post your main and why, we r8

>broken ult

Other urls found in this thread:


Ez as fuck

Was Malph but now Darius bc braindead ez shit

Amumu because I don't totally suck with him.

Cuz hes a fucking boss (especially with that dark star skin) and actually requires some skil

Garen and Darius
Because they are the only ones which im somewhat OK at

Yasuo and Darius, because they're "skilled" champions that do dumbshit damage

NGL, im pretty fucking good at Jhin as well (coming from the malph/Darius player)

>Not maining an adc

The strongest.

what dickhead says yasuo and darius are skilled? XD


Fun as fuck

> cuz asshole

Clockwerk, because I'm not 12.

Draven because hehe xd

>Ekko and Naruto
>Remind me of myself

>inb4 you again
because pic related

Fiora Laurent
> too mutch skilled for u

I like butch chicks

I have no main, I focus on using every champ to their full extent.

Diamond aram player here

Because I like being the cancer of league

>easiest wins in the game if you know how to tilt the enemy team into oblivion


Illaoi- that sweet feeling when you get the doublekill while getting ganked/ the free soulpoke

Elise and Shaco, because I like to be cancer

Zed, Syndra, And Azir

Because they're fun and OP


Annie, Once you 5 man ult its pretty much gg at that point

hell yeah

Yasuo and Wukong plz no h8

Varus mid whenever they don't have Yasuo/Kha'Zix, otherwise Quinn/Kennen top.

Gotta love Ezreal

>Tyler 1


Someone's gotta fuckin' do it.

Because the games too easy

I am weeb

Riven cause im a fag

taking one for the team

easy to carry games

>you can carry at low elo with him

currently g2

mad respekt yo.

Cus everyone is afraid of him


Zac, cuz I was made for this

Vayne because that late game and somewhat common pentas are satisfying as hell.

-terrorizes noobs with massive healthbar and regenerating health
-fairly high damage tank early game
-dive carries and everyone wastes all their ults/CC to try and peel you off, walk back out and your team 4v5s them
-massive healthbar +25% movespeed from ult lets you kite entire teams while your team backdoors or does baron and then you throw cleavers to stop the enemy team from backing
-sometimes I pentakill teams because its essentially "a waste" to focus mundo in a teamfight and I whittle them down with AoE
troll champ basically

>The ability to make any fed champ a fully peeled orange


In other words you suck balls at everyone.

Literally uselss if team is behind and against anit heal

Shen, Rumble, and gotta give "Meowkai" some love.

Bard duh
because he's so chill and when you're good he's op af

you could argue the same for any tank champion

Ekko because Allah akbar on ult

So in the end you put the game in the hands of 4 ape's

kog'maw and alluah akbar on death

same, then went amumu jung

Jinx coz its Jinx

>Only top lane
Because with his spells I can prison any enemy.
His late game attack speed + E is going even more crazy.
Easy!!!!! ganks cause of damn Q and W and E and R!
Even more fun if enemy got full AD team :D
Kinda sucks vs 4AP team ;/
I love his quotes. Best shit in lol.

Easy to play and she 1shot

Riven because fuck this game

Twisted fate main.
I only main because I have PAX twisted fate

proof plz

Tyler1 worshiper

i can do what i want until you dive me
i dont buy boots at all


Versatile champion that can build anything and work decently and has a lot of out play potential also I'm an asshole

Plat kids are shit at dodgeing Q's Cigrip xd


Proud owner of all PAX skins :p

>skilled champs

>easy to farm and carry tfs/win lane

Phantom Assassin, Spirit Breaker, Ogre magi. Cause fucking 17%

Oh wait fuck this isn't a dota thread?

Suck hard at one champ, I know your kind casual.

hard to play at first, but with practice and good teamwork he's one of the best

My main is Malzahar because I enjoy putting fistfulls of salt into league players mouths.

Nautilus because divers are cool as shit

>high risk high reward
>burst down shit without building AD
>kite GOD
>shit ult but doable
>clear camps in seconds
>take br dr with ease
>counterjungle GOD

as a diver I can confirm

yo same. Bard is legit good when used right.

Is it worth learning riven? It is always so much cancer against range champs with riven don't know if it is worth the stress.

for example dumbledoge the godslayer

Vi because i love fisting people to death

Vayne cause 1v5 is fun

dota2 femanon here


lol and dota look incredibly boring

this is a League thread fuck off

Yes it is she seems easy but going all in agro dosent always work whrn you play her you learn patience and when to use any spells

dota is better u normie

congrats on sharing your opinion on the internet nigger.

Timestamp and steam? Also MMR?

is this gif from fable?

Draven and Syndra

Because instantly blowing people up is my thing.

currently at 8 because low prio lol

show ur bobs lol

8 total MMR? What? Also is that steam name in photo? deadpxgasus ? Cant find it on steam.

... or you can google porn instead

thats a guy.
that pic was spread on a shitpost since yesterday

wait 8 is my rank, I'll link my steam