

/r/ a continuation comic of male kitty peeing on random things including peeing as he's sleeping and/or on female kitty, and him getting pussy in the end for it




fuck off, niko

I request a wizard with a cloak and staff modeled after Grace Jones.

Thanks for drawing this. I made this request in another drawthread, so thank you!

i guess i'm gonna go to sleep



You check out the other thread though?

/r/ Prince Wednesday And Miss Elaina (of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood)

as if the two were part of a drawing, which explains the parts of the human body.

How long have you been trying?

jesus fucking christ dude

several days

and by the way, I'm not giving up, until my requests

are not mean to me


Will somebody please just... just draw for this fucker? Just one time.

That doesn't stop requests. It actually encourages them. Draw for a shit poster, they think they can get more.

look at swordbro

Shut the fuck up Speedy

Point taken.

I will not give up

I'm not leaving this Sup Forums have my request

Speedy and Niko. At least sword is a bit more calm... Sometimes draws. He's like the elder shitposter

"Lemme tell ya a tale sonny 'bout when I used to post!!"

if you could call it that.

if they are kind to me request.

I promise never again be on Sup Forums

Kind of a shot on the dark here... So Im sexually attracted to the sphinx thats in the Netflix original series: puss in boots. How am I going to get some fan made artwork of her hit as fuck ass?

you're not the first to act like this, guy.

It'll either get done, or it won't. You have no control or power here.

I mean, he only draws himself. But so does EHG at this point aside from the very occasional murdering someone else.


You are not alone. Honestly, this thread is kinda pooped. Try out the other one where everyone is.

EHG has a career in art.

swordbro just....shows up.

Where's this guy at?

is seriously

if they are kind of my request. I promise not to enter Sup Forums never

I promise you

keep my word

what nationality are you? you have a poor grasp on the english

my nationality is Costa Rican

please make my application.

I promise not to go to Sup Forums.

never again has to be on Sup Forums

What is this? A Jr High essay? Fuck that double spacing. I know the teacher said two pages, but thats cheating.


is no trap.

if they give me my request, I promise not come anymore to Sup Forums.

Anyone wanna draw a picture of:

A man with medium length brown hair and a woman with shoulder-length lighter-brown hair sitting on a bench on the beach looking at the waves crash & sunset with stratonimbus clouds above

Any of you guys have any interest joining a music video project, Could use as much diversity in drawing styles as possible.

We got some not to be named popular youtube animators who are considering joining, Would love to have some of my Sup Forumsro's join.

If anyones interested hit me up on Skype: YuppyPlays

Much appreciated you sexy fucks.

What a weird thread...

I seriously hope you don't believe that come the moment his deliveries stopped or people didn't want him around he would revert to the beast.

make my request

and I promise never return to Sup Forums

>revert to the beast
he never WAS a beast to turn into

>EHG has a career in art
he's unemployed

Because he's a nig nog.
He CAN have a career in art.

this true