Fuck, Marry, Kill, Bff

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Bff


can i do all of the above to all of the ladies above?

Fuck it ya

These are just cartoons

I just want one of them to hold me while I cry

This board makes me sad

Marry, Bff, Kill, Fuck

Bff, kill, marry, fuck

Bff, marry, kill, fuck


Marry, kill, fuck, bff


Kill yourself OP, dont reproduce we dont need your moronic genes in the species genepool

Everything to this one

It seems this will fit better to The thread

Marry far left, kill far right, fuck mid-left and bff mid-right IF I get to fuck/fool around with bff at some point, otherwise swap those two.

Fuck Homura, marry Yumi, kill Miyabi, and bff Sakura.



Kill, fuck , bff, marry

Bff, marry, fuck, kill

Bff, kill, marry, fuck


From left to right.
Merry, friendship, friendship, fuck (doge is fine too), fuck, ignore, friendship, friendship.