Dubs gets my senior quote

Dubs gets my senior quote.
>inb4 anything inappropriate
It goes without saying that anything completely over the line won't pass.

I'll post pics when I get the yearbook

("I'll be back."
Duke Nukeit)


rollan for this

winrar!!! youre welcome op.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

fuck that was quick

Dubs git

Arbeit mach frei or work brings freedom

this school is horrible ??!?!?!

I wanna respect (((((repeating digits))))) but that was really shitty

There is some powerful niggatry at work here

I'll give you choices

> there's a 50% chance we're below average

> every time one of you succeeds I'll die a little inside

> the harder you work, the luckier you get

fedora level

"I live to impress the ones that make me loathe myself, even though I will never see them again"

Hitler did nothing wrong

"None of this mattered."

"why don't you do the dew?"

Life as we know it is a lie

"I pooped my pants in math class in Grade 10 and blamed the smell on the goth kid that killed himself last semester."

1. The assassination of President Diem by the JFK administration.

2. CIA as Murder Inc. (quote from LBJ)

3. Project Phoenix in Vietnam.


This op.

In 20 years no one will admit that they liked Lada Gaga.

It is not enough that I succeed, it's that all others fail.

-brarak Obama
