cost index fund

Yeah, and when the global market crashes, what will that paper money be worth?

Invest in hard assets.

What a dummy. Crashes are short term. Gold has one use and one use only and that's a diversification hedge when you're 5-10 years out from retirement.

Op is looking for a long term investment strategy and gold bars don't make baby gold bars. Look at the charts fool

I think you need 5 more layers of tin foil on that hat.

index funds, my negro

Do you know how many years people have been touting that bullshit? Also, if gold is such a solid investment then why are the people you are buying it from so quick to cash out on it and sell to you retards?

Buy 100 kilos of cocaine in Colombia at 2k/Kg. Smuggle it back into the U.S. and use the remaining 50k to bribe at the border. Take it to New York and you can move it VERY quickly at 20k/Kg. Boom, $2.5M, just like that.

you wont comfortably live of $250k.
my advice would be try and start your own small business.

You're forgetting the paper-trails, the rival cartels, the connection to acquire said coke, after somehow smuggling across the border how to get into New York, where to find the connections in New York to sell such large quantity without someone snitching or killing him and stealing the cocaine. Shittiest idea I've ever heard. 0/10