Daily reminder that you have to have blonde hair and beard while also having pink nipples to be considered white

Daily reminder that you have to have blonde hair and beard while also having pink nipples to be considered white.

Extinction: soon

>leafless Canada

t. expert genetist from the university of Sup Forums

What if I have the high ground?

You underestimate my power

don't forget that these pink nipples are going to get sucked dry by your friendly refugee "boy" next door

>german """jokes"""

Not even once

>chest hair
>black hair
>blue eyes
>slight olive skin tone

This is the best combination

Daily reminder blonde women don't like blond pink nippled men, so you're going to die out and disappear from the evolution chain.

So Arab?

Mediterraneans(the European ones atleast) are not Arabs
>inb4 le cucked by the moors

>dark hair
>dark skin
>brown eyes
>european face features

Sounds arab to me

You would look "Arab" too if you had a beard and were living closer to the equator

but i do

>grey eyes
>brown hair
>blonde mustache
>brown and red beard
>pink nipples


Hello my white brother

Don't want no bearded ladies Sven.

So you want bearded ladies Chang?

Are you coming onto me?

I-I try

Got all of this, also 189cm tall and green eyes.