
I actually fucking did it
I am now dating the girl of my fucking dreams that is literally a perfect blonde 10/10 qt3.14 with glasses that is like the cutest fucking person ever and I could not be happier

I am crying tears of joy I'm so happy oh my god I chased her for so long and now it's paid off by me being with the girl that I find literally perfect


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Just me and you here faggot
What you gunna do?

Good job bro
I've been there before
Don't fuck it up
The pain I feel now is much worse than the bliss I felt before
Although I will cherish every moment
I will mourn forever for those I lost


And Hillary Clinton is an innocent angel.

Been there. It's amazing. But I fucked it up. Don't fuck it up, user, please. You have to make it for the rest of us.

>qt3.14 10/10

Pick one retard. I bet your standards are low as fuck.

I'm after a girl that kills animals for fun, glad i'm a sociopath as well.

Blonde and glasses are fuckin sweet

Will you still say the same when you find her gobbling a nigger cock on your bed?

He'll let her do it, he's desperate for her.

Pics or it didn't happen

better than tinder! plenty of horny whores of your city on

Dont fuck it up, don't get easily get jealous of things she does, cherish her, everything is temporary make sure she isnt, you'll never know when its the last.

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

10/10 trashcan probably, grats op on your landwhale.

lol beta as fuck

you kids got a lot to learn about women


I failed this test

no I know, just warning him

How? Method?

True this, also a lot to learn about being a real man. With balls. And hair on your balls.

Millennial pussies.

You guys are on Sup Forums and you're alone
Of course older men who have had their hearts destroyed by women aren't gonna still believe in love
So fuck off and let us try to believe while we still can you cynicAl fucks

Op one other thing.
Dont try to hard to make her feel good dont want to make her feel like your obsessed with her. If you do she'll feel smothered and claustrophobic, so keep it cool and casual.