I dont think ill ever understand why humans enjoy torture

i dont think ill ever understand why humans enjoy torture
what does Sup Forums think?

I think that if you search your mirror and then your feelings you will find the answer.

It depends on the kind, strictly pain torture like the Iron Bull disgusts me

are you talking about the torturer or torturee?

If it's the former I wouldn't say people enjoy it, but it can sometimes lead to justice or answers.

If it's the latter, I mean some people are weirdos. Obviously it wouldn't be something that kills you like you have pictured but i would assume they had some weird shit happen to them young and then they end up liking it like most things.

I think that there is a certain portion of the population that has a certain proclivity towards sadism and thus torture. Consider all of the dickheads and douchebags you've met in your life and then all the genuinely kind and helpful people.

In my experience, the former is in a lesser percentage than the latter, but if of those two populations were to torture someone, my bet would be on the former.

;and people enjoy inflicting or watching the physcial torment of living things.
why is it that it disgust some but please others?

Well some are sexual sadist and the rest are psychopaths, that's that.


They think it's funny.

Real bullies always think what they do is funny....

what would have to happen to a person for them to enjoy torture to others?
>inflicting it or watching it

i really wonder what makes a person amused by bullying or torment
and what makes a person despise it

are you talking about sexual torture or the killing kind like op's picture?

If it's sexual torture it could be as simple as getting hit/hitting someone you found attractive as a kid or something like getting raped and beaten by your parents. There really isn't an exact science to it.

you didn't say anything meaningful at the end faggot.

i think i can understand if someone just generally dosent feel any remorse while inflicting torture or what have you
but what about pain in anyway do people find arousing?

OP should lrn2english better so we can find out wtf he's talking about so people won't have to be vague

well that does make sense about the sexual kind
but what about the killing kind?

i dont think it can be more clear than that

They first have to depersonalize. Then they have to be frustrated, usually sexually, but then who isn't frustrated. Then they must choose evil, and once they choose to be evil, they revel in it - wnd denial.

Essentially a sociopath, or worse, a psychopath that takes pleasure in evil, is required for torture to occur.

There is no justification of it.

It is evil.

well people who torture people to death seriously have something wrong with them and will hopefully will be put in jail or die.

As far as government torture, even though it doesn't usually get reliable results i'm for it if it means more brown people in pain.

do you think the thought occurs, in these kinds of peoples heads; what if i was the victim, how would i feel?

is that an eye for an eye mentality?
i dont think that usually works: how are you better than them at the point?

Morbid curiosity, honestly thats only why... its okay to do thing to people as long as it dosent happen to you, Id very easily hurt other people.

Electrocute, pull nails, waterboard.

cover their faces in piss soaked sacks and stop them from sleeping from days.

Id do it no problem , but id ever want it to be me, id rather die.

I'd be happy to hurt but not be hurt, I have to much pride.


some people get turned on by it

do you think the fact that you dont want it to happen to you is reason not to do it to someone else?

Id happily gut you aswell.

Chemical imbalances

>I have to much pride.

or fear

I honestly dont think about it that way, I think if youve fallen into that position you either have done something deserving of it, where catastrophically unlucky to be placed there, Or didnt have a big enough silver spoon in your mouth or bribe to unchain yourself from that.

Generally horrible shitty things happen to shitty people.

It doesn't make any sense.


Id die tomorrow without fear, mother and father are are dead, Ive been lost and cold for some years now, I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


>pic related

Not even trying to be edgy, its how I feel, got very little to lose.


thats a rational theory do you think you could elaborate?

but how would you feel about being tortured to death

Feeling of domination and superiority is a great kicker for people who has been undermined in earlier years of their lives.
He is talking about psychopathy.

This is literally false. There was an experiment where random people were chose as prison guards and prisoners. The guards were told to do terrible things to the prisoners, and they complied simply because they were told to. There was another study where person A was told to give person B shock therapy. Person B was told to pretend to be horribly electrocuted whenever a light that only he could see came on. Person A would press the button the :electrocute person B without hesitation, despite believing person B was in immense pain. There is no such thing as a sociopath.

do you think there is any negative affects to the torturers mental health?

thats true for an authority overveiw of torture but what about the people who enjoy it on their own?

It's human nature. The instinct for "justice" is biologically favorable. Those who seek justice are less likely to suffer injustice.

An instinct could never capture the nuances of something as subjective as justice, so usually it just manifests as a desire for revenge. But to call it simple revenge would be an oversimplification as well, as humans enjoy seeing others "get what they deserve" regardless of whether they are personally involved. Still, as you would expect an instinct to be, it's greedy and unmeasured, and in the absence of other conflicting/mitigating instincts or judgements, e.g. sympathy, mercy, and fairness, it can easily result in the desire to torture those who we believe have wronged us.

Probably horrible , like anyone else, But Id like to think it,d never get that far , id rather kill myself.

Only society keeps people from torturing each other, people are inherently evil. One reason why religion is a must for a functional society

i dont think everyone is inherently evil.
i couldnt imagine myself inflicting torture and geberally enjoying it.

>be 12 watch gore for first time
>freak the fuck out
>Watch it again , feel ill
>10 years on can watch most shit now no problem or bad feeling.
> Studies in the past have shown the internet can desensitise people to murder death and torture to almost the same extent ans exposed front line soldiers.

> I fully believe it, Can watch anything no problem.

I reckon if I actually smelt the masses of blood or bodies id probably crack though, but visually no problem.

i dont know but i think its something to consider

what about the torture of ages ago?
>The Iron Bull

Watched a tribal documentary, some guy killed one of theirs.

so they killed him in a raid and left the others alone.

Even fucking techless tribals have an honour system.

Cant vouch for it, would be some way to go Id rather die staring out a firing squad with no blindfold or some shit, if im going to be shot what difference does a blindfold make, I'd hope I can atleast see the man who will end me.

I belive the answer is obvious.


True sociopaths are conditioned to enjoy others suffering its hard wired into them (look it up) i wouldn't go as far as torture is concerned but im certain there are some that love it.

Torture serves some legitimate purposes. But the bronze bull seemed like a stupid and needlessly flashy way to burn someone alive.

This is what people did for fun before The Saw series came out I guess.

>There is no such thing as a sociopath.
Sure there is. We're all born sociopaths. If your parents aren't shit and you have enough interaction with peers and you're not retarded, you grow the fuck out of it before adulthood.

What about CIA or other government employees whose job it is to "extract" information from people? Do you think they enjoy it? i'd bet some seriously fucked up shit happens behind closed doors of most of the worlds governments.

i believe they did so because the screams of the victim would come out the nose holes (along with the smoke) and make a roar similar to a bulls.
so they would find amusement in someones torture.

>they complied simply because they were told to

Thats the part of the test they cant prove because ethics wont allow them to, there are many sociopaths who hate authority figures and would still push the button given the opportunity because they enjoy it.

How does one grow out of it if there still one as an adult?

people are meanie-heads sometimes...

What a crock of shit. A religion created by "inherently evil" people will be inherently evil, which is precisely how I'd describe medieval Christianity or Islam at any time period. Religion is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for society.

This is why. People talked about those parties for days.

that guy who ordered that bull machina also killed its inventor in it

and i want to understand why

Predators make life interesting do they not. Suffering feeds them etherically or psychically or something . There is some kind of twisted benefit that feeds shadow to magnify hurt and bring dilema to the feeders in the shadows. The energy that comes off people is interesting when you are distressed and unfulfilled . Keep it coming . The shadow feeders require more angst.

>circular reasoning
>"that's that"

Nice try. Are they sadists and psychopaths because they enjoy torture or do they enjoy torture because they are sadist and paychopaths? Likely the first, but you are just labeling what they are doing not giving a reason.

You could speculate all day. Maybe torturing animals or humans has gotten them attention (even is it is negative attention). Or perhaps it's a form of a escape from or avoidance of questions or danger. Or maybe it is automatically arising (it feels good for some reason).

" The bull was in the form and size of an actual bull and had an acoustic apparatus that converted screams into the sound of a bull. The condemned were locked in the device, and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until the person inside roasted to death."

Shitty king used it for criminals though.

i wouldnt say its interesting as it is disturbing

Well good thing youre not a shitty people then

Every scientific advancement has been made in order to better understand the world a perceived higher power has created for us. The most beautiful works of human creativity have been made in honor of a perceived higher power. When you lose sight of that higher power you get cultural Marxism and cuckoldry. Is that what you want? Belief in higher power ties one to his roots.

Im just gonna dump

prey on others or pray about others


By getting beat the fuck up by the people you wronged, same as for kids. Of course, by adulthood, people are usually better at disguising themselves, so even if they're sociopaths, they won't act like one all the time. This makes them less likely to perform sociopathic acts, but also less likely to reform.

that king then tested it on the guy who made it, he was the first victim if i remmber correctly

Torture, especially public torture that precedes an execution, is a valuable tool of an unstable state.

In states like this, the answer to the question 'is it better to be loved or feared?' is always the latter, and torture allows the state to demonstrate their power. The more gruesome the torture, the less likely a population is to rebel, especially when they think you will do worse shit to them that the states enemies.

is torture necessary or appropriate for any living thing? even criminals?

And used it on the devices creator. Fuck that.

Truth is most humans don't like torture, even when fighting their worst enemies. But the 1% of humans do lack remorse and I think that makes them more likely to seek and acquire power and so we're faced with the risk of torture on a daily basis. The gene for this needs to be found and weeded from the human population somehow.

Gtfo religion-fag. God is dead. We killed him because we didn't need him to protect us from the monsters when we realized they were inside us.


I'm afraid it's the bolter for you.

Damn, looks like in E U P H O R I C now...

Then look at the variables that might give rise to and maintain these kinds of behaviors. Attention. Escape. It feels good (definitely the hardest to explain or understand).

Even the worship of Kek (praise be upon him) serves a purpose.

Is that Denmark independence or something?

>hard wired
You're really not very smart are you?

Torture is a form of "justice" created and used by mankind since the dawn of time, Pain and suffering has alway been a payment/pennence. some cultures made sport of it "aztecs" Losing a Ball game to an opposing tribe meant the whole tem had to kneel and willingly be stabbed through the mouth, or be altred and have the heart removed while alive to appease gods.

torture and ritual murder has and always be part of humanity, same with war.

Then look at the variables that might give rise to and maintain these kinds of behaviors. Attention. Escape. It feels good (definitely the hardest to explain or understand).

Shouldn't you be creating your own threads instead of stinking up an actual discussion?

Political torture is often done to get answers not enjoy suffering.

The man who designed that bull was the only person to die in one. The political leader he built it foe was in such disgust a human would built such a vile devise, he killed it's creator with it.

It'd be like killing muslims by stabbing them in the dickhole , shit they do to others because they are still savages

The Codex Astartes does not support this action user.

Are brainwashing satanic death cults and demon invocation a real thing?

I AM the Codex Astartes.


It's beneficial to survival to be a "meanie-head." It's also detrimental to survival at the same time. This is why we have conflicting instincts that drive us both to acts of great humanity and terrible wrath.

Satanic death cults
Demon invocation

