Why am i so beta, that i feel like even initiating a light conversation with, or saying "hi" in passing...

why am i so beta, that i feel like even initiating a light conversation with, or saying "hi" in passing, that i'm probably harrassing, or bothering women, and that I should just ignore them? but that feels even more creepy.. fuck


Girl here.
Sorry you feel that way, but I can assure you that it's not bothering when you hi and talk and no girl will feel harassed. Those who do feel harassed by a lad just saying hi should get off their damn high horse and aren't worth speaking to in the first place.

Take a deep breath, and go for it, knowing that she loves having a conversation with you. Also, remind yourself that these girls are just humans, equal to you, not subpar humans or unicorns. No girl stands above you so just talk to them like you would to anyone else.

Good luck sweetheart

get drunk

You've got to figure out how to stop caring whether you're bothering anyone. Know that you are valuable and what you have to say is worth hearing. And who you choose to speak with should be grateful for your time. Don't be a douche, but find value in yourself. Long road ahead, but worth the work.

getting drunk at places just makes me not want to interact even more. but also this is mostly in a work setting. also, i'm an alcoholic, lolol


dick or gtfo :)

sound like you need to become a citizen

It's because you're projecting. When people lass by and smile and say hello to you you yourself feel harassed.

not really, i feel pretty good when a girl says hello to me, even if they aren't attractive, or old. but I highly doubt that goes the same way for women, having men say HEY every time they see them. i feel like it might be refreshing to be ignored and not be potentially lured at

Look at this guy with the solid life tips.

Because you're a narcisist, m8 stop overthinking your entire fucking existence, the amount of guys a girl thinks are losers enter the fucking hundred thousands by the time they're 18, what makes you think so fucking highly of yourself that you're so scared of that rejection, i talk to girls because I wanna creep them out, fuck women, I want them to fuxking want nothing more than to feel super awkward and want me to leave, I wanna ruin their fucking minute and make them think "fuck now how do I make this cunt leave" fuck em all man, I'm entitled to my own space in the world and I'm going to use it regardless of what anyone thinks

Funny enough a large amount of these women I actually do that with I get the numbers of, the rest reject me after I thin their time for the lulz

you sound like a femenist

You sound ugly af

and fat

i know. i fucking hate it. the sjw's have taken a hold of my fuckin mind


Idk maybe I'm ugly and fat. Maybe I'm hot AF. You'll never find out and it's irrelevant

no, no
your just ugly and fat until proven otherwise

Fucking retard women WANT to be talked to by fucking men, holy shit why else would they apply makeup for more than half an hour a fuxking morning you imbecile? What they don't want is betas approaching them, it's kinda like how you wake up in the morning and want nothing more than to interact with women like your life depended on it, just not fat angry women.

How to stop being beta? Practice
Nothing comes free nothing comes easy and no player got it from the sky, work hard and you will reap reward

>What they don't want is betas approaching them
yeah, which is why i don't approach them

this is Sup Forums
quantum looks dont apply here

Can I see tits? You sound like a loving and giving person

>quantum looks dont apply here
>schrödingers pussy

show pic I'll try and help you out

How, exactly?

I'm not ugly, I just have always hated myself for no real reason. but nah, i'm too paranoid to post my pictures on facebook, let alone anonymously

its so easy man, ya just go outside and bother every woman you see while they try to text on their phones

Definitely narcissism and projection, just realise it's fine to talk to people, if specific people are creeped out either they're cunts or you're shit at talking to people

well, i am definitely shit at talking to people

Just talk like that, be honest but don't just tell someone all your problems or that you just want to fuck them. What are your interests, I'll tell you if they're keep to yourself interests

i barely have any interests, or anything to really talk about.. i'm extremely boring

What's the point it's all so meaningless anyway and why even think shit like that.. Who gives a fuck about them, Focus on doing ur own shit

Source antisocial cunt will abuse you if you say hi to me

You aint even beta... youre one below called omega. manhood101 google it and burn that fedora

i dunno about most people, but i don't enjoy hearing people talk when they have nothing worthwhile to say

life's too short to chat up random fuckers like OP because "i wanted to say hi"

lol, yeah, i know i'm omega. i'd never wear a fedora, or a hat, though.

this isnt googling manhood101

Generally speaking, good looking guys don't harrass chicks.

But ugly guys do harass them.

In a bar or club talking to a woman is fair game. However, if she doesnt wanna talk she doesnt wanna talk.

I'd just like to say you are a cunt.

i downloaded it, i'm gonna read it. the index looks interesting

That will help you a lot and its free... do it, no beta or omega excuses, good luck!

>life's too short to say hi to a real human being
>better be a faggot on Sup Forums, thatll make it worthwile

if you are a fat neckbeard it`s likely harrassment
if you are a normal dude, then no need to wory

>waiting for the bus
>sperglord sputters for a little bit in the corner of my vision before he stops me
>wait for a followup
"n-nice weather huh"
"Yep, been a good week. Not too big on Fall though."
"haha yeah me too"
>that's it
>that's all he has to say
>that's the most i'll ever interact with this entity in the entire span of my life and i'm supposed to like interactions like this

>>waiting for the bus
>>sperglord sputters for a little bit in the corner of my vision before he stops me
He stops you waiting for the bus?

I hate chicks that plaster their faces with that shit
It's a total turn off, They are fake as fuck and won't look like that in the morning