Why do cigarettes feel so fucking goooooood

why do cigarettes feel so fucking goooooood

they don't
you're retarded

Because they kill you.

Honestly I see anyone that smokes that's under 30 and I immediately assume that person has the IQ of a middle schooler

Cigars feel much better, Monica.

why's that

Why under 30?

Wouldn't be talking if I were you considering IQ is scaled to age.

Honestly, smoking cigarettes is edgy.

They create a dependency in ur system and u become stressed when you dont have one. The feeling you get from cigarettes that you're enjoying is just your body being relieved of the stress of not having one.

go to bed kameem

Actually dopamine

Because the 90s was the last dying breath of cigarettes being "cool" and now there is absolutely no reason to smoke them whatsoever. Nobody thinks cigs are cool, they don't help with stress in any way that's better then other substances, they are basically unacceptable in 95% of places you can be, they kill you, they smell like shit since it's not a widely used thing anymore someone that smells like a cig is just gross. All these things, plus the fact that it's basically only used by skinny jeans wearing high school dropouts make me think people that use them are actually stupid.
Because any older than that and you grew up in a time they were still used fairly widely and portrayed as cool in movies.

Kek they used to feel good. Until I struggled to breathe, had no energy, smelt like assholes, got sick lots, and felt like shit everyday unless I was sat down drinking a beer and smoking. So much less stress now I quit, I don't care if you smoke but don't pretend it feels good, it only feels good for that 2 minutes until it goes out.

Probably because you just started. After a while they do nothing for you. You just need them. Even after dealing with something stressful you want one so bad but it doesn't really do anything. Unless you can quit for a while.
I used to smoke a pack a day. I got commited for 3 weeks. Didnt want nicotine patches. Walked outside for the first time in three weeks and smoked the best cigarette of my life. Should of just quit. But it was so worth it.

was rooting for you until
>basically only used by skinny jeans wearing high school dropouts

outside the U.S.smoking is fucking crazy. it's the neat thing about the TRUTH campaign. Tobacco can basicaly say "hey we don't like kids to smoke." While still marketing to billions of people. Who have no idea the TRUTH even exists. Those commercials are pretty much geared to catch a kids attention anyway kinda like...old cigarette ads.Having your cake and eating it too. Bravo Tobacco.


I've been on cigs for a long time, and since last November I'm coughing every morning with phleghm coming up. I HAVE TO STOP. And I will. Today. TY, user.

Stretching your sisters pussy apart slowly

Ask anyone who smokes if they do it because they're 'cool' they'll say you're a retard.

Ask someone who's never smoked in their life why people smoke 'it's to look cool'

Smoking is retarded, the only benefit of smoking is that i'm not pissy that I haven't had a smoke, not a good trade off.

Smoking is fucking degenerate, but god damn son I love me my cigs.... I wish they didn't taste so good.

>non-smokers know more about reasons to smoke than smokers

Happy rollup smoker here.

I'm in the first bracket bud. Was commenting on the perception non-smokers have of people who smoke, thinking we do it to 'look cool' when it's usually a case of curiosity leading to addiction, not much 'cool' about getting irritable after an hour without a smoke.

We're all donezo at some point anyway so I suppose I class as a happy rollup smoker too.

I smoke cigarettesand i see where you're coming from, but still feel the need to point out
1. Smoking is for inducing bowel movements. A cigarette after your morning coffee pretty much guarantees you empty bowels every time.
2. Smoking while drinking is still one of the greatest things around. It just rounds out being drunk so well.

But apart from that its easy to get addcted so not really worth the risk but i feel that thise two things are perks for smokers.

My bad. Meant to say smoking is good for inducing bowel movements lol. That's definitely not its sole purpose

IDK man, can usually last hours without smoking. Don't get irritable easily either way. Do you do a lot of sports? It curbs the cravings for me.

Don't do many sports these days bud but I do a lot of working so sometimes it can be 6-7 hours or so without one, which probably worsens my cravings and irritability. Been smoking 8 or so years now so I just accept i'm going to be an irritable little bitch when I don't have a smoke, it's addiction I suppose.

Just from a personal perspective I don't see anything cool about it having to satisfy an addiction like that, albeit tobacco.

Because just like memes, it slowly pumps you with cancer.

And just like meat, so everything i need to live gives me cancer. :(

As a moderate alcoholic, the nicotine in cigarettes acts as a stimulant against the depresseive nature of alcohol in the place of the usual methamphetamines

I have 140 IQ, I'm 18 and i smoke. Shit argument, next

>140 IQ

Sure nigger

my iq is 280 and I don't smoke. looks like you're wrong

Even if it were true i wouldn't be wrong. Logic flaw, High IQ disproven. Shit argument, Next

Feels, Sup Forumsro. I've gone cold turkey for a couple weeks now and it feels strangely good

maybe you have ad(h)d or something like that and cigarettes makes your brain "normal" for a time. your reward center could be apathetic because you have been bored to often in the past.

Cause you're addicted

damn son that's some next lvl science

I think in the next 10 years the perception of smokers will change in Europe, it's still kinda cool here.