Sup Forums, if I take 5 500mg Tylenol and 5 400mg ibuprofen at the same time, what's gonna happen to me?

Sup Forums, if I take 5 500mg Tylenol and 5 400mg ibuprofen at the same time, what's gonna happen to me?

You're stomach is gonna bleed

you will get ill, maybe vomit, and feel like the cucked by life failure loser that you truely are!

welcome to the club m8!

okay, is it normal for me to feel like I just ate mint like 10 minutes after doing so?

that all?

you are still going to be a faggot

Dude it's not fucking hard just google side effects of the overdose. The mint taste is definetley not a good sign tho

oh well, always am, always will be.

2500mg tylenol and 2000mg advil... Probably nothing. I've been prescribed that level of ibuprofen before, and I've taken that amount of Tylenol before because it was in the Vicodin. The two will not interact with each other.

okay thank you

But I'm also a 250lbs man. It might hit a twink like you a bit harder. Still not going to die though.

yup, maybe not even,
Swallowed a few hundred Tylenol 250mgs back in the day when looking for attention... my bile tasted like Tylenol for 36hrs, lots of dry heaves, couldnt work... for a day!. Then everything was fine... maybe i did some stomach damage *shrugs* but that was 20yrs ago and hasnt affected me.... Ibuprofen is even less harmful immediately... maybe if you're lucky you can get your liver to shut down... but the best you most likely see is liver failure over a long time consistently ODing on that over the counter weak ass shit

well that's disappointing
u sure u didn't got explosive diarrhea or something?


(not proud) but I'm not a twink. I'm roughly 290

2000mg ibuprofen will damage your liver for sure, 2500 tylanol on top of that will just make it worse. I don't expect it to kill you though so there's nothing to be gained from that

okay thanks

Hard to say. Back then when I was doing all that Vicodin I also ate like shit because I was a stoner and would eat anything. So it could have been the Tylenol, but it also could have been the Arbys.

I'm having there's weird Stomach feelings is that normal?

Ibuprofen is excreted thru the kidneys, not the liver. What season is this story from?

consider me corrected.... i take multiple 800 Ibuprophen a day, multiple times, and my doc always warns me about the liver... but what do i know.. not a doc myself.
Only fact i can speak of is massive amounts of Tylenol... 1st hand knowledge

and... 'what season is this from?' what does that even mean?

Dont be confusing faggot