Has anyone else noticed an uptick of disgusting morbidly obese whale people invading their porn lately?

Has anyone else noticed an uptick of disgusting morbidly obese whale people invading their porn lately?

I feel like I'm seeing that shit more and more frequently

Search terms exist for a reason you fucking aspie. I generally don't see gay porn because it's not what I'm into, and I have the intelligence to navigate a porno site. Fuck man you're amateur.

no, no, that's not the problem


But it is the solution. You're complaining about one of the most easily remedied problem imaginable.

I'm looking up average stuff, mostly asses

and more often I'm seeing these teetering on the edge of obese women in it

it's not a solution, how the fuck does a person possibly search for normal porn when normal is apparently being redefined as gross ultra heavyset

It's so hard, this thing we call life.



whiny little bitch


sorry I don't get off to your super edgy sjw porn mate

Who said I did. I'm saying your complaining about porn when the solution is clear is particularly pathetic, you non-dot-connecting aspie.

Lexi "taco" Belle

uh huh, sure

why don't you go back to jeking off to your photos of manatees with hillarys face pasted on them

Are you using high school jock defense tactics now?

no thanks, double digit IQ

I don't think you know what it is we're talking about

so complex

you think you're proving a point but are completely oblivious to the very real invasion of tumblr influencing what is being made and changing the status quo to fit their 3rd wave feminist values

You're cracking me up right now

you are in denial

yes because I have been searching BBW/BBC gangbang porn.

>diamonds right now

redpill me Morpheus I'm ready bro

ya obese girls are ugly
normal girls are where it's at
you know what im sayin?

you wont be able to filter them out forever