You dont HAVE to post about user stuff but id love to read your views...

You dont HAVE to post about user stuff but id love to read your views. I meant more about wtf are you doing with your life and how do you plan to change it. Im at a turning point in my life and i have a lot of options, but... i kinda just want to go live in the woods and meet Sasquatch



god damnit

I don't want to change my life.
Have 2 nice bitches to fuck on the regular that both love me but know they can't have me to themselves, got a nice office job and a cool car I bought with money I made.
Came from a poor whinging family, there's no excuse for being a useless faggot OP.
Life doesn't change around you for the better, it only gets worse the longer you do nothing. Take life and make it into a tomorrow you want to wake up to.

>I'm 19

I fucked up multiple years of my later education and I'm trying to correct it, Yet I have little to no motivation apart from completing it and moving countries to be with my partner and family full time.

I wanted to make my own revolution but I ended up deciding that society and humanity at a big scale is stupid and easy to manipulate so I spend my time building weird devices in my house.
Someday we will have a chance to change everything. Everything needs a fix: democracy, education, even science.
I suggest everyone here to learn about the share stock thing, that's how I can afford to buy material and stuff.


thats the point im going to make my life awesome but i dont know what road. Im about to transfer into csu but i kinda just want to day trade

share stock????!

Do what makes you happy. Only fools spend a 1/3 of every day doing something that makes them miserable to earn something as facetious as money.

About the stock? Or what?
I like to collect broken toys and electronics, scrap the valuables, but the materials like silicon, good wood or good quality batteries have to be bought. I craft stuff like robots which can deliver messages, a gun which shoots a hook (it's really basic), and the most dangerous shit I've built is a "watergun" which shoots hot oil. But it consumes a lot of battery so I'm trying to improve it yet.

And sorry for being mean but if you can't find by yourself how to succeed trading shares then you are probably not going to win any money. Sorry.

no im doing well. my account is only at 2000 ive doubled it. what are share stocks

I got confused, I was talking about shares. I'm not english so no idea. Maybe it's a thing

oh ok. this is a fucked up question but how much is your portfolio worth?




I live in a big city, I'm working towards my dream job, but I've fallen for a girl who lives half way across the country (and she's not the girl I'm currently dating). My plan is simple:

-get job in desired career
-leave girlfriend (this one's gonna hurt)
-pursue dream girl

She may turn me down. This may all backfire and I may wind up with nobody... but damn, if she isn't worth the try.

so my philosophy is that if you cant imagine spending countless years with that girl then leave. If you arent always thinking about her then leave. Im pretty attractive and ive had girls that want me but im looking for the one... im thinking about trying online dating lol

ive only had sex with 3 girls too and it never feels right

Quitting my job - tired of the bullshit.

Going to try very hard to not get mixed up in the same old crap at new job.


I've known this other girl for a long time. We met through an ex, but still keep in touch pretty regularly even though that relationship has long ended. She has no idea how I feel.

ask her out to a group meeting. It will kinda suggest

When she's in town we're close friends. I take her out to hang out with my friends when they meet up, we go exploring together, she even crashes at my place pretty regularly.

When she's not in town we make abstract plans on what we'll do next time she's back in the area.

At this point, I couldn't drop hints. I'd have to make it obvious.

say something with "just me and you"

or just take her to a really memorable spot and tell her strait up