Is he the greatest of all time? either him or Tupac

Is he the greatest of all time? either him or Tupac

he has the record with longest fastest rap in Rap God so fuck it.

he lost that to harry shotta

He's white so he's better

they all suck

Harry Shotta is a tryhard hack.

Yes he is the best at talking fast. Hooray.

This was better than anything Eminem or Tupac ever put out.

I came to say the same thing

Hip Hop sucks. It is nigger tier stupid and is for dick grabbing monkeys and low-brow "get dat munny type" simpletons.

No friend rap sucks hip hop is great

You clearly have never given any good Hip Hop a chance. It's just as valid form of expression as singing or playing instrument. Just because nickleback exists doesn't mean all rock music is garbage.

>wannabe old fags saying how his early work was good and how he's shit now and "not the same" anymore

he has to target a much more retarded audience now, millennial cunts and suburban kids.

he changes his style according to the "meta" and people still prefer him over Drake and other retarded rappers.

so yeah, he is.

Such an overrated piece of shit

Learn how to form your own opinion nigger

Oh wait, I forgot white people are the only ones who praise this album

tupac's a little overrated imo. eminem hasn't been good since the eminem show, which is a shame.

>You clearly have never given any good Hip Hop a chance

I listened to the shit when I was in my teens because I was a brainwashed boob who thought that I had to "appreciate" black culture because "they was oppressed n sheeit." Then I grew up and realized that black culture is the way it is because blacks are the way they are; stupid, violent, and criminal.


Has anybody looked into the 'conspiracy' that he has been replaced by clones?
Before you dismiss it, do some research. His texts are littered with hints that the man we think is eminem might be like the 4th or 5th clone.
Maybe others were replaced, too?

I formed my own opinion when I listened to this back when it first released. It's a great album and a classic. Stop trying to be so damn edgy and have a constructive conversation about a topic you uptight Fuck.

he sucks too


This is the GOAT any who disagree are trolls or have shit taste

is it a good thing I don't know who this abomination of a human being is?


one good album in 25 years you suck nas

I didn't know Dennis Rodman can rap.

Greatest at what?

Bleaching hair?
Speed talking?
Being verbally abusive to family members?

I'm confused by this.

I would like to see you make an album half as good as this one in 50 years.

Being the greatest rapper of all time is like being the prettiest waitress in a Wetherspoons.

Don't cut yourself on that razor sharp edge

The beats were already done anybody could have done it

Tupac is a worthless dead nigger, of no talent or value.

No, MC Juice smoked his ass and there's a reason he doesn't pretend he's the shit at freestyling anymore. Can't be the greatest without the full package

Id agree normally but his rap is actual music. Same for people like J cole and Lamar

Yeah, he's the best


For real this. Nas is garbage. Em, Wu, ultramagnetic, Danny Brown, noreaga, etc. That's the real shit.


Except you



Neither, Tupac, died before he could really be GREAT. Eminem can't be the 1 because he has arguable bad albums.

Young thug will always be goat