What game are you addicted to right now /b?

What game are you addicted to right now /b?


Hearts of Iron IV


Elite dangerous. Great game, fucks NMS in the ass big time




My nigga

Stellaris. The space battles and ship customization is crack to me.



super gay



>inb4 fuck you normie you don't play neckbeard shit like wow/lol that take alot of time git gud casul

dragon age origins.
balls deep right now got it 4 days ago

looks cool


You massive pleb

>Cities Skylines
Thinking about buying Cities Skylines or Simcity. Is it worth it? Also which one?

Simcity is shit. Cities Skylines was created like "alright, let's look at what Simcity fucked up, correct all the issues, then release it!"
It's worth it, I have 240 hours of it on steam. Simcity just feels like a crippled version of it.

Elite Dangerous - had a 6 month break because I reached all my goals, then NMS brought back my love of space and I needed a cure for my disappointment.

What ship do you fly and what is your current goal?

I have about 320 hrs in this game, Viking Conquest is the main contributor.

Behind that though is American Truck Simulator

I agree with you completely, HOWEVER there is just something about the feel of SimCity that appeals to me. Maybe it's the music or just the way it's played. I don't know but I'd still play SimCity over Skylines (and then complain about it all the same)

Eve online


The only other Simcity I played is pic related, so I don't think I will miss something out of Simcity.
Maybe I'll wait for a sale to buy cities skylines or just buy it in the next days.

all the way! have over 500 hours on steam. cant wait for VI. october right?

A lot of people say no, but I do kind of wish they had some sort of multiplayer. A way to trade resources or create a "nation" from all the cities and whatnot. Kinda like SC4 in a sense

>tfw Congo is a new civ in Civ VI

I had the >pic related version of Sim City 3000 which really was a thing, adding a ton of German landmarks and scenarios about German cities, and it was so great back then.

Cities Skylines adds a humoungus amount of details, it's awesome.

I guess that's the difference between Paradox and EA after all...

Lel, I live in Berlin.
I just read the steam-ratings of the game, almost all of them are positive. I think it convinced me.

>I live in Berlin
Das tut mir sehr Leid für dich. Andererseits aber auch wieder nicht, du bist schließlich Berliner, also bist du höchstwahrscheinlich eh ein Kanacke oder eine Zecke.

It is! If you liked Sim City back when it was good, you will also like Cities Skylines

fuck ye, boi

Casual, 1.3k here

I always loose in this game...

Keines von beiden, war zwar mal eher links aber die Unfähigkeit der Politik hat mich konservativ mit rechten Tendenzen werden lassen.
Was die Kanacken angeht habe ich nicht wirklich einen Vergleich zu anderen Städten, wirklich auffallend oder störend ist es also nicht.

honestly what is this game about?

knights n shit i suppose


You are Charles von Dickkicker and must take over calradia using your cunning and secret power (dick punching) once you win every woman in calradia lines up to blow you and many nuts are nutted

You make your character and do whatever the fuck you want. Climb the ranks and become king, become a bandit, become a merchant or mercenary etc etc.
Or just ride around and shit.

you can do whatever the fuck you want.
it´s a sandbox

pic related if you want to that´s tay tay