So the faceless men are nothing more than contract killers that work for money. Who gets the money then...

So the faceless men are nothing more than contract killers that work for money. Who gets the money then? Is Jaqen dropping his stupid accent as soon as Arya leaves the room and laughs about stupid faceless men who think some sort of god wants an actress dead?

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A man cannot tell

A man must know they work for the Many-Faced God (i.e. the Others).

A man needs the bad pussy; the bad pussy needs the gold coin.

It is known.

you think all those candles pay for themselves?

Yes, literally.

how do you think they eat?
also, maintenance on an old crypt isn't cheap
and all the weapons and keeping the faces from rotting and their robes and sticks

shit adds up

The Faceless Men charge exorbitant fees, but their reputation for success is unmatched. The cost increases relative to the importance of the target and the difficulty of the objective. In the first book it is said that hiring a Faceless Man to kill Daenerys Targaryen would cost more than it would to hire an entire army. Further, the Faceless Men will reject a contract if killing the target clashes with their strange and at times inscrutable religious beliefs. Conversely, sometimes they choose bizarre "payments" according to what they feel is due: sometimes, if a powerful lord asks them to kill the child of one of his enemies, the Faceless Men give as their "price" that in return they will kill the lord's own child (the lord can reject this, but it also means rejecting the entire contract).

There you go that's how they work

>So the faceless men are nothing more than contract killers that work for money.
Yes, since ever. The harder the task, the more money they want. An actress is cheap, Daenerys isn't.

>Who gets the money then?
They do.

Damn, they might be more interesting in the book then. Too bad we will never hear about that side of their job on the show.

Bravo D&D

Well I think it's pretty clear they still mostly charge money in the book, just sometimes they ask for other things.

They would still have a need for money to a point, that place don't maintain itself and in the book it's made clear that there are people who work there who are not faceless men, they do regular jobs like cleaning and shit, they follow the many faced god but the faceless men are like a special class of the religion of the many faced god you know?

Also Arya meets several different faceless men, in the show they kinda try to make it seem like Jaquen might be multiple people but in the book it's very clear there are more than 2 different faceless men.

they are the enforcers of the iron bank

Watch as arya's real contract is to kill that other girl.

>arya runs
>waif catches up, fight ensues
>waif kills arya

>jaquen finds her, talks to her

> "a girl truly is noone"

>waif is confused

>it clicks, the waif pulls at her face

>face comes off to reveal arya.

seriouslly who would be the hardest person to kill in order to become nobody? yourself

thats GRRM, they jsut put it on the GOT wiki too because its the same as the books

I think he means that D&D ruined another cool piece of fluff


I don't think they ever contradicted it, there's just constraints of TV which means they don't go into depth about a lot of stuff

Gurm changed his mind halfway through. In the first books the Faceless Men get mentioned as top assassins who charge exorbitant prices. Then Arya goes to Braavos and it's all muh many faced god.

>a Faceless Man to kill Daenerys Targaryen would cost more than it would to hire an entire army.

In the first book she was just a dumb 13 year old, wiki writers are even more hacks than Dumb and Dumber and GURM.

in the first book she wasnt the only target, her brother was,

to kill the last 2 targaryans, both of which are well protected, and who are VERY important people costs more

cost = difficulty + importance of person



Holy shit. Best twist. Screenshotting this post.

Why not using a sniper crossbow with a telescope on it? These faceless men sound like total frauds

They're clearly a political organization in it for more than money

That said I have no idea where the money goes, maybe the iron bank?

fuck. yes.


how the fuck did that guy got caged at the first place.?

Probably did it on purpose. Or maybe he was getting some feels and had decided to die.

It's all a ruse, the real trial was not poisoning the innocent actress and now she will have to survive and kill the other candidate.

on purpose of what?

Banking and public but secret murderous cabals. All they need is some weird ethnicity dimension and control of media.

Why was he afraid to kill himself with the poison when Arya told him to but does it without question at the temple?

>captcha: 0685162234
Fuck that.

Dunno, maybe his god said:
>Wawawiiwaah wait here for a little girl woopwoop, when she comes shimshimshimg offer your services shamawamadingongbangbang! I HAVE SPOKEN!"

The show can't be that awful

Maybe it's like he was captured when he was on an assignment. When they were at Harrenhal he still hadn't completed the assignment so he was hesitant to do it because that would displease the many faced god. When he's at the temple, job's done, all's well and good and he doesn't mind all that much because he's not got anything going on

If you think you're somebody else, killing someone that looks like your original self is no harder than killing any random nigga

user stop this board is for bashing D&D and GRRM only. You take your logic elsewhere its not welcome here!