For every kilo (2.2 pounds) fat you let your girlfriend gain, you will receive 100€ (112.4$)...

For every kilo (2.2 pounds) fat you let your girlfriend gain, you will receive 100€ (112.4$). How much would you let her gain?

> Implying you have one

absolutely zero

money is just paper

None. Not much of an incentive.


Thats shit money compared to what I'd have to deal with until I dumped that bitch. She'd better not gain a single pound.

wow, if I could pay the same amount for her to lose fat that'd be worth it.

by the time i get a girlfriend it will be illegal to fatshame so i would let her get as big as she wanted

>poorfag's dilemma

600 kilograms, let her die to obese and use part of the money to get new, skinny gf

Paltry. Not nearly worth it.

As much as she fucking can. Hopefully north of 2000 kilos.

Then you find another bitch, rinse, & repeat.

If it all happened instantly 500+ kilos. Instant heart attack with no return.

Eighty pounds.

Then again, I fucking love fat chicks. Never dated a thin girl.

depends on where the fat gets stored.
if its hips, tits and ass sure.
all arms, gut and chin? no thanks.

Checked, and

That's really not how heart attacks work.

You make a damn fine point.

You guys can dump your fucking gfs, you clingy bitches.

how poor are you OP?

10 kilos for 1k Euro is pathetic money. I wouldn't want my wife to gain that much weight for $250k

>for every kilo
>you let your gf gain
Life would the become cow farmer simulator, I'd convert a room and deck it out so I could make a bitch fat then take the weight off her and rinse and repeat.
Then I would start to go out to find more gf to 'date' and end up with houses full off these farming gear to make my girlfriends constantly gain and loose weight.

She could easily put on at least 5 kgs more before she starts approaching mountain troll status. And that would be nearly a month's salary for me.

I am not a successful man.

Wait, but I earn 100€ for about 5 hours of work, why would I let a loved one lose health for such a small amount of money?

Find skinny bitch, date, fuck, feed, watch her get fat, fuck, feed more, cash money, dump, find another skinny bitch, repeat.

Pic related.


Man, I had such a crush on Sinead when she was in Big Brother.

We're fairly well off right now. Not worth it, imo.

Double dubs don't lie

None. GF is already overweight, but cute-overweight. I feel if she gained more she would exit chubby qt 3.14 mode and just be a larger lady.

Until she collapse in a black hole
