The next president of France, Arnaid Montebourg

The next president of France, Arnaid Montebourg.

Thoughts ?

He is 1m91. After two manlets at the head of the country, we will have a normal size guy

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>Thoughts ?

Depends. Quelle est la différence entre lui et Hollande ?

>normal size

>Next president of France

Montebourg est pour le patriotisme économique, un peu comme Trump mais il est de gauche

Montebourg ne sera vraisemblablement pas au second tour, idiot.

It's tall ?

We haven't had a manlet president since Eisenhower. Everyone since Kennedy is over 6'.

Nah, it's king of the manlets tier.

The internet is telling me that le pen is going to be the next leader.

Americans vote depends on physical characteristic of the candidat

George W. Bush was just under 6 feet.

Tu sais que qu'importe qui gagnera la primaire le candidat du PS sera au grand maximum troisième ?


She is leading the poll atm.

But since it's a two rounds election so she will most likely get btfo when all the lefty candidates will unite against her in the second round.

That could also be due to improving health care and nutrition. Most of the really short presidents we had were pre-World War I.

In metric the cut line is 1m80 and 1m80 is 5ft11

W Bush is 1m82, he's tall then

why did you bother posting this outside of /fr/ if you're all just going to talk to each other in French and cut off anybody else from discussion anyway? Christ's sake.

If this is true, then he seems better than Hollande, but I don't think he will be able to take on the leading centre-right and far-right candidates this year, especially since it seems immigration is a bigger issue for voters in France than in the UK or the US (although the Anglo-American media likes to talk about it all the time).

Then again, Hollande has been such a disaster, as someone who casually observes French politics it's hard for me to say whether having a reasonable man leading the socialists will make any difference.

To piss you off desu

He is a sandnigger and he already lost the primary

le britanNIQUE messieurs

Je n'y crois pas à Macron. Seuls les patrons et certains riches voteront pour lui.

Et Fillon est beaucoup trop dur pour le français lambda

Le gagnant final sera le gagnant de la primaire de gauche

In that case, the last manlet president was definitely Eisenhower, who was about 5'10".

>After two manlets at the head of the country, we will have a normal size guy
But Francois Fillon is only like 5'9".

Tbh senpai

>above average for an American man in the 50s and average today
/fit/ needs to stay in /fit/

Or maybe the frog is right since we stopped having short presidents with the event of the TV age (Kennedy was the first president elected based on his looks).

Do beurettes vote FN?

Macron est un meme. La moitié des votants sont des vieux qui ne peuvent concevoir autre chose que l'alternance, Fillon sera élu et il continuera à enfoncer le pays.

Tbh the Ps should be happy if their party still exist after the legislative elections.

Do niggers vote for Trump?

Il est un peu plus classe et moins benêt.

>has five children with three different women
>is nouveau riche with nigger-tier tastes (e.g. his idea of fine dining is eating a bucket of KFC on a private jet, he loves putting gold on everything, etc.)
>he takes every opportunity to gloat about his wealth
>is a sexual degenerate and gloats about his sexual exploits
>he speaks at a 3rd grade level (most presidential candidates speak at a 6th-8th grade level)
>his name is literally 'DJ Trump'

Yes, blacks love Trump.

Triggered paki


really unironically made me think

I mean, I hope. She has a chance, but fuck it's a slim chance.

She will get to the second round. No doubt about it. Probably against Fillon, the right wing candidate. Then two scenarios:

-All the other parties unite against them, we get a repeat of 2002. Probably something like 60% for Fillon.
-Leftists stay home. Either they find Fillon two fiscally right wing, they can't motivated, the socialist party is too shattered to call for a united front against FN: if that happens, Le Pen has a decent chance.

Some Arabs do. Not many, though.

Why are americans in Paris are so sensitive ?

>manifestation à Paris
>toutes leurs pancartes et tous leurs slogans sont en anglais
Bordel que je HAIS les putains d'enculés d'Anglo-Saxons de merde.

Man sized men have more natural self confidence.

So, sounds good.