No cringe thread? lets do it

no cringe thread? lets do it.

Other urls found in this thread:





bringing out the big guns

Agreed. "Companies & Markets" is cringey as fuck.


Oh... that's creepy.. looks like fucking Rumpelstiltskin...


yeah that guy looks like he is going to kidnap a child...



It´s the financial times companies and markets section

what a fucking badass




I have to admit, that's the most intimidating photo I've seen


>tfw I noticed there are 5 dicks


Wood weds Wood

Can you feel the height of hypocrisy? World is fucked by self-deceptive idiots.

Absolutely not

Sup Forums kids cringe is the best cringe.



orbitting sides


That's gotta be fake.

Mr Brown Bear fucking got me

Man+katana+Sword skillz=intimidating according to my mental maths

I've said it before, that's manbearpig's daughter


Fresh oc straight from my fb feed


Yeah, that's a fucking gold.

If this was in a diary in a suspected serial killers house it would be used in court to convince the jury of him being a psycho

But when a delusional 16 year old cunt, puts it on tumblr it's perfectly fine

dead man sitting

>1910 music was invented

Wut? I don't get it. Seems like a normal Wednesday to me.

>you won't like me when I'm angry

No. 9GAG kid cringe is the best.

Tampons from a 70+yo = no blood, menopause.

spinach's the worst

This pains me

what is this


They didn't even FAIL to triforce correctly

A burger holder you blind shit




She looks like a man


You must be nü. Lurk moar, nüfåg

Damn.. I hope refugee faggots gangbang him so hard.

he's right for the most part. but an "are you okay?" isn't going to help much.


Nigga you tarted or someten

yes it really is amazing how people encourage this stupid fucking behavior. society is reached a bursting point though an people are starting to see how stupid this really is. even tumblr is getting sick of it.

The way she looks I can understand her worrying about the guy looking at other women

>I found you on Sup Forums


it is a guy dumbass, thats what makes it so cringey and creepy

Please be fake please be fake please be fake...

Jesus fuck...

I hate how they get all the normie sympathy yet people who are straight up ugly without being deformed are hated and ostracized even though it's just as much out of their control as a deformity

Seth Acreman always got me kek

Yeah, I tell myself it's a suit.
Just a suit

>on horse OR afoot
damn this is serious shit

it would even be cringy and creepy coming from an attractive woman.


She so far she don't even have hands no more. Just a giant salami for Ann's and little sausages got fingers

Didn't know this was a

everytime...this shit is still painful to read

I really wonder if people like that exist

Can I kill myself? Am I done here? I'd like to be done, thanks


No cringe here, just a lets play.

>I am fictive otherkin
Could've stopped the picture there

I can imagine this being real

Holy fuck, her face creeps the shit outta me. O.o

Hes not reading companies and markets fucktard

No cringe.. just Scabbers..



Can we tie up his or her tubes

Fucking ironic when pretty much all of them are raised to hate fags

Hey Mr. Dubsman, leave the kid alone


>Average 4 chan user


whats cringe about a dude buying an icecream? yeah hes unfortunately bad looking but who knows he could be a lad to drink a beer with.

I'll never understand why the names in posts like these are blurred out

Would spank/10


but it actually does make you gay AND a pedophile.