Psst! Hunger Games thread. 23 tributes. Slow. Mild Commentary

Psst! Hunger Games thread. 23 tributes. Slow. Mild Commentary


Capra Demon

Did the /qst/ thread get deleted? I can't seem to find it

Yep. It seems like qst has had enough of our shit

Sarah Andersen

So does that mean the civil war isn't happening?

well that sucks
at least it was fun while it lasted


Quite the shame. No lifeboat


Nig Fury

Leslie Jones

Skateboard dog

80's fashion

Pony Carl


i could have sworn that show was early 90's...


Mister 2


Average Nigger

Average Female


Ganjalf The Gay

Dead Mio

Kazugeta's Stand

Mad Pingu

Walter white

Ah, so cute


Is it even happening?

I actually need two more. Reaction images don't count


>21 entry
Learn to go fuck yourself

Suicide dog

Vlad the Implier

dips highest ever placing was 3rd when died of thirst



Hello, I am your host Kazugeta, and welcome to the first SUCCESSFUL Hg thread of the day. Are we good?


dip will win

3/4 on dip
1/4 on jaunt ron

And we're off! Despite being set on the highest death rate, nobody is dead, albeit a bit injured

Mad Pingu FTW

Ooooh! There is is! We got ourself first blood! Battle of the fucking animals!


fucking double kill.

Damn you, Ganjalf! Your fucking drugs is killing everyone. My tribute died with his stand...

sharks, rock, and scorpions wow

just wow both of my tributes died too
>rapelio drowns

Stick to climbing fences

death rate maybe too high

Walter was supposed to make the drugs that harm not take them

While two were smart enough to avoid the feast, another pair fights to the death. Although, one is already dead. Sooooo

Ironically enough this is the fastest i seen whenever i choose the highest option

I forgot he was a tribute. He's at blame too

They sing with each other...until they kill the fuck out of each other

WE HAVE A WINNER! Send your jinxs now!

And here's the winner


We lost to a fucking corpse!

congrats dead mio


The moral of the story is don't get high on your own supplies

Also, somebody else host

No, you do it

I guess I'm up for hosting a new thread
will link when ready

Thanks Capra

No, billy
