Can pedophiles turely be 'reformed' Sup Forums? share your thoughts

Can pedophiles turely be 'reformed' Sup Forums? share your thoughts

We can't, but I can babysitt for your kids.

Sure they can. All it takes is a rope and a sudden drop.

Are you not afraid of sins or God? Slandering people like this? It's not even funny. Some dumbass newfags might actually believe your trolling shits.

You forgot the chair as well user. What else will they drop from?

>are you not afraid of god?

Let's ask her.

You do understand that child molesters=/= pedophiles correct?

I mean some are, but most are not.

That guy probably fucked op's bitch.

The real answer is it depends.

>define pedophile.
>define reformed
>how is this 'pedophile's' pathology manifesting itself
>Depending upon how far, in certain cases, the pathology has progressed.

now that's one disastrous tinder profile.

Honestly I see it as once you become a child molester chances are you'll probably become a pedo if you aren't already. Maybe the man in OP's photo isn't actually a pedo and maybe it's shopped.Then again we don't really know. I believe that no pedo can ever reform

>once you become a child molester chances are you'll probably become a pedo if you aren't already.

Thats not how psychology works, friend.

shit dude

Ah my bad, I don't really know too much about it. Really just speaking my opinion.

Because it's fake.

It's actually much more complicated than he thinks. You can actually not be a pedophile and still molest a kid. A pedophile is a certain kind of thought process.

It's fine m8..

i have seen almost as bad before.

More like a John Wayne Gacy case?

>once you become a child molester chances are you'll probably become a pedo

the single most retarded thing i read in the whole year

I apologize. Did I atleast make you laugh? If anything it was just me spouting nonsense

yeah thanks for that

>Student of Japanese culture

Checks out

No problem

I don't know anything about his case.

It's more like this, suppose your trailerpark gf has a 10 year old daughter that had been molested previously. The daughters boundries are completely fucked up and have taken a sexual turn toward adult men. If she asked, due to her fucked up child hood, if you wanted to have sex, you say yes, and follow through with it because of your own fucked up boundries, you can be a guy that just wanted to fuck, and not even remotely a pedophile. You're a piece of shilt child molester, but not a pedophile.

Our neighbour hanged himself from door knob. Guess that's the power of will.

They don't need to act on their attractions.

It's That Time Again

And what is that supposed to mean? Edgy much....?

I think people overuse the word "pedophile" like racism.

It's funny, you're considered a "pedophile" if you're 19 and your gf is 17... but once she turns 18... you're no longer considered a pedophile? Ok.
Like this dumbass OP here. Is the guy attracted to toddlers? prepubescent? or teenagers?

This narrow mindedness needs to stop. But what am i saying.. I'm in Sup Forums anyways .. full of fucking idiots who can't comprehend shit and unable to critically think.


wow what?

You people are seriously ignorant on these paraphillas

A pedophile is sexually attracted to preteens

not 17 year olds


I'm saying is people lump it all together.. for them, it doesn't matter... everyone's a pedophile as long as you're under 17. That's my point!

me if I decide to become a serial killer

A true pedophile? No. A pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, generally under 12. If theyre 14 or 16, that's not a pedophile. It's not legal everywhere, but not pedophilia at all

except hes right that if you trade nudes with a 17 yo you're labeled a pedofile

We're not the same person btw..

I remember reading the news some 19 year old had to register as an SO for 3 years for having sex with his 17 year old gf which is the age of consent here

Infact it wouldn't matter if it were the age of consent or not if you were at a 3 year limit span.

15 year olds can be pedophiles theres many cases of them raping and sexually abusing children for the lulz and sexual motivations


case in point.

No critical thinking skills whatsoever

I don't need to think critically theres evidence everywhere

Evidence that people would call a guy a pedophile if he's 19 and the girl is 17? Yeah i agree with you on that.

No..You want this guy I'm this guy

Looks fake to me

It's fake?

Wow I had no idea, let's give you a nobel peace prize *sarcasm in the background*

Well I guess he just jumped and landed on his ass. Should work if you have short rope.

ikr. date an 8 year old, and you're a pedophile, 10 years later and suddenly she's supposed to be and adult and it is suddenly ok.

I suppose...

It would seem quicker to block off the blood flow to the brain.

Fast peaceful death...Cept while you're alive that is.

>10 years later

>15 years olds and younger kids
I'm old. When I was a tween, this was called "playing doctor" and no one cared.

yous a moran!

Yeah, I know. That's what happens when my mom is also my sister.

did you grow up in the 50's in Mayberry?

Aunt Mom and Uncle Dad?

My sister/mother is a half sister and my father is her father.

Making a distinction between the two is a disorder. That's how psychology should work.

From WV?

No. The human brain can't be reprogrammed. If somethings wrong it'll stay like that forever.

Damn close in time and type of town.

Yup. Coal mines.

Do you have a degree in psychology or something to make that assessment? Sounds like you're just bullshitting and pulled that out of your ass

Me too. What county?

I figured. No one calls it playing doctor anymore.

faker than a feminine penis, also this is even worse than the version in that other thread that looked somewhat believable

They cannot be reformed. It's a type of sexual orientation just like being gay or straight. Which begs the question, why is it okay to stigmatize pedophiles but not gays?

czeched...and you're a negroid.


you are right! we should stigmatize gays too.

>hand drawn hentai

damn, that is right in the center of it. I'm from Pocahontas.