The middle east is stuck in the stone ag-

The middle east is stuck in the stone ag-

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The middle east is so rich and moder-

Chile is first wo-

Wow what the fuck happened to Texas

>designed by westerners
>built by indians
>funded by dumb luck

That image is from 1996, chile in 1996 had 40% poverty, nice try leaf

Made by oil money*

t.muhammad abdul al wallahi

Their culture is stuck in the stone age.

t-thanks to pinochet... Oh no but pinochet did nothing wrong!

>Made by oil money*
aka dumb luck

That's India. What are sudacas so stupid, 75iq?

Leaf doesn't respond? what happened?

Venezuela has alot more oil, though and it's a shithole that's subsaharan africa tier

India isn't the middle east


That city looks so fake, like how the soviets would build monuments and cities in the middle of Siberia and spread propaganda to the west about how communism was thriving.

Closer but, Afghanistan isn't part of the Middle East either

They city is an illusion, they don't even have a fucking plumbing system they just use septic tanks under the building then truck it out and dump it in the ocean

>Insult Muslims
>French flag defends them
Every time

Wasn't trying to encourage people to move to Siberia a strategic thing? If war broke out with the west, it would be easier to attack the center of population if it was in western Russia. It would be much easier to defend from Siberia. iirc the current Russian government is still encouraging people to move to Siberia.

>cherry picking is wr-

Exception that enforces the rule. No one is wondering why venezuela is a shithole. They're wondering how they managed to fuck up while sitting on the largest deposit of raw oil in the world.

Literally every single other country with major oil deposit is flourishing. Azerbaijan being the newest example of how just getting lucky and sitting on oil can propel you from utter poverty into a real country.

Pinochet was a heartless bastard sometimes but his economic policy was the best thing that has happened in Chile and you seem to be doing fine.

Nigeria isn't. Canada isn't. Russia isn't. Mexico isn't.

My point is that Dubai is so fake, it hurts. Pic related is the capital of North Korea, same style of propaganda.

>No respect for human rights
>City entirely built by and for a bunch of rich families.

>"""Modern and developed"""

I agree about that.

Build by slave labour

>hue hue hue
>gets mugged
>gets shot

>comparing south american countries to a country at war since 1979


Does Kim live in the giant pointy tower?

No one lives in those shitholes, the markets have no products, they are all expired. There's absolutely nothing to do because the whole center and "future street" are ghost towns. He lives in an isolated residence by the North.

as long as they're not kike cocksucker is fine by me. ;^)

Dubai is bound for success.

If you live in Northern Europe and want sun then there's essentially no place in Europe to travel in the winter.

Dubai will overtake places like the canary islands because it's like 5 degrees warmer in Dubai than in the canary islands.

Africa got potential to compete against Dubai but not until it becomes safe to travel there. Just look at the upcoming conflict between Gambia and Senegal.

So to sum it up. Yes Dubai got rich on oil, but they will stay rich thanks to nice weather and investments in the tourism industry.

Can't be too difficult to build a sewage system though.

Iran isn't flourishing either, they're pretty dirt-shit poor.

>the word cut-off meme is hilari-

Dubai is in the fucking desert. That's arid heat, not tropical heat.
It must feel so good to have dried up bloodshot eyes and nostrils.