Which answer is wrong Sup Forums?

Which answer is wrong Sup Forums?

Hast du ernsthaft "who" angekreuzt, du Vollidiot?

Man soll ankreuzen was falsch ist, du Depp


who war richtig dein lehrer is ne bitch

Can we hear the opinion of somebody who actually speaks English?

go fag

Natürlich ist "who" die richtige Antwort. "f" ist fasch auch.

A isn't wrong. What the fuck


This. Never saw a sentence with "--" in it.

Correct answer is "Fuck off"

d is the correct choice to circle. Sose: bin Muttersprachler

Ich spreche 4 languages fließend 1v1 me fgt

B-but: "Do you remember the job -- I had first" doesn't look to good as well. So "a" must be wrong, too.

It's C retards.

"Who" would be correct if you were a hitman.
"Which" and "That" are common in English usage, but not necessary.
The correct "Do you remember the job I had first" is the simple answer.

Learn to fucking read you retard

thing is that u had to pick the wrong one

The german part in italic says: One of the following answers is wrong. Which?

All are correct, depending on context.

I think the -- just means skip a word, like

"Do you remember the job I had first?"

shit tier bait
not even worth searching for a bait-pic in my folder